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File: 26 KB, 500x230, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7809367 No.7809367 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7809542
File: 131 KB, 594x297, BatBois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7809944

It's pumping right now you moron. BAT is $50 coin minimum eoy. Go ahead and sell tho, idc.

>> No.7810003

just take one second and think
does this have future and will ppl use it
no probably not

>> No.7810021

It's literally the only token with a usecase right now.

>> No.7810202
File: 275 KB, 1000x779, 1502336900210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having over one dollar value defeats the purpose of the token
Nice digits, tho.

>> No.7810262

I cant see how it can be worth any more than what it is right now... am I missing something?

>> No.7810304

What’s a realistic price in 2-3 years?

>> No.7810402

Creators have already been paid for the first time this last week. The platform is working right now.

>> No.7810578

fomo hype? I like the browser's default privacy potential, fucking over Google's stranglehold over those that create their content, and the project lead.
That being said, the people who the project relies upon to use it are youtube viewers. Literally the dumbest, braindead monkeys to ever walk the Earth. The millions of pewdiepie fans that are entertained by an adult making weird faces, screeching noises, and Michael Bay style video edits will not understand how this works nor would they be able to muster up the energy to go through with figuring it out even if they had the mental capacity to do so, which they don't. Once they hear the word crypto it's over.

>> No.7810662


>> No.7810988


Over $250

>> No.7811043

digits and a solid team make me hopeful. what makes you say this though? Your gut, or something more?

>> No.7811054
File: 126 KB, 1080x1349, 1080full-olga-katysheva (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Literally every crypto ever.

>> No.7811169

Look, the more money the token is worth, the more people will want to use Brave for its intended use. That's literally all you need to know. Don't buy into the FOMO, lots of people don't understand how this shit even works. It's complicated stuff, but the general idea behind it involves users and publishers using BAT as a currency. The more the currency is worth, the more people will want to get involved.

Brainlets keep confusing "how much BAT is worth" with "how much $1 worth of BAT is worth." Imagine not being able to understand the different between 5 USD worth of a currency, and the currency itself. Two different things.

If you could choose one person to be at the helm of your Crypto project, Brendan would make any sensible person's top 3 list.

>> No.7811191

Don't buy into the FUD*

>> No.7811278


I think the continued growth in users, publishers actually now gettting paid, and the overall growth of the crypto space will get it there. Everyone keeps saying that projects with real cases and possibility of actually implementing will thrive; BAT is probably the clearest use case I know, and it is actually working.

>> No.7811299
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>> No.7811417

dont even bother dispelling fud
this is the most 'smart money' crypto that could possibly exist.

>> No.7811776

I unironically started watching Pewdiepie after he had said nigger on a stream or some such, his comedy skills have improved since when I was first introduced to his work.

>> No.7811787

ladies and gentleeeeman
may i have your attention pleaaase

>> No.7811814

BAT is not meant to be speculated in. Are you guys fucking stupid? It's meant to be spent and cashed out by content creators/hosters/etc.

>> No.7811934

This. Great project, but not for hodling

>> No.7811952

holy shit youre dumb

>> No.7812731

PRL pajeet pls go

>> No.7812750

Well consider the fact that the coin is less than a quarter implemented. Jesus.

>> No.7812784


>> No.7812818

So when it's 100% implemented I will get 4x my money? KEK
See >>7811814
I sold this shit 2 weeks ago and haven't looked back. Just conform anon.

>> No.7812900

Easily more given that it has been 2x. Go read the roadmap, it lays everything out timewise. Most things are later in the year.

>> No.7812947

I've seen it implemented on some websites already

>> No.7812958

>lays everything out timewise
Dude how long have you been in crypto? You know that's like.. The definition of any road map, right? It's not anything special.. And also the road map is irrelevant if the application of the coin isn't going to make it more valuable. There are so many issues with BATs nature that it will never moon like other coins, if at all.

>> No.7813014
File: 11 KB, 411x387, 1408838236618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these two competing?

>> No.7813094

Yes but im laying it out for you as you haven't even consulted it yet pass worthless opinion. Stop being so lazy.

>> No.7813148

This stupid pajeet coin is useless & will prove no worth throughout the year its glory days are over!

>> No.7813320

Pewdiepie is shitting on crypto now. It is YouTube culture to shit on crypto. Doing it otherwise means you're a contrarian and try to shill and scam the audience. People don't like that.

Bat is finished.

>> No.7813502

> glory days over
- Uphold wallets and verified publishers
- 2 User growth promotions

- Fiat purchasable BAT
- Advertising services (USP)
- Other browser plugin
- Twitch integration
- BAT withdrawal
- Majority of UGP

Pajeet, do at least miminal reading before your 80 iq FUD. God you shitskins are subhuman.

>> No.7813531

Youtubers culture is selling your mom for $5 if you get the opportunity, so as soon as payments start rolling they will start shilling the shit out of it, if you can't see this then what can I say

>> No.7813669

Always a good sign when biz starts hating on a coin, good news inc

Just bought 11k thx

>> No.7813751

The better sign is how much the 'competitors' are severely shilled scamcoins, like the daily Qcoin threads with the exact same responses. Combined with the fact that the FUDs for BAT are usually 1 post ids and dont have a basic grasp of the coin, it suggests that the shilling against it is just pajeet scammers.

>> No.7813815

I luv u

>> No.7813832

Strong hands will make it

>> No.7813871
File: 52 KB, 800x833, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BATARDS actually think that Brave will replace Google Chrome

>> No.7814015

>tfw everybody thinks bat needs brave to succeed

>> No.7814161

Lol @ ur fud

>> No.7815232

Youtube is the launchpad but there is no money in it.

The real money will not arrive until June when the ad agencies buy in.

>> No.7815508


I thought so for a time too, but with increased use comes increased liquidity, and an increased price as people seek it out. The liquidity ensures it is in circulation and not hoarded, so it won't reward hodling as much, but it can rise in value over time as it gains in popularity - remember payouts to users will increase too, so the more it is in demand the higher the value of the user's return.

It is a very slow burner, but one I am confident in. There are other forces at play that will see this go up over time.

>> No.7815784
File: 48 KB, 511x305, 1518383332036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check em nignogs
Brendan on Top
Prepare your anus

>> No.7816764

If biz hates it, it will do well. Reading the whitepaper now & looking at the team. Very impressive. Just bought in, thanks.