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File: 201 KB, 605x527, PETROCURRENCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7808914 No.7808914 [Reply] [Original]

PRE-ICO just launched, check it out here http://elpetro.gob.ve


Exchanges (Confirmed)


0x Protocol



IDEX (Coming soon)



Petro (PTR)
Smart Contract Address
Ethereum ERC20 Token (First Development Phase)
Token Supply
100,000,000 PETROS (PTR) Max Supply.




Total emission: 100.000.000
Tokens available: 38.400.000
Reference Selling Price: USD 26.


Start date and time: February 20, 2018 at 00:00 a.m. (Venezuela time, -04:00 GMT).

Closure date and time: March 19, 2018 at 23:59:59 p.m. (Venezuela time, -04:00 GMT).

Cryptocurrency: Venezuela to start issuing oil-backed 'petro' cryptocurrency - TomoNews

Venezuela Is Launching Its Very Own Cryptocurrency | CNBC

Venezuela's $5b Ethereum Based PETRO ICO Whitepaper Released!

Venezuela New 'Petro' Cryptocurrency Backed by Oil and Gold!


Livestream (Venezuelan VicePresident)

>> No.7808960

pajeet coins

>> No.7808998

Collapsing government seeking independence from USD Becuase they have a lot of oil coin

>> No.7809039

Some normie Venezuelan at work said that buying this shitcoin might be illegal in burgerland, is it true?

>> No.7809051

If USA anons buy this token - we would be violating sanctions. This is a quick easy way to end up in Federal prison and ALL your assets seized.

>> No.7809072

Maduro has a higher likelihood of getting murdered in the streets than this has to go anywhere.
Also good job promoting a coin which is being publicly sold as a means to get around US sanctions. At least with privacy coins they have plausible deniability as to how or why they are bought and sold. This retard is taunting the US into making a massive crackdown on crypto.

>> No.7809089

I didn't know will not be an adequate defense

>> No.7809098

i'd rather niggercoin desu. A coin backed by one tangible nigger is better than (((lVenezuelan oil)))

>> No.7809101

Fake and gay

>> No.7809128
File: 54 KB, 400x259, picardshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmm I wonder what happened the last few a times when a country decided to issue currency backed by indigenous oil resources...

>> No.7809151

>muh freedom
But yeah it might be.

>> No.7809152

nobody knows how much oil they have. they lie because they are commie pieces of shit

>> No.7809157

Shut the fuck up. I thought they just wasted the disinfo shilling for the evenung

>> No.7809159

Burgerland isn't exactly the land of the free stopping all the burgers investing in what they want. You can invest in anything as long as its a burger enterprise lol.

I agree this is a shitcoin however Im even happier to not be a burger.

>> No.7809164

IS this real?

Also, is it profitable to invest ?

>> No.7809181

Only question is how fast they'll exit scam

>> No.7809182

Everything else notwithstanding, that's actually one of the most professional whitepapers I've read in a while.

>> No.7809207

>trusting a bunch of commies

>> No.7809208

How would the feds even know you bought them?

>> No.7809264

Should I throw in an ETH at this?

It seems like a good way to support a country that is trying to break free from burgers

>> No.7809274

lol @ retards not buying this, easiest pump ever once it gets mainstream attention

>> No.7809278

Quick pump and dump when it hits exchanges.

>> No.7809357

It will be sold immediately for Bitcoin.

>> No.7809361

A sympathetic figure if ever there was one. At least he'll get the last laugh when the EU collapses from the horde he was keeping from flooding there takes over.

>> No.7809417

where do you even buy this shitcoin. it's not on ED

>> No.7809420
File: 2 KB, 127x127, 1330650708791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh boy, our economy is shit and our money is worthless"
>"Let's make up a shitcoin that has no use or worth to get a bunch of moronic Americans and Euros to buy, so we can have their real money"

Yeah, sounds pretty legit

>> No.7809513

Contribution address.

Also a random shitcoin (XPD) started pump because of this

>> No.7809522

No, the venezuelan government said it was just a fake rumor

>> No.7809541

nice try scammer

>> No.7809552

where the fuck do i buy it

>> No.7809556
File: 201 KB, 764x480, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 12.07.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems real

>> No.7809559

all, please ignore this pathetic pajeet scamthread

>> No.7809585

This is the second time this happens and I didn't buy fuck
What's the current price?

>> No.7809598

You deserve to lose your money if you put it into this

>> No.7809629
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1519003234051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers are gonna get scammed.

Why are you guys so clueless about the corruption in Venezuela.


>> No.7809641

How can a crypto be Petro backed?

Can you redeem it for petroleum?

>> No.7809657

This is true; see wikipedia page on Petro.

>> No.7809663

it's pegged to the price of oil. so if you want to invest in a commodity that's losing its value every year, have fun

>> No.7809668

Guys, the listed address is wrong. The ICO address is 0xA6A9B7CB289cCE73F8d2a5261114bfCe85402fF

>> No.7809684

If you buy this trash you are literally just sending free money to Maduro. Pajeet coin and saged.

>> No.7809685

>trusting unironic spic communists

wew this is an actual shitcoin

>> No.7809707

how are they even going to back the coin with oil? You guys realize this shithole is cut off from the international community for being a bunch of asshole/defaulters right?

>> No.7809726

Backed by and pegged are two different things.

>> No.7809731

Its a shitcoin but u can pump and dump this shit w/ commie + Maduro shilling + corruption and drugs money.


>> No.7809871


This Petro shit is even a worst scam than Espers or Confido.
Who the fuck can put even $1 in the most corrupt Goverment on earth, full of commie scum and drugdealers.

This shit even makes the pajeetcoins looks good investment.

>> No.7809922

>Also good job promoting a coin which is being publicly sold as a means to get around US sanctions
>There are no other country
>burger education

>> No.7809967

Isn't the oil they do have pretty much useless unless it gets mixed with US or Middle East ultra light crude?

>> No.7810010

>hurrr durr Venezuelan government.
>hurr durr corrupt.

3 months ago.
>Hurr Ripple Banks
>Muuhhh coin ripple never 2$


>> No.7810012

HAHAHHAHAHA enjoy buying a shitcoin "backed" by their shitty basket. They can't make their currency stable, why would they manage to make this one stable. I'm sure it's backed by nothing. Fucking Venezuelans scammers, retarded country

>> No.7810079

if i'm not mistaken, and i might be, it's only funding the iso thats illegal. not buying the coin once released

>> No.7810092


>> No.7810152

Waste of your time. you're basically buying a riskier tether.

>> No.7810273

no. its a fucking shit coin. that being said theres so much shitcoins people buy into because the idea sounds great so if youre smart youll make money off the poor sods before they learn anything.

you know, read the white paper then tell me what you think.

>> No.7810322
File: 68 KB, 640x400, 1518174117848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've ALREADY destroyed their own currency.

What makes you think they aren't going to hyperinflate this one?

fucking idiots

>> No.7810340

>try to look serious making the first government crypto
>looks like pokedollar

No thanks. Never trust socialist scum

>> No.7810480

Do you fagits seriously not know how to input a contract address in EtherDelta?

>> No.7810523

>shithole coin

>> No.7810538

Oil backed currency. What a novel idea!

>> No.7810568

Guarantee this is a fake twitter and scam

>> No.7810586

>How would the feds even know you bought them?

International sanctions is srs bzns. If the REAL powers that be (ie not just cops interested in a few silk road entrepeneurs) get pissy enough, they'll track you via the transaction history back to point of origin and black-bag you.

Unless it's HEAVILY using zk-snarks or something AND buyers are using every conceivable protection, I'd not touch it with a 10-foot pole.

I'm surprised actually, I was expecting some sort of Cryptonote-based coin, with atomic-swaps to Monero or something so there's no exchange required.

Regardless, fuck this commie bullshit. They've been nothing but untrustworthy tyrants so far - anyone buying this is an idiot even WITHOUT the sanctions.

>> No.7810587

The token is an actual thing, so it's not a fake tweet. But itself, yeah, it's a scam.

>> No.7810667

Also: everybody who is involved in this, completely obvious try, to fuck up some noobs on biz, should kys ASAP!

>> No.7810724


>> No.7810735

Just bought 50$ for the keks, thanks Maduro.

>> No.7810948

Anyone NOT buying this it's a fucking idiot, this will be the easiest x10 ever.

>> No.7810994

this is legit
we reality is officially a meme now

>> No.7811058

So what if I bought some petro and sent it to burgers I didnt like? Would they go to jail?

>> No.7811120

I'll place some orders @ EtherDelta below ICO price.

>> No.7811234


Lets try this.

>> No.7811287

What happebed tell me, was it saudi??

>> No.7811314
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1518508106637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Critics predict that the petro could become what’s known in the trade as a shitcoin – digital currencies that become worthless over time or are considered scams.
>supposed journalists meming like retards on /biz/

my sides lmao

>> No.7811337

Am I blind or are you guys trolling? There's no link to the ICO.

>> No.7811519

Use ED or contribution address

>> No.7812328

the ED link goes to a different token than what entering in the smart contract info goes to. wtf

>> No.7812520

>doesn't understand penalties US can impose on foreign banks violating AML requirements
> doesn't understand the US is the most powerful important country on earth
> is foreign educated but is not smart

>> No.7813080

this is a good coin trust me

>> No.7813083

>might be illegal
This is actually the first thing I thought of. Transferring dollars to a hostile foreign government might not be a good idea.

>> No.7813126

This (PPT) is a hoax you fucking retards! Not the real coin!

>> No.7813170

All the spineless pussies in this thread are tempting me to go all in on this.

>> No.7813179

Norwegians obviously

>> No.7813766

do it faggot