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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7802948 No.7802948 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to get a third income stream, already have job and crypto
Doing PPC marketing somehow have niche that is popular but not completely saturated
Still nowhere close to making it
Spend $600 on ads, earn only $200
The first bit is supposed to be testing and I think I finally have a winning combo of ad/landing page/product
Even if it's somehow profitable no idea how to scale it up

Not sure if I should embrace classic internet marketing
>muh extremely specific niche
>how to train my kitten to miniature golf
>10 different 1000 word articles on the topic
>garbage ebook
>content locker to harvest emails

I'm not above doing this to make money, but I absolutely despise this type of thing personally and so it's hard to do. It's also pajeet tier small potatoes. Making $100 a day would be a huge accomplishment, whereas crypto and my job it's nothing. Since authority sites already exist for major niches (weight loss, self help) the only thing left to do is suck up as many micro niches as possible. It's garbage all around, both the people who create it and the people who consume it.

Though I'm not really good enough at programming to make something meaningful.

Should I start an exchange? Seems a gold mine right now. What else is there that doesn't involve competing with third worlders or getting YC backing.