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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7795804 No.7795804 [Reply] [Original]

> Yes, that would be 0.0000034 $MANs for your checkup today anon

>> No.7795964

>Visiting China to see my cousin who lives there now after studying Mandarin at university
>She takes me on a tour of Beijing
>I get jumped by some chinks
>Admitted to hospital
>Get a standard check up while I'm there because my international insurance covers it anyway as checked and verified by the MATRIX blockchain medical records management system
>Doc comes back, bad news
>I have liver cancer
>I ask him how sure he is, he says 100% because the MATRIX cancer diagnosis and treatment system agrees with him to 99% certainty
>Tells me i'm going to be fine and gives me treatment based on the deep learning outputs of the MATRIX cancer diagnosis and treatment system, which agrees with his 20 years of medical experience
>Pay the hospital bill with 0.0000034 MAN, tip the doctor 0.00001 MAN for his not-so-hard work thanks to MATRIX's application and he thanks me profusely for the generosity
>Leave smiling knowing that its all gonna be OK and I have rewarded a hard working man well for his work

>> No.7796169

Does matrix actually have some kind of cancer application or is this just memes?

>> No.7796214

just meme's for a literal shitcoin with no need for a blockchain

>> No.7796255

I found this project last month and I was dreading the day it would get on /biz/

fuck you people, fuck you all

>> No.7796256

>Visiting Thailand
>Find some promising-looking prostitutes
>Check them out on the blockchain
>Turns out they used to be men

>> No.7796322

Yeah they have partnerships with a few of the first line hospitals in China, most famous one being the Beijing Cancer Hospital. They've been working with the National Health and Welfare Commission on it. The first applications are thyroid and liver cancer

"No need for a blockchain" what? lmao if I had one of those retard pepe's this is the perfect time to use it

>> No.7796465

That's actually really cool, I'll stop fudding it then. Gonna do some research, thanks

>> No.7796668
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You have been forgiven by the matrix wizard.

>> No.7796734

Enter into the rabbit hole anon, you will be one of us soon

>> No.7796860

Just in it because it has AI and is infrastructure, not one of those ''I'm using AI to predict the market coins'' I hope i'm not wrong but this is the next buzzword. AI BaaS

>> No.7796937

How much MAN to make it? I want a house in the beach and a cute Japanese wife

>> No.7796943


Im in it becauss this is the next x100 for 2018. Have you even looked at the team anon? They make my dick hard cus they’re one of the most well known asian people.

>> No.7796982

Convert all your shitcoins to ETH then go buy MAN, wait till march for exchange listings, buy a house and sniff ur japanese wifou

>> No.7797215

No specific amounts anon, just go hard. It's all relative. If you go hard when you're supposed to go hard, repeatedly, you will make it.

>> No.7797275

What’s a good price to buy in?

>> No.7797396


Research about the matrix anon and you’ll find out, let the matrix live upon your life.....sniffff

>> No.7797449

I can't predict that. Everyone yesterday said it was gonna dump and it went up 45% today. Personally I would just buy in now, because March ill be way past these levels anyway, and no selling should be done until its in the multibillion level

Currently valuation is nearly half of what I bought into Antshares at, and overall cap was much lower then. Clearly I didn't regret it

>> No.7797475

What is the circulating supply of this?

>> No.7797514
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>> No.7797574

This. Im horrified now. They wont fucking stop either

>> No.7797582
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Ty senpai I appreciate it, these are my low holdings will prob dump them for some man feels bad selling Qash and Spank for a loss. Might keep the Qash it’s a longer term hold.

>> No.7797597
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>> No.7797662


can you only buy this on IDEX right now?

>> No.7797682

You didn't finish accumulating or what?

>> No.7797726
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>> No.7797776
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>> No.7797832

Why does /biz/ kill everything I love

>> No.7797847


Yeah but big exchanges around march confirmed by admins.

>> No.7797897

how we kill? we pump the coin so you can buy u fuck. binance confirmed on march 15th, chinks will kill for this/ buy or stay poor faggot

>> No.7797912
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>> No.7797941
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>> No.7797956

I would literally sell everything except VEN, OMG and LTC and buy MAN with the proceeds.

>> No.7798044

LTC -usless piece of shit mined by some nerds in their basment and now they are rich? dump this shitcoin

VEN wtf it is alreadt 3 billion market cap fk this shit coin

MAN - created by the best minds in china, all fking star team, huge partnerships, low cap, top 10 cmc

>> No.7798074
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>> No.7798155
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>> No.7798156


Don't get these retards, they have legit other cryptos, patrician choices, and smack in the middle, the shitcoin LTC

>> No.7798168

You're not wrong. I would have said to sell them all but he seems to like diversifcation

>> No.7798219

exactly why the fk buy some retarded ltc, btc or some other shit and make fking nerds rich? Just buy new coins and get those fkin ltc,btc, holders buy MAN and make you rich

>> No.7798336
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>implying red skelly can touch us in the matrix

>> No.7798447

matrix marines!!!! fk linkers,

>> No.7798534
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>> No.7798603

You weren't kidding

I'm in.

>> No.7798758

Last github update Jan 11th, on the whitepaper. Virtually no activity. Shitcoin. Fuck off pajeet.

>> No.7799076
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Should I sell my DBC bags and use what little remains to buy this coin?

>> No.7799185

Stay poor idiot. They don't use a public github repo, obviously

Man idk why you even bought DBC, completely useless project, but yes, we'll take you in as a refugee and get you your money back

>> No.7799409

>self learning next gen ai blockchain
>Trading only on idex under the radar

Buy now or buy next month at 10x prices faggot on binance

>> No.7799606
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Yea I like diversifying, any advice on what to do with the btc/Eth/neo I will prob just hold them for a few years as they are relatively safe bets, kinda concerned with all of Ethereum’s competitors though

>> No.7799650

I bough ltc at 40$ have been too lazy to trade it

>> No.7799670


Got 4200 MAN. Should I buy more now with some PFR which is going fucking nowhere? Could get maybe 1000 more.

>> No.7799734

You need 10k MAN in order to be a real man. Dump your fking bags, grow a dick and join the MAN's club

>> No.7799813

FUCK I only bought 150 of these cunts been waiting for other coins to moon FUCK

>> No.7800677

Realistically how much time before the mission? I need to accumulate.

>> No.7800782

Lol the ultimate bluechip reddit portfolio.
stop being a little bitch with ur money and invest something with growth potential

>> No.7800807

It's allready starting. 1$ is the absolute bottom but it will be 2 $ soon.
Got alot of these fuckers. Rich soon

>> No.7801485

it keeps mooning holy fk

>> No.7801798

cmon you had a month to accumulate

>> No.7801857

got 10k. am i gonna make it

>> No.7802302

I'm so glad for that chink insider guy.

Fell for his MAN shill and got it at 0.00075. Filled up on some more today since the 80% profit would offset my losses if it falls in price again.

I really want a chink gf and MAN is the way since they are all materialistic as fuck.

>> No.7802493

Man is the dookie sniffing pop rocks. Im finna buy even mo. Me so horny