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File: 762 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-02-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7787094 No.7787094 [Reply] [Original]

>To view an adult site in the UK, you must be age-verified, using personal data such as credit card details or a passport

As a porn site owner, I'm just going to ban UK users. Can't be bothered with that shit

>> No.7787109

Jesus Christ those Brits are really fucking themselves over aren't they.

>> No.7787135
File: 265 KB, 650x797, 5474574578458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No don't ban porn!! How will i cum unless i can see hot girls getting fucked by other dudes?

>> No.7787159
File: 32 KB, 485x443, pondergrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u don't live in britian why do you care? Just don't do the shit and let users use until isps block you.

What, are they gonna fine you like germany did to facebook for 'toxic content'? lol just don't pay.

>> No.7787187

Why even bother blocking anyone?

>> No.7787215


I do live in Britain, but Americans are my biggest audience

If I don't do it, I could get hit with a £250k fine. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7787226


God I love the Tories, the only thing that could make post-Brexit Britain better is if Rees-Mogg becomes PM.

>> No.7787246


Either him of Boris for full meme

>> No.7787253

Weren't the tories supposed to be less bad than the labour ?

>> No.7787256

Yes isn't state control great, soon we can start blocking those racist websites!

>> No.7787264

>hey, let's restrict internet freedom a bit to show our dumb voters how conservative and nationalist we are
>wow, an African - welcome to your new home, my culturally enriching friend

>> No.7787309

I am all for it, if the pajeet is too stupid to able to use a vpn he should be banned from porn, real news, dark web, etc,etc..
Why the fuck was tor invented?

>> No.7787330


They are, I wasn't being sarcastic in my post.

>> No.7787352


>Implying the left isn't planning to do that anyway

Your options are simple:
Left bans racist sites but encourages porn and teaching anal sex to elementary school student, Right bans racist sites and porn for underaged kids. If you haven't figured out how pornography is destructive to interpersonal relationships and society then it's too late for you.

>> No.7787377
File: 211 KB, 637x1186, UK_cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give the Brits a good banter image. Don't just say "Sorry, UK not allowed"

>> No.7787391
File: 56 KB, 232x246, 3aa2eed8e68f89e2a4ff12133a75ce9c5661ac2632aa1d04e7a091c8dfc58481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting put.io or bitport to just download porn

Are you this dumb brit bong?

>> No.7787410

i alway wanted to start a porn site. You making good money with thay shit? DO you make your own content or are you selling dildos?

>> No.7787441


I know pornography is destructive, but it's nothing compared to an authoritarian government with the power to censor vast regions of the internet.

The internet is literally the last bastion of free speech, and already it's losing it's ground

When Labour next get in, I wouldn't be surprised if they start banning racist, "alt-right" websites

>> No.7787496
File: 33 KB, 600x400, IMG_0773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I hope ye get hanged drawn and quartered you jewish rat bastard corruptin the youth

>> No.7787500
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>> No.7787503


>> No.7787504
File: 89 KB, 586x434, 0C64CE4A-B76D-43F4-A7C6-20247509ED52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what trumptards actually believe

>> No.7787529

>what is /gif/

>> No.7787566



Is one fucking country in Western Europe making good decisions?

>> No.7787591

Porn is the same as alcohol.

Prohibition not a good idea.

>> No.7787592

>imported millions of inbred foreigners from a culture hostile to our way of life
>said pakis rape dozens of thousands of little white girls a year
>let's solve this by blocking porn so they're even hornier
are bongs suicidal or just cucks? i genuinely don't get it

>> No.7787623
File: 1.86 MB, 2302x2944, top meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having this poor of an understanding of net neutrality

It called us drumpftards guise, how well we evr recover???

>> No.7787682

does that mean 4chan/b?

>> No.7787753

>mudshits having a pedo rape gang that feeds little girls to UK politicians and media personalities
>acid attacks
>trucks of peace
yes soyim you must not watch porn and must not post “”””””hate speech”””””” on social media. we are making sure our police force is on the case!

when will britbongs do something? you fought hitler just to be taken over by the bolsheviks

>> No.7787805
File: 19 KB, 499x499, 1516174392116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I guess UK users better start looking for a more family friendly imageboard. Can't get caught with brappers on screen and risk getting sent to the clinker.

>> No.7787841

The State should have absolutely no control over something like this, unless its cp obviously in which case it should be illegal.
I don't really care though, watching porn is bad for your brain.

>> No.7787867


This law will apply to strictly pornographic websites. The main reason they gave was a study suggesting that children were "stumbling upon" pornography far too easily. Funnily enough, social media sites and forums (twitter, tumblr, 4chan, leddit, etc) that allow this 18+ content and are probably the biggest culprit will not require age-verification software.

>> No.7787885


Darkweb site and monetise with (consentual) browser mining - users don't need all their cpu cores to spank it. Premium services via cryptos - it's what this shit is for anon. Do it right and you'll have a captive market.

>> No.7787890



This is what happens when u give up ur freedoms faggots, give them a finger they will take ur whole hand

>> No.7787902
File: 41 KB, 299x259, 1449574351332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chink isn't a pornographic website

>> No.7787928
File: 459 KB, 1280x1336, 1518830389721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit parents want society to cater to their children, theres something new

>> No.7787933

>watching porn is bad for your brain.

Then proceeds to spend 8 hours on 4chan anyway

>> No.7787952

....this was a leftist plan though. There's no pro-porn or pro-freedom party in the UK.

Enough with the left and right. Both are shit-tier and irrelevant viewpoints now. There's only (((business interests))) now, and mind control tactics for the normies.

If only there was some third way, with a more final solution to the problem....

>> No.7787974

This kek. I live in South Korea now and it takes 5 minutes to either get a nice VPN or use a shitty free one, even on my phone. That and sites like Spankbang aren't even blocked for some reason.

The ONLY people that are actually affected by "porn bans" in these countries are women and complete fucking morons.

>> No.7787976


>> No.7787988
File: 31 KB, 504x272, 1483840628893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7788098

>If I don't do it, I could get hit with a £250k fine. Fuck that shit.

Not amazing money; it's an obscure tube site, only my 5th highest source of revenue. You're better off finding other adult ventures.

>> No.7788424

As a porn site owner, I'm just going to ban UK users. Can't be bothered with that shit

Unless you are also in the UK I can't see why you would bother. Just wait for them to block you, after that you'll still be getting VPN traffic from brits.

>> No.7788906
File: 5 KB, 419x120, images3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUBSTRATUM to the rescue. Internet censorship will be a thing of the past. Rule Britannia and Rule Substratum