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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7762803 No.7762803 [Reply] [Original]

>buy $2k 50 gram gold bar
>scratch off 1 gram/trace amount of gold
>sell back 50 gram bar for $2k
>buy another new $2k 50 gram gold bar
>scrape off another 1 gram
>repeat until you have your own 50 grams of gold

You could do this for infinity and nobody would know. Why does nobody do this? Niggas are still using those weird river pans to get tiny gold nuggets. Shit could make you rich very fast.

ALTERNATIVELY: buy 50 grams of gold, melt a bit off of it and replace with a common metal like aluminum or iron... re-forge into a 50 gram bar. 25 grams of it would be non-gold but nobody would know because 25 grams of it are covered in real gold.

>> No.7762835
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you don't think people have tried to do this since the dawn of time?
there are countermeasures you retarded nigger

>> No.7762839
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>nobody would know

>> No.7762957

Jews did that for hundreds of years. This is why coins have those marks on their sides.

>> No.7762964

Fuck that.
I made half a mil last year by betting on horse racing. Just bet on every horse, that way you can't loose

>> No.7763040

> replace with a common metal like aluminum or iron

Archimedes solved this like two thousands years ago. USA education in a nutshell, I presume

>> No.7763047
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And here I am with a job like a fucking idiot when I could have been doing this the whole time.

>> No.7763048

unironically this

>> No.7763077

Fucking lol

>> No.7763091

You should try this and keep us updated on the results.

>> No.7763125
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>Why does nobody scam other people?

>> No.7763153

Holy fuck nigger I think you might be on go something here, this is a completely new and revolutionary idea.

>> No.7763159

I do this with boxed food like cereal. Open the box carefully to avoid tearing the flaps. Pour some out into ziploc. Glue flaps shut again. Take back for refund.

>> No.7763167

kek this is a good one

also this

>> No.7763174

who are you going to repeatedly buy and sell the same object from? a brick and mortar business will get suspicious. an online business will charge you fees. also businesses will buy back for less than they'll sell for.

if you want to do it with individuals then you're at risk of them trying to scam you, and you'll be doing significant work to set up these trades and verify authenticity, for little pay off.

>> No.7763189

You're a little late on the game. People have been doing this with gold coins. It was called shaving, hence having those ridges on the side of the coin to determine if the coin has been shaved or not.

In regards to melting/recasting, this was solved with weights and carats. You can measure if gold has been tampered with by putting it in weights and measuring its density. That's why the chinks have devised a plan by putting tungsten rods since tungsten has almost the same density and weight as gold making detection harder but countermeasures are being developed as we speak to combat this. Try again next time.

>> No.7763190

You know they weigh ignots, right? And have been doing some since ACHEMIDIES

>> No.7763223

lol hi burguer

>> No.7763228

Reforging is a no, and the amount you'd have to scrape off for it to be undetected on scales is .00001 g on a lot of jewelry scales used. So you would have to waste too much time to make 2k

>> No.7763245

These days a milligram scale costs about 10 bucks. Correct me if I'm wrong but I would imagine anybody dealing with thousands/millions of dollars worth of gold bouillon would make that trivial investment to ensure they don't get ripped off.

>> No.7763249

>.00001 g
> 0.1mg
Really? Seems like finger grease could even add that much weight

>> No.7763262

>rediscovering 2000-year old scams that everybody is already wise to
>acting like you're a genius for rediscovering them
This is the current state of /biz/

>> No.7763278

>same density and weight as gold
25 grams of aluminum is still 25 grams. the whole what ways more a 1kg iron or 1kg of feathers... nigger they're both the same!

As if gold buyers check every single thing anyway. for something lowkey like 2k gold bars aka 50 grams they prob just look make sure its gold and not painted silver and give you your 2k dollars

>> No.7763286

>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7763291

That's why they wear gloves

>> No.7763346

You're probably posting ironically but I mean the seller can put his disgusting human fingers all over the thing and it would weigh more. I doubt they clean things.

In any case I googled and the precision for gold scales seems to be around 10mg and not 0.1mg.

>> No.7763369

this is exactly what jews used to do with gold coins
thats why they now have milled edges

>> No.7763390

If you were clipping gold 1mg at a time you would probably be making less than minimum wage for yourself.

>> No.7763400

if i was buying that much gold i would weight it first. and measure the dimensions of the bar.

>> No.7763418

You don't seem like to own any gold

>> No.7763421

I know, I know. Just bringing some facts into discussion.

>> No.7763436

do a dna test, you might be part of the master race (jewish)

>> No.7763475

The point is that the gold trade is the oldest
>ooo shiny
endeavor in human history.
There have been millennia of work put into developing countermeasures for gold scams.

>> No.7763487

Also chinks have been known to sell bullion as lead covered in gold. If you're ever going to purchase physical precious metals dont buy from ebay.

>> No.7763494

You mean:
>sell back 49 gram bar for $1.9*k

Scales exist, faggot.

>> No.7763540

This is David Leisure from Empty Nest tier. And undeniably Semitic.

>> No.7763549

>How to get your legs broken -by /biz/

>> No.7763598

If the gold looks scratched up and shit it loses value you coon. Also the scales they weigh the gold on go to like fucking 9 decimals. So they would know 1g of it is gone.

>> No.7763625

The amount of time and energy invested in doing something like this would far outweigh any gain. Like counterfeiters printing dollar bills.
That's why instead of going through all the trouble, people just sell those 'real gold' coin collectible memorabilia for $20 when really it is only worth $1. And this is all legal/advertised on TV.

>> No.7763628

Literally the reason coins have ridges.

>> No.7763692

What if he weights the bar when you turn it in retard

>> No.7763726

>what is weight per density
Kek retard.

That's why I included density in the first place. A gold ingot of the same density wont weigh the same as an aluminum ingot with the same density. There's a reason why they use aluminum in aircraft and not gold genius. A plan of the same size and length in gold would weigh more than aluminum of the same size and length.

You COULD make 25 gram of iron or aluminum but you'd need more of it just to to register as 25 grams, making your gold ingots already suspect when you need your fake and tampered gold bars already made larger just so they can weigh the same.

>> No.7763763

I dunno wtf desnity is but im pretty sure you need to be a scietist to measure it. if you coat 25g of aluminum in solid gold nobody would question it. especially as 50g of gold is only worth 2k dollars

>> No.7763779

>>what is weight per density
>weight per density
Wow, I'm genuinely surprised with how retarded some of you are.

>if you coat 25g of aluminum in solid gold nobody would question it
You too.

>> No.7763793


>> No.7763819
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>what is tungsten Alex

>> No.7763834

works all well until of your buyers brings his gold to a real expert, gets told it's fake (or less) and proceeds to bust your stupid head in

>> No.7763838
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>Nobody would know
What are electronic scales
>Why doesn't anybody do this
you would be losing money after taxes

>> No.7763894

how can one person be so incredibly retarded? pls be baiting

>> No.7763909

>weight per density
I swear this is the hardest I've laughed all week. The absolute STATE of this fucking board.

>> No.7763926

Weight per density exists moron
>There are two kinds of density, "weight density" and "mass density".

I can't believe people don't know basic stuff like this.

>> No.7763971

OP ousted himself as a kike lol

>> No.7763977

I can measure density with a graduated cylinder half full of water and a set of calipers. Some real science there

>> No.7764026

>ctrl+F "weight per density"
>0 result
If you had said "weight density" or "density by weight" you would have been correct.

>> No.7764053

((( They've ))) done it for thousands of years. It's called ((( coin clipping ))) and it's one reason merchants were expelled from European kingdoms and later put into German Funtime Activity Centers

>> No.7764138


> Thinking that you can sell gold for the same price you bought.

No business will buy back for market price, think of it like bid/ask prices on an exchange, you’d lose money on the spread assuming they are stupid enough to fall for it.

>> No.7764237

Weight per density or density by weight are one and the same given the context of what I was arguing about in order to find out if gold has been tampered or not. You can measure an object's weight with its density and vice versa, Jesus Christ. You're playing semantics and nitpicking just for the sake of it in order to appear smart on the internet. You do pseudo-intellectuals proud.

>> No.7764346
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I'd say you're the pseudo-intellectual, but OK.

>> No.7764466

Weight density
density = weight / volume
Weight = density x volume

Simple maths retard. You're obviously an internet scholar because you like to nitpick and argue semantics.

>> No.7764586

I'm nearly a PhD. Your damage control is fun. Those equations, which I obviously know and agree with as anyone who's not a retard, don't change the fact that saying "density per weight" shows an absolute ignorance of physical measurements.

I'm indeed arguing semantics: semantics is meaning. You can't slap new meanings on terms you make up. I'm not giving you any more (You)s, sorry.

>> No.7764681

>I'm nearly a PhD
I'm sure you're a cryptomillionaire as well. Do you earn 100k per month too with your PhD in math?

>> No.7764740

holy shit, this thread is still alive

>> No.7764772


>> No.7764882

Kek'd so hard my sides hurt

>> No.7765012

>what is a scale

>> No.7765045

He's not joking look it up.

>> No.7765146

>>buy $2k 50 gram gold bar
>>scratch off 1 gram/trace amount of gold
>>sell back 50 gram bar for $2k

When you buy and sell, YOU will be the one to pay a premium each time, so it's more like

>Buy 50 gram bar for $2,300
>Sell back 50 gram bar for $1,800

You can keep doing this all you want, if you shave off anything more than microscopic, the dealer will notice and cut you off.

>> No.7765184
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>OP thinks 1g is a negligible amount

>> No.7765223

>Everyone should have just told OP to do it
gold is always weighed...they don't just take your word or what is stamped
and secondly they will pay you less, never full value.

>> No.7765344

Jews used to do this with coins. They got thrown out of some country ages ago for doing it. It’s why coins have engravings on their edges now.

>> No.7765377
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>> No.7765395
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>> No.7765399


>> No.7765418
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>> No.7765595
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thats an incredible well elaborated plan OP im sure nobody has ever tried such a thing