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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7734018 No.7734018 [Reply] [Original]

Watchbro has been exposed as a con artist.

Previous thread: >>7729404

>> No.7734045

He said a lot of true things thoa

>> No.7734097

im not reading that shit, how did he get exposed

>> No.7734157

I'm getting sick of this gullible boards insistence on worshipping tripfags and thus creating a breeding grounds for more attention whores. The oldest trick in the book is playing both sides so no matter what you'll be right. And then they dump the wrong trip and create a new one saying the same shit to either further legitimize their "correct" trip, or use the new one when their old trip gets wrong and the new right.
What the fuck is wrong with this idiot brainlet board??

>> No.7734163

anons found his twitter/youtube/reddit and watchbro aka ryan started deleting his profiles.

But I don't see how that makes him a con. He retweeted some retarded shit back in the day but so what?

>> No.7734167


>> No.7734208
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>> No.7734215
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>> No.7734244
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It was fucking obvious after he made this comment on TRX. Knows nothing about this market like your average millennial cuck, if you don't see the light on Tron you should be literally banned from owning crypto from here on out.

>> No.7734254

What's wrong with that?

>> No.7734261

He didn't say anything new.

He fudded his hodls of man and amb probably in a whale dump group.

He shilled Radix ico and said he knew the founders. That eas either larp red flag or shilling for them. I went to their telegram and admins acted like fags.

>> No.7734263
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Board advisor in crypto?

>> No.7734269

he was a stinkie after all?

>> No.7734299

Fucking delete this shitbags

>> No.7734307

I have a suspicion that this is the same guy that acted like swiss hedge dund manager some time ago

>> No.7734312

Seems like solid advice to me. TRX is for retards

>> No.7734328

Is that surprising at all? Con artist loves his literally proven scamcoin. You have to be a real brainlet to hold something when red flags that can't be justified or given a reasonable explanation start popping up.

>> No.7734334

Sorry for fatfngered typos

>> No.7734355

Lmao dude gives solid advice to you brainlets and you try to dox him and ruin him. Can the people on this board get more retarded?

>> No.7734364

Hey everyone look at this inbred idiot! Let's all laugh at him! Hahahaha!
Alright kid get off this website now, it's for grownups.

>> No.7734412
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Plebbit profile

>> No.7734417
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>Calling the bullshit part 5
>Watchbro has been exposed as a con artist.

>on /biz/
>calling someone con artist

wow, this place is really going down hill

>> No.7734428

He didnt give much advice desu

He liked tron ffs

And any brainlet with two brain cells can see that man is going to get the same level of attention that ven got

>> No.7734445

1. How come he's in crypto since 2012 but his earliest tweets about crypto only date back to late 2017?
2. Why would a "board advisor" promote pajeet-tier "Super Awesome Mass Planner Settings Guide With Earnings Proof" affiliate programs on his twitter?
3. Why would a "board advisor" literally beg for coins on Reddit?
etc, etc

>> No.7734453

His threads were the only decent ones on here for a long time amongst this sea of complete bullshit. Not just his posts but the further discussion within that it provided. Geezer provided some informative insight. The absolute state of biz nowadays.

>> No.7734467

literally this, why would he delete his shit tho? No one was going to rape him or kill him, I hope

>> No.7734484

trx is shit

>> No.7734514

Actually he DISLIKED Tron and LIKED. MOTHERFUCKING. CHAINLINK. BAHAHAHA. That's the /biz/ IQ test right there. #TronGangStrong
lots of inbred idiots today, I'm getting worn out from all the laughing I've had to do.

>> No.7734521

You are just new so it might feel like that

Assblaster was 1000x better

>> No.7734526

He said he didn't like tron brainlet. And everything he called he specifically said to do your own research.

>> No.7734555

1. Maybe he did buy and forgot, and was a bit larping, but the intention was good
2. Maybe a Twitter virus
3. Was testing alternative ways of getting coins

>> No.7734575

>lots of inbred idiots today, I'm getting worn out from all the laughing I've had to do.
i know you have a lot of bags,so do i. This token is shit and ran buy a chink who trys to pump this shit on twiter

>> No.7734608
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>> No.7734626

>1. How come he's in crypto since 2012 but his earliest tweets about crypto only date back to late 2017?
I'd put that on my CV as well, to gain oldfag points.

>2. Why would a "board advisor" promote pajeet-tier "Super Awesome Mass Planner Settings Guide With Earnings Proof" affiliate programs on his twitter?
Pre-board membership hustle?

>3. Why would a "board advisor" literally beg for coins on Reddit?
dunno, he likes free stuff I guess

>> No.7734634

Oh I get it now. A tron bag holder got triggered when called out his hyped shit coin and doxxed him. Makes sense now. I mean the normies said tron has that web 4.0 on lock so I guess I'll invest in that now instead of the low marketcap gems watchbro was calling out for free.

>> No.7734650

just like every fucking larp on anon image boards they want to be internet famous without using their face

>> No.7734664

>this fucking retard
What are you a failed trip fag out for revenge?
TRON can suck my balls, enjoy your bags

>> No.7734667

That "chink" is the Steve Jobs that will define distributed technologies for decades to come. Have a little respect for the man, idiot child. Read Justin's Twitter and always tune in to the scheduled streams, he has a brilliant mind for this stuff.

>> No.7734671

Man was the only guy giving out solid advice, I could give a fuck less if he was a board advisor or a barista.
Fucking biz

>> No.7734693

Seriously you need to stop coming out of the woodwork, it's too exhausting to laugh at all of you.

>> No.7734710

dude i feel bad for you now. only thing chinks are good at are tricking people and knocking shit off.

>> No.7734743

This place is infested with pubescent teens with 100 dollar portfolios.

>> No.7734769

Yikes. I'm guess it's good to know retards like this exist.
I feel confident I'll have somewhere to dump my bags now

>> No.7734866

even if he was a pajeet, the advice was sound

>> No.7734892

>OMG 3 Omega
>Old macbook pro covered in grime and dirt
Funny I took one look at that ridiculous b8 and knew right away

>> No.7734962

Hi Justin

>> No.7734998

> Attacking the author instead of the arguments
Even if his intention was to cause damage to you (how?), you have to admit his advice was wise.

>> No.7735046

The people on this site are so silly. Go back to worshipping your abandoned shit-link project cleverly paired with an absolutely pitiful social media and marketing presence.
Pick coins that reach for the technological stars like TRX and you will grab a rocket to Jupiter. You guys fancy yourselves to be highly intelligent fundamental investors, believing that picking boring fucking coins that nobody is ever going to utilize or care about is how you find diamonds in the rough (because if it's not "cool" it therefore MUST have real value, right???) but in reality you just find what the "normies" have seen all along, another pile of shit, sitting on the ground where shit just generally tends to be.

>> No.7735176

3/10 you're from reddit or a shit troll.If you are srs then good luck

>> No.7735213
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>Maybe a Twitter virus

>> No.7735216

Probably bait, but you guys got buttmad enough to dox one of the more interesting things to happen to this board the past few months. Niggers.

>> No.7735237

not just this board anon, newfags idolize trips because they remind them of popular users on reddit or some shit

>> No.7735275
File: 202 KB, 500x500, C959AF3F-E67F-4345-8B3A-A22C975C9D15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off this board

>> No.7735300

When faced with facts all the simpleton can do is meekly imply I'm trolling. Pathetic.
Make me, anime boy.

>> No.7735305

Try tripping on /a/, /v/ or /b/ and they'd tell you to fuck off or ignore you. Unless you spout some generic /pol/ stuff I guess.

>> No.7735316

are you that butthurt clown from part 4 that was upset he didn't like trx?

>> No.7735322

That alone confirms he's for real.

TRON is for the retards of retards.

>> No.7735351

Ok, thanks for letting us know ur retarded, now back to facebook.

>> No.7735364

I made fun of him for being a TRON hater while promoting the LINK cult that everyone who is anyone has known to be a dead project for months now.

>> No.7735405

I don't even use Facebook, TRON mainnet is going to eat Facebook's lunch. Content evaporation from that shithole overnight.

>> No.7735414

can u guys consider the possibility that maybe he's ryan/watchbro can still be who he claims he is? So far his advice/research is pretty solid

>> No.7735441

>So far his advice/research is pretty solid
Good one wQ3I2Mur!

>> No.7735459
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Back to Facebook, faggot. Pic related is you

>> No.7735484

>everyone who is anyone has known to be a dead project for months now


>> No.7735495

Nah, going to drive traffic here from my Twitter and you can't stop me! ;)

>> No.7735496
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Just so people in this thread can see that you are an angry man that got btfo.

>> No.7735506
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> Good one wQ3I2Mur!

Hi ryan, now back to Normiebook. Faggot

>> No.7735536


Swissbro called watchbro being a rich kid with connections from day 1

>> No.7735606

perhaps you're right about those, save for /a/ (though fishposter got banned not long ago, pretty close to tripfagging even if it wasn't)

>> No.7735653

It seems you have a crush on Justin, and are a cult member of TRON

>> No.7735679

To be fair, Justin is pretty handsome and rich

>> No.7735741

Read the previous thread faggots and DYOR, he has deleted absolutely everything but still cached and some anon archived it. His telegram is still up, let's see what his endgame is.

>> No.7735763

looks like justin found /biz/ and is starting his marketing campaign. Its win-win for me, i get to make money dumping my bag while shit talking this chink

>> No.7735839

Archived stuff


>> No.7735887

You niggers don't get it.
Even if he was larping, the threads were good.
He mentioned a thing or two which I did research on and which seem good. How dies it matter he was shilling if he makes you think about things?

>> No.7735917

Watchbro is a faggot
Swissbro is a faggot
DYOR or you too will be a faggot

>> No.7736042

so what im reading from this is tron and justin fanboys got buttmad (typical) and doxxed this guy?
too bad, was some really good discussions

>> No.7736083

tron fag got butthurt and attacked the guy instead of argument. doesnt matter if he was shilling or larping, was much more valuable than what tron fag contributed. anon, I... this board...

>> No.7736123

just so you know, YOU are giving the worse image to TRON

>> No.7736141

or maybe tron guy and watch bro were the same.
you never know with trips which the general rule is never to trust them

>> No.7736181

just playing devils advocate

>> No.7736194

Give me some example of this kind of operation please

>> No.7736287

Wow biz is ACTUALLY filled with fucking retards. Holy shit.

Watch bro and swissbro actually give decent advice. They mentioned some good upcoming ICOs. Point is, they actually seemed to contribute rather than the SAME high school faggots who post pink wojacks and baghold link and tron.

And yes, both link and tron are complete and total shitcoins.

Anyways, another decent poster who wanted to help now will not come back. Great, back to filtering and hiding LINK threads I guess.

>> No.7736303

im not going to hold your hand. i gave you something to think about. you can belive it or dont idc

>> No.7736311

One of these days I will make a tripthread and sign my posts with an address with 400 BTC in it.
Would be nice being the first verifiable legit tripfaggot

>> No.7736333

Can you guys tell me if his recommendations were good though? Endor, Gifto, Nebulas, MAN?

>> No.7736337

Get fucked faggot

Only one that ever contributed anything was assblaster shilling link

>> No.7736344


This, kinda.

Swissbro and his telegram admins do some serious DD, even if they're larpers.

Watchbro makes some questionable calls (especially AI-related coins) but his information is also good in general.

>> No.7736350

This board feeds on pissing off people like you, but you may be too much of a newfag to realize this lol

>> No.7736361


>> No.7736390

not sure about all of his other calls yet but endor seems pretty promising

much rather have these sort of threads LARP or not. Obviously need to be wary of the endgame these guys have

>> No.7736393
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>> No.7736411
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Pic is from his Telegram.

Also, fuck you OP. I don't care if is a shill or a con artist. The threads are full of valuable discussion.

>> No.7736415


>> No.7736442
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>> No.7736683
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>> No.7736763

i liked watchbros threads, he gave me a lot of good insight. if you faggots wouldn't always start worshipping a person you would realize he's a solid person despite his shakey norman social media history. well i hope watchbro takes it very easy, but at least there was a little something new for him to learn too tihihi

>> No.7736778

True, fuck this retarded Link and Tron faggots. Biz became Cancer.

>> No.7736811

>Defending FOMO LARP cancer
Absolute state

>> No.7736815

More archived stuff

>> No.7736974
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>> No.7737071

Read both Tron and Link papers.
You'll notice one is a copy paste from concepts taken from different other papers (Filecoin mostly), and the other is a decent shot at solving a major problem making smartcontracts useful.

Now the memes are just board culture, ignore them. Use them to gauge interest.

>> No.7737849 [DELETED] 
