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771721 No.771721 [Reply] [Original]

How do you take advantage of gentrification?

The city I'm from is a rust belt crime and corruption infested shithole, however trendy lesbians and artsy 30-somethings are starting to set up shop. Gentrification is coming, some day. Thats a huge pit of potential earnings right there and a firm foothold in a local market to start branching out. What businesses profit and expand most due to gentrification, what local resources should be considered in such a business? Tourism is the only thing keeping the city alive.

>> No.771733

Simple, start by buying houses or apartments on the cheap and renting them to lesbians by painting or decorating them in lesbian-appealing colours (denim wallpaper?) and then once a large enough lesbian movement begins, start up something either hipster or organic, so either a 'hip' café that sells sub par coffee and takes all your orders on an ipad, or a candle and soap shop or some other organic free trade girl-on-girl sandwich shop which will not only attract the people living there but enhance the lesbianism of the suburb.

>> No.771737

I wish I knew. There is a huge cesspool of Nigger Livin I wish I could gentrify and make millions. The city is even trying to do revitalization in the area so im sure banks would be lenient

>> No.771738

we arent quite in the "rent property to lesbians" stage, we are still very much in the food-stamped minority stage. I'm far ahead of the curve here.

candle and soap shop sounds good though. Id have to compete with the current trendy lesbians who are getting their soaped ship to them from amish people and repackaging them however. I guess. Theres also a LOT of gay men showing up.

>> No.771740


Open a sex-shop. I know there's a dirth of them in my town.

>> No.771741

sex shops are only any good in places consigned to be a shithole forever. By the time I have the investment capital on a business it'd be time to start riding the wave of gentrification. I'm good friends with some artsy lesbian and organic home-growing and urban pioneering types. If I frame this right, could I perhaps buy out an old shitty department store or something, clean the fucking place up and use city money to turn it into some artsy medium-rent lofts? keep out the riffraff, but let in the 30-something and otherwise artsy "coast-to-coast AM" and prairie home companion types?

>> No.771758

Well shit /biz/

The best properties I know of in the area as being run down and shitty, who offer property in lieu of tax, tax credits and development packages are all owned by one asshole who wants 5 million for 21 buildings and 38 parcels.

Not quite at that financial stage in my life. Think I could negotiate him down on a single item?

>> No.771814

easy. just buy property or start a upscale coffee shop

>> No.771823

i was thinking of buying some really fucking cheap properties and work towards growth, however many of the best properties are owned by one person. I want to take this beyond just one or two properties into a macro scale so growth would definitely be a consideration, but I dont want to be one of these slumlords who owns a shitload of crap properties for tax write offs.

I could start an upscale coffee shop, but as it is the best places to do that are also devoid of human life unless you count welfare recipients, so the idea for me to analyze and learn in depth what starts gentrification and get my finger in each individual pie.

>> No.771825


Wrong, there's a sex shop on Tottenham Court Road in Central London with a very prominent streetfront that makes a killing selling poppers and overpriced handcuffs to Guardian-readers. It's all just branding. Why do you think they call women-dildos 'massagers' now?

>> No.771827

But if you really want to make money out of homosexuals and lesbians, exploit their abundance of disposable income. Become a spa-bath installer or something.

>> No.771840

for all intents and purposes consider these people the grassroots of the artsy lesbians and gay guys. They are getting traction but are not the college-tier super rich types yet, and the city is losing more people than it brings in still, and the young people try and move out. But the artsy cafes and coffee shops are opening and economic redevelopment is coming..

yeah but thats L O N D O N