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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7715940 No.7715940 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to university for 3 years
>Drop out because I'm not a normie
>Use my student loan to buy crypto
>Pay off my student loan
>Move out of my parents house and get my own flat
>Mfw financially independent @22 years old

>> No.7715990
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>Go to university for 3 years
>Drop out because I'm not a normie
Sure, that must be the reason.

>> No.7716134

Imagine defending the (((institution)))

>> No.7716214
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Are u trying to prove here universities are just commie breeding shitholes. No goyim. Do not do that!

>> No.7716257
File: 129 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-02-14-21-24-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me irl

>> No.7716291

To be fair, in the United States...
College is a scam.

>> No.7716359

>too stupid for uni
>get lucky in crypto
>drop out and spend the rest of my life justifying myself to strangers on a bhutanese Papier-mâché forum
Well if thats what makes you happy anon

>> No.7716493

God i wish that was me. I wasted my loan money on a gaming pc to play minecraft and my mom stole the rest to gamble away at the casino.

>> No.7716657

Who is more stupid? The coiners with no degrees or the nocioners with degrees. Think about it and get back to me.

>> No.7716762
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university like all schools are made for normal people with normal intelligence. genius people such as elon musk went to one class before he quit the bullshit

>> No.7716944

Elon Musk earned two B.S. degrees.

>> No.7716976
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>My dad is a wealthy business owner
>Got my college education paid for
>Zero debt
>after graduation, work for my dad, get paid to sit around and go on normiebook and instagram
>invest my money in stocks and cryptos
>saved up enough to get my own place in Silicon Valley
>found a solid job with lots of career opportunites

what are you faggots even doing?

>> No.7716990

>Move out of my parents house and get my own flat
Objectively wrong move.

>> No.7717162

You enjoying your tendies?

>> No.7717216
File: 166 KB, 640x640, 1518080943146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>complete lazy piece of shit. drop out of community college after 6 years
>get a fucking job
>excel at it
>now manager of college grads and realize they are dumber than fuck and complete commie sjws
>often fire them for being pieces of shit

Kinda glad i didnt spend a ton of money on college. Its a fucking meme and brainwashing center. You can get a better education in any subject by watching youtube from home. Not even memeing.

>> No.7717314
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>> No.7717329

>6 years

>> No.7717427

If you don't fuck roasties in your parents home and then let mommy make breakfast you're basically a cuck.

>> No.7717465
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>drop out of community college after 6 years
>Kinda glad i didnt spend a ton of money on college

>> No.7717578

I didnt tho it was all free tuition

>> No.7717622

i want to do this but i still have to go back to school to get the grade 12 first

>> No.7717638


>> No.7717676

Why did you go for 3 years until you decided you're not a normie? Probably started failing when shit hit the fan and had to drop out kek.

>> No.7717703

LOL you're all such niglets - you might have no debt right now but good luck living the rest of our life in shit money...

>> No.7717705


unirconically this

>> No.7718031


It'd make me happy desu.

>> No.7718064

Medical school

>> No.7718144
File: 328 KB, 561x561, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in first year of uni
>be running social media management business, as well as ecommerce store
>pay for university in cash
>stilll have plenty left over for crypto, savings, and working towards investing in real estate
>mfw practically financially financially independent at 19
>mfw I will have a better degree than you and it's only a backup plan
>mfw I make more than you anyway
>mfw all I do for a job is tweet for people