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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 300x300, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7701371 No.7701371 [Reply] [Original]

I can't fucking hold this any longer... sold at a loss...

>> No.7701374

smart money OP

>> No.7701409

i cant believe i got scammed and pajeeted...

feeling like shit right now...

might just end it, put a good amount of money into this thing ...

>> No.7701412

just bought more.

>> No.7701434

sorry op, blame the conartists that had fun at your expense


I get it now


>> No.7701442

weak hands

>> No.7701448

>Smart money

the chads have spoken

>> No.7701469
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> Buys fun
> Gets sad instead

>> No.7701471

enjoy getting scammed...

just fucking kill me already...

smart hands you mean...

bittrex delisting it tells you and the market everything they need to know...

>> No.7701479
File: 265 KB, 700x816, pepehell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CashBet Coin is using FunFair as laughing stock to promote their product

>> No.7701506

thx OP for selling your bags to me!

>> No.7701536

lets be honest no one is buying fun bags. my fun bags are also pretty heavy

>> No.7701543

nope, see you fomo when the first of the casino's enroll. Look at the facts. Hold strong.

>> No.7701561


im buying the shit out of it m8
wanted to get in at 15 cents and now buying at a third of the price whats not to like?

>> No.7701591

>working product
>team with 60+ people
>wheeling and dealing at major conferences
>industry connections out of the ass

have you fags done any research into this at all?
youre gonna kys if you sell this at a loss now, this will be at 1-2 billion in a couple of months. but sure go on and sell me your bags at a discount.

>> No.7701614

There were news today about Atari opening their own blockchain-based casino, so FunFair has to act more active in order not to get fucked buy Atari.
They are not stupid and will do something good for the product which will (i hope) effect price in a positive way.
So lmao weak hands OP get fucked

>> No.7701644

Don't worry m8 you did the right thing while it's still worth something. I sold it too for a minor profit a while ago. If it makes you feel better I got shilled into the absolute shittiest coin CANYA. I'm still holding bags

>> No.7701646

Cashet, edgeless, ethorse, ethdice have beaten you...

You'll be lucky if it reaches .20 in 3 years...

>> No.7701692


I stopped reading right there lmao (and I do hold some of that shitcoin)
its gonna pump to at least 1-2 billion in the next 4 months when they get their gambling license

>> No.7702235

Peace out faggot

>> No.7702249

Holding FUN until the end of March. If it hasn't moved from my original buy in of $0.04 then oh well, I will just move everything into OMG and retire at 28.

>> No.7702248


>tells you and the market everything they need to know

Elaborate, because they still haven't given anyone a reason.

>> No.7702260

I forgot, the shills that ALWAYS point out "similar products" are actually retarded.

>> No.7702332
File: 59 KB, 1110x355, larp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jez thinks you're retarded

>> No.7702410

I would buy an ATARI token desu

More cred than FUN imo

>> No.7702420
File: 11 KB, 180x271, Dumb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it goes to .04 I will buy your bags OP... all of them.

>> No.7702437


>> No.7702439

Atari is a failure of a company. They sell lit up hats with their name on it and the last games they made were all scam cash grabs.

>> No.7702513

Atari wasn’t successful and creditable company for the past several years, also they are behind FunFair in developement.
Dont get me wrong, I don’t expect FUN to moon but it should easily hit 0,3-0,6.

>> No.7702564

Unfortunately Atari died with the Jaguar... the current company just uses their name.

On a side note, the Jaguar could have saved Atari had the following occured:

Removal of cpu and costs of cpu added for more vram.
Better game design software- More 3rd party games/better games, reduced design time
If they had stayed alive another year they would have seen major sega titles due to a lawsuit
More ST game ports- many outside Europe didn't get a chance to enjoy these games
Mortal Kombat and Quake

>> No.7702638
File: 146 KB, 1080x931, 1515367561639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jez has spoken faggots.

>> No.7702741
File: 17 KB, 300x320, there_will_be_blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new to this?
You didn't get pajeeted, you're just impatient. The real pajeeting will start when you FOMO later.

>> No.7702753

I never played the Jaguar. I’ve played most video game systems but not that one. Interesting post, you know a lot more than me about it.

>> No.7702763
File: 110 KB, 388x488, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I invested something called "FUN" coin expecting mad gains and to get money

>> No.7703110

I guess a lot of you guys bought when it was like 15cents... I bought at like 4cents/250sats so still up 2x on this sat wise.

>> No.7703131
File: 39 KB, 400x620, Wnv9gAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most games just used the cpu because the other processors were too difficult to program due to poor development software. The system was actually very powerful. Battleshere was supposed to be the most visually impressive gain. I enjoyed Doom, Alien vs Predator, Towers II

>> No.7703159

Why the fuck would you sell now? Maybe wait until they actually release the finished project and announce casino partnerships?

>> No.7703347


>> No.7703599


high will this thing go then.,..

I had 120k of it...

Would I have made it in 1 or 2 years?

>> No.7703602
File: 6 KB, 411x150, funwhale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's fun when this shit is collapsing because i literally hold it ironically, when bitfinex adds Link I will also buy it as a joke

>> No.7703658
File: 1.06 MB, 287x206, nicefast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7703821

If you need convincing, you shouldn't be holding this. Most of us are holding till at least 2019 at this point.

>> No.7704264

haha i-its not like you shilled me or a-anything baka

>> No.7704368

Big spender

>> No.7704375

$1 eoy

and Jez just shat on the weak hands

Just bought 100k

>> No.7704409

Same op, this shit is going nowhere

>> No.7704429


>> No.7704980

Dont listen to the FUD, its a great project

>> No.7704999

Dude you gotta get your daily dose of FUD to kickstart your day.

>> No.7705069


I have 121K Fun

Am I gonna make it if I wait until 2019 or 2020?

Serious question

>> No.7705090

>predict the future for me
kys retard

>> No.7705102


Honestly if you're debating, join the discord and talk to Jez himself, ask your questions and voice your concerns.

>> No.7705162

if you wait until 2019 or 2020 I think that FUN will be worth at least $121k

hopefully more though - is that making it?

>> No.7705203
File: 26 KB, 713x611, IMG_0784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags will buy again at the next ATH your all so fucking retarded

>> No.7705209

With Atari wanting to make a casino token it's pretty much over for FUN

>> No.7705220

It'd be nice, but not making it.

To be fair, I bought a bit (not all) of my stack somewhat ATH like the retard I am, could've easily had at least 60k more.


>> No.7705229

what the fuck does atari know about casinos

>> No.7705240

Mfw i couldnt even sell at a loss if i wanted to

>> No.7705243


its funny because this coin was shilled here nonstpo when it was in the 10+ cent range. I was pissed that I was missing out.
now that its up for bargain prices biz doesnt want it anymore
buy high sell low. never change biz!

>> No.7705255

Good they can buy my bags. Unfortunately it's going to be FOR FUCKING EVER before it goes back up to what I paid.

>> No.7705265


That was a minimum. I really think we'll see $1 by end of 2018, so know whos

>> No.7705266


>> No.7705595

I've been sitting on it since last September. $1 and I'm buying a house.

>> No.7705946


Seems like a scam to me, what kind of real company has a massive new office and 30+ employees?

Better off investing in LINK , the three devs should get you to the moon

>> No.7706000
File: 554 KB, 1280x975, lonely_pepe_by_bluefirethewolf-dap7em3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I blame that con-artist cryptobeak, he made me bought STX, CSNO and FUN.

Shouldn't have listened to that dickhead.

>> No.7706015


A company that's investing in their employees and is spending their own money to get themselves off the ground?

>> No.7706090


Funfair got delisted on Bittrex btw, incase you guys haven't sold yet.

>> No.7706100

Feminine/weak hands OP.

Hodling 100k strong @ <500sats, still in the green. Solid 20x by EOY if you're patient. Might buy more if we see another btc dip.

>> No.7706138


Holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.7706183


So did other coins. What's your point? Bittrex is becoming less and less relevant every single day.

>> No.7706229

They won't be laughing coming 2019. They're nothing but a glorified slot machine

>> No.7706234


Seems you guys both missed my sarcasm, i'll make it more painfully obvious next time

>> No.7706356

>assuming /biz/ can read sarcasm

There's your first issue, m8

>> No.7706438

you are literally retarded and deserve to be poor.

>funfair is releasing their mainnet by the end of March you epic brainlet

it will be $1 by the end of Q2

>> No.7706452

$1 would be nice

>> No.7706494

Thier product isn't even out yet and you sold. Lol. Go back to cionbase and have ur bank acct stolen. Lol

>> No.7706514

1.00 if it hits , I'm officially a millionaire. Got 600k of FUN

>> No.7706564

wtf is this math?

$1, 600k fun, $1m dollars wat

>> No.7706583

Probably isn't all in on FUN

>> No.7706614


>> No.7706721
File: 211 KB, 694x642, 1457726015873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why haven't you faggots sold your bags yet? can't you see you are losing sats? are you retarded?

>> No.7706762

Will this coin end up getting picked up for online poker? They’ve had a lot of talk about the fairness of online poker, even recently there is rampant cheating on ACR. Most cheating is bots though, so not sure how they would combat that. Anyone have any insight?

>> No.7706768

Very good anon, buying high and selling low, its the /biz/ way

>> No.7706806

They have no plans for poker currently. Look into Virtue.Poker

>> No.7706906
File: 1.03 MB, 770x1500, 1515963284803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Atari will fuck it up just like they do with everything else.

>> No.7706936

Waiting for a PS4 and XBox coin

>> No.7707963
File: 3.53 MB, 2786x1564, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 9.50.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking lie, anon.

>> No.7708137

I'm almost positive he was referring to player v player poker, not player v house poker, which AGAIN they have no plans for.

>> No.7708369
File: 24 KB, 911x114, larp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From Jez himself

>> No.7708401

this coin isn't going anywhere for a long time. I sold my shit at a loss. Might buy back in later.