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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 168 KB, 727x682, 827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7672676 No.7672676 [Reply] [Original]

>teaching is dog shit
>free online lectures are unironically better than anything taught in prescribed books or by professors
>most courses horrendously have a theoretical bias, with very limited real world applications
>no guarantee you'll even get a decent job after you graduate unless you're a normie with 1000 friends or president of the feminist society
>when most students don't get a job after graduation they apply for Masters and PhD degrees
>after that, they unironically go back into teaching at the very same establishments that filled them with false hope
>have to pay tens of thousands of $ to justify above

Well /biz/? Seems like unless you're a literal genius or lucky enough to make 300k starting straight after graduation, most people are stuck in an endless feedback loop that keep these parasitic establishments alive.

>> No.7672712

Just don't study a fucking shitty degree at a shitty university you degenerate. Go into a strong field with a growing workforce. It's really not that hard unless you have shit for brains.

>> No.7672787

It's 4chan. Those Anons actually believe that either you're doing an engineer degree or you're fucking it up.

They have no idea how shit works.

>> No.7672972

The minimum needed for a title is absolute dogshit. Requirements have gone down a lot over the years and students are taught to write as experts on topics where they're not only not experts, they don't know what an expert on that topic is. How they can be extremely interesting is students go to a professor and ask him for extra material/training on a certain topic. And that kind of initiative is valued really highly when hiring. But of course, people are young and want to get drunk which is what their friends are doing, understandable.

>> No.7673028

University is great if you want to go into professional school or if you want to be an office cuck in engineering comp sci or business/finance. I wish I would have learned something cool. Being an accountant is not the job for an autist like me with severe social anxiety. Every day of my life is worse than the one before it.

>> No.7673066

Get into ivy or oxbridge you dumbtard.

>> No.7673116


teaching is shit even in STEM subjects you fag.

I have some friends at ivy leagues and they tell me how god awful the professors are that even they end up watching online lectures on youtube

>> No.7673160


Maybe if you go to a shit-tier university. Most of my lecturers have been in the top ends of their fields. They're not only hella knowledgeable, they're approachable and willing to talk to you about whatever questions you may have.

>> No.7673195
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>Most of my lecturers have been in the top ends of their fields.

please stop lying.

>> No.7673198
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the only value university has is networking
just be prepared to have to endure shit loads of their inane leftist propaganda as if anyone outside of the bright hair sped group gives a fuck

>> No.7673324

you get out what you put in plus or minus some unknowable factor.
>pick all the statues
yet another threshold crossed.

>> No.7673353

how does shit work, anon?

>> No.7673370

You reek of brainlet. Do go into university if you can't handle higher studies.

>> No.7673391

most of your lecturers are struggling/wannabe phd students, bub.

>> No.7673592

You don't have to be a coding autist to make it in life. You can actually finish something interesting and have a social life and still not end up as a wagecuking fuck.

>> No.7673648

Why? What's wrong with accounting

>> No.7673662

>after that, they unironically go back into teaching at the very same establishments that filled them with false hope
That's only the lucky ones.

>> No.7673698
File: 128 KB, 560x457, Amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot most of you are amerifags.

I'm actually getting paid to attend the uni.

>> No.7673708


Yeah, I'm lying on the internet for imaginary points to improve my self-esteem.

Kek, stay salty at your own situation.

>> No.7673744


> Implying you don't end up wagecucking when you have a degree in 'something interesting'

Fuck off with this reddit tier always look on the bright side of life advice

You'll end up wagecucking either way unless you're starting your own business, which is unlikely if you're a sperglord

Engineering graduates just tend to have a job with a decent pay

Good luck serving organic soy latte's at cuckbucks with your Bachelor of Arts degree, you'd be better off investing your collegefund into comfortable kneepads

>> No.7673774

I attended a local community college in Southern Florida where half of the students could not speak, write, or read English but still somehow passed with 4.0 GPAs. The school would give them near perfect grades regardless of performance to make the hispanics not look retarded. Also the classes were elementary-tier, they were easier and with a smaller work load than my freshman high school classes. Community college is a fucking joke.

>> No.7673779

BSc, Anon. Not like it changes anything though.

>> No.7673803

My company pays for me to go to school, its pretty sweet. They pay for credit hour ranges as long as I stay in the bottom and don't spend a ton on books I pocket between 1.5-3k a semester. It'll be more difficult to pull the same trick if I continue on to my masters and my method is going to take me longer to get my degree.

>> No.7673835


I have two degrees (Math and Comp Sci) so I'll give my thoughts.

>free online lectures are unironically better than anything taught in prescribed books or by professors
This is true in my experience. Khan Academy did a much better job of explaining math topics and online articles/videos explain programming concepts much more coherently.

>most courses horrendously have a theoretical bias, with very limited real world applications
Also true in my experience. I'm a programmer and maybe 10% of what I learned in college could be applied to modern programming. I had to learn so much more on my own after graduating and realizing the vast majority of what was taught applied to programming 20+ years ago, and is useless information now.

>no guarantee you'll even get a decent job after you graduate unless you're a normie with 1000 friends or president of the feminist society
Also true in my experience. I graduated with just under a 4.0 but nobody really wanted me because I didn't have any connections. Meanwhile I saw a lot of the bad to mediocre students get decent to great jobs from networking and connections.

>when most students don't get a job after graduation they apply for Masters and PhD degrees
Many do and I was told I should but realized it would get me nowhere.

>> No.7673879

I second the Khan Academy

>> No.7673880


>nobody really wanted me because I didn't have any connections

because you didn't have any connections or because you're an introverted autismal sperglord with 0/4.0 gpa in social skills?

>> No.7673889

Amerimutts get to have guns I guess.

>> No.7674069

But hopefully these students were exposed to an atmosphere of learning and interest in education. It's really about making people civilized, keeping them from committing crimes and continuing to buy things. The system doesn't require everyone to be actually educated.

>> No.7674103


> Online lectures better than prescribed books

What kind of 3rd world tier uni did you guys attend where they spoonfeed you the curriculum?

A lecture should give you intuition and a global understanding of the subject whereafter you learn, research and master the subject by using the prescribed literature.

>> No.7674112


Very introverted but not a complete sperglord... maybe a 2.5/4.0. I did end up getting a job at a fortune 500 company a few months after graduating but it was hell and quit a couple years later.

>> No.7674123

Not really. There was hardly anything to learn and most of them were obnoxious gang banging thugs who would vandalize the very institution trying to help them.

>> No.7674136


>being dysfunctionial autist
>blame society

never change 4chan

>> No.7674142

>t. 45% income tax and 22% sales tax as soon as he joins the adult world

>> No.7674185


Wasn't blaming society just giving OP my experience.

>> No.7674237


>>no guarantee you'll even get a decent job after you graduate unless you're a normie with 1000 friends or president of the feminist society

>Also true in my experience. I graduated with just under a 4.0 but nobody really wanted me because I didn't have any connections. Meanwhile I saw a lot of the bad to mediocre students get decent to great jobs from networking and connections.

How would you call this?

>> No.7674281

Telling OP my experience

>> No.7674312


>Too autistic to understand the context of his own words

May jesus bring your body home sooner than expected

>> No.7674341

Gotta go to work. Have fun trolling on 4chan all day.

>> No.7674347

>I know X very well, but instead of utilizing this knowledge I decide to teach others about it.
university is a pyramid scheme

>> No.7674354

You get out but you put in. Same is true of everything.

>> No.7674384

19% income tax
VAT is not sales tax but how could you know

You burgers have nothing on us. Enjoy getting shot.

>> No.7674408


Remember to change your kneepads every 72 hrs to prevent injuries

>> No.7674410

Im only going to school because its entirely paid for by scholarships and college funds, college is simply not worth 80,000 or whatever the fuck the total cost is for morons without a family who saves money. Im going to get my undergraduate with a business major and get the fuck out of here and start making money as quickly as possible.

>> No.7674451
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>Go to small town uni
>Get scholarships because you're smart and poor
>make friends and don't have to work for 4-5 years
>Get out and get a job that pays 50k+ because everyone is in womans studies nowadays

If you go engineering shit's comfy

>> No.7674449

What country?

VAT is sales tax on anything worthwhile

>> No.7674520

I have a master's in criminology (no larp) and I need new kneepads.

My biggest suggestion is that while you're studying do some interning in your field. Experience looks much better than a degree, but having both will put you in front of entry level hirings

>> No.7674553

>Go into a strong field with a growing workforce.
So... McDonalds university?

>> No.7674581

>tfw taking fourior analysis
>tfw everything is cosines
krill me

>> No.7674594

fourier* god damn it i misspell it every single time

>> No.7674595

“Jobs” aren’t an end, they’re a means to an end. Wealth is an end, and jobs are just a means to that end. Education is another means to that end. What you are supposed to be doing in university is enriching yourself with a wealth of knowledge and experience. You are supposed to come out of university as someone who can reason and present sophisticated arguments. A higher person. An educated person, no longer one of the uneducated peasants. This kind of person will go far in life, with or without “jobs.”

You’re approaching university with the wrong mindset.

>> No.7674597

If your problem is that you don't have a network then don't blame university for your incompetence. I want to see how you establish a business without a network or find a high paying job without a degree. Unless you have autism superpowers it won't work. /biz/'s alternatives for university are creating your own business which will never happen, going into LINK or sucking dicks for a living.

>> No.7674632
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so, I should go into business sucking dick for LINK?

>> No.7674640

If you aren't wagecucking, what's the degree for? If you're self employed or rich, you don't need to waste your time with middle class drivel.

This whole "do what you live" meme is shit advice. There is NOTHING I'd want to do all day, every day for the next 40 years. Same with most people. University is a scam - taxpayer funded parasites preying on the confused and desperate looking for some purpose and identity in life.

>> No.7674661

That's a viable plan anon. You've been doing it for free long enough, might as well make stacks.

>> No.7674663

There's a difference between the Liberal College and the Conservative College.
Still tho for the most part it is a scam when you got a PHD in Physics but you blow your brains out cause you can only land a job at McDonald.

>> No.7674667

The fuck is wrong with her eye? If those are contacts, that's disgusting.

>> No.7674684

this is a lie.

i graduated with an engineering degree. my brother with a masters in chem. engineering and my brother with a chem degree. we have all been unemployed for more than 5 years. STEM is a meme and college is a scam. if anything go to college for the federal loans then don't pay them back.

>> No.7674700
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We have Trump and your stupid cuntry shunned your god king Tony Abbot from power.
As a result your Police refuse to deal with MacheteMen.

>> No.7674748

>go to college for the federal loans then don't pay them back.
those loans never go away and they can garnish your wages

>> No.7674749


>unemployed for 5 year a job while in posession a STEM degree

You will never make it, you and your brother failed so miserably in life, bad genes? Sad!

>> No.7674764

>be brainlet pleb
>blame the world for your lack of intelligence

>> No.7674777

hey guys, I'm 25, work for a family business but decided to go to college this semester for business. Am I retarded? Should I just kill myself?
plz respond

>> No.7674793

>he didn't intern

>> No.7674802


when in doubt always take the easiest option, which in your case would be to simply kys

>> No.7674832

Fuck, I knew it.. thanks anon

>> No.7674881
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Yeah but it gives me somewhere to hang out while my real wealth grows in crypto and where I am it's free and the government gives me moneyz to go.
I'm not some a cuck who cares about his piece of paper which guarantees indentured servitude though.
I mostly just party a lot and do the minimum effort to pass so my parents don't hassle me,

>> No.7674885

Not having any form of a tertiary education degree instantly places your social status underneath a dicksucking hobo: in other words you'll be seen as a miserable loser for the rest of your life feeding your - blame it on the world - habbit even further

>implying /biz/raelis have any social status to lose

>> No.7674916


>> No.7674929
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>tfw free uni(one of the better ones) and 1.1k gibs a month for it
>its ranked 200 in my subject,300 in general

Id rather go into 200k debt for electronic engineering masters than attend this one. Americans have it so good, life isnt fair

>> No.7674962


> In the last 33 percentile

why even bother

>> No.7674968

If you find a good professor he or she will be 10 times better than internet bullshit, I assure you. Problem is that since they have to go through classes and more classes full of people who don't give a fuck about learning every day they get real sick of it and sometimes you only get to know who's a good teacher until you go talk to them about something after class or when they become your advisor.

>> No.7674986
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The ranking is worldwide but fuck me still

>> No.7674991

Business is the biggest fucking meme in the game.

You are literally going to school for a worthless piece of paper. So you MUST MAKE CONNECTIONS

>> No.7674997

>government backed student loans
>Dumb students can get loans to study anything
>Affirmative action to push you out of anything that pays (medicine, law, etc) in favour of women and dumb minorities
>Job market saturated with graduates thanks to everyone guaranteed loans
>Tuition that only goes up thanks to government backed loans
>No consumer protection against student loans
>No jobs after degree means more school
>See people working dead end jobs just to pay for their student loans they can never hope to pay off

How isn't this a scam unless you rack up 200k in student debt and move overseas and default?

>> No.7675018

Big if true

>> No.7675118

STEM has been a scam since before 2004. I would never put my children in uni after I wasted my life doing 10 years of uni. It's just endless hoops with no payoff at the end.

>> No.7675155

Just continue working and invest, what the fuck man.

>> No.7675158

hello? Can someone post the goddamn sauce.


>> No.7675166


Either trolling or projecting.

>> No.7675171

only go to the university if you want to become a teacher. otherwise, you are being scammed.
At least university is free in my country.

>> No.7675172


fuck off beastie boy

>> No.7675197


>Gives 7 (You)'s


>> No.7675223

I've thought of this, but have also come to believe if I ever want to move up in my family company (not just handed a higher position) or I choose to leave for another that a degree would be helpful. Just really unsure about it all. currently at a community college so I would have no debt for my associates which is a plus.

>> No.7675262

>le stem

>> No.7675274

Okay its projecting. Low IQ-Nigger gives two fucks about (You)'s LMFAO :^)

>> No.7675287

That's what I've been doing. I also went to a private HS (a Rothschild was in my graduation class) everyone got insane degrees and jobs but me lol didn't know if this would help

>> No.7675390

> generating this amount of asshurt
> LMFAO :^)

Take your ripples and get back to plebbit son

>> No.7675432

yes it's a scam. you pay an absurd amount of money to be taught by people who failed to make it in the real world so now they teach.

>> No.7675520

mine isn't even in the top 2000 but I'm a 3rd worlder so I wasn't expecting anything good

people go on to do good things despite being from a not so great university so it's not totally depressing

>> No.7675554
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Just pointing out your faggotry...with what did you butthurt me? Anyways, here's a person for you to befriend, anon.

>> No.7675621

>CC and Math
>complains about theory and it not being connected to the world
If you wanted connection to the world you should've done Information Systems or something else.

>The Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (abbreviated BSc CIS) is an undergraduate or bachelor's degree that focuses on **practical** applications of technology to support organizations while adding value to their offerings.

>> No.7675634


fuck off weeb you manchildren disgust me
weebs are nothing more than terminally autistic soyboys

>> No.7675718

>study in a country that pays you to study
>move to a country that has low income taxes
It isn't really that hard, amerimutt.

>> No.7675777
File: 2.46 MB, 802x802, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm doing STEM and I will walk into a £40k position as a TA at an investment bank after I graduate, with no student loans to pay off because it's free in Scotland.

kek, it's like you enjoy staying poor.

>> No.7675838

They are a scam unless you're doing it for networking and/or vanity. A degree carries with it an assumption that someone with authority and knowledge has vouched for your authority and knowledge. It's just that and the people you network with who share the field.

If you just want to work, do trades. Something that requires a lot of jury rigging and is difficult to automate/print. Teach yourself finance while ypu do the trade. Retire early and do a vanity degree if you still crave the authority and expert power.

>> No.7675872

It's not the degree you're necessarily interested in. Companies aren't looking to hire you just because of a piece of paper; that piece of paper could be counterfeit. What they're interested in is what that piece of paper represents.

That piece of paper represents 4-8 years of rigorous discipline and self-motivation. You made it through the rigors of university and came out as a more sophisticated individual. Someone who can think critically and form arguments, and defend them. Someone who can speak in front of crowds and know what they're talking about. Someone who can be a leader. A higher human being. That's what the piece of paper is supposed to represent.

>> No.7675883


have 40k in debt worth of student loans (UK so i repay pennies if i earn over 21k) 50k in crypto and 5k on card.. still cant get a job, finished uni during the summer. Went to a bunch of interviews just to realise how coggy the "real"world is. Bunch of useless service sector jobs, creating more useless service sector jobs. Essentially just a giant, useless complex web of useless jobs. Studied econ and int business (with strategy courses on the side that i paid for my self). I've learned more from reading journals, books and forums about management, economics, international trade and strategy, than i did through uni. :(

Uni wont help you get a job and its useless unless you study STEMS or some other shit like Archaeology (try getting a job as an archaeologist without a degree... you can't, its elitist as fuck).

Trust me anon, just do internships and apprenticeships and nobody is gonna give a fuck about your degree

>> No.7675933


you should just fuck off from the UK, honestly you cucks just drain money and give nothing back in return. bwut mah oil fields.

useless nation.

>> No.7675947

Did you do some meme """engineering""" degree like environmental engineer or something?

Or are you just generally a pathetic human being? I haven't even finished my studies and can't keep the headhunters off of my back
>"No, I don't want to start working full-time, I still have to finish my thesis, thank you"

>> No.7675989


> convienently fail to mention what you're studying

>> No.7676133

It's not a scam but you have to look out at the prospects before enrolling.

Uni isn't there to teach you something (you could do that yourself) but to ensure you have the basis you claim to have to perform in a job. Comparing studying in an uni with studying with free online lectures is like comparing a mass-produced bowl with a craftsman bowl : the second may look and may be better, but the first one has been made with a reliable process and tested afterwards.

Now, I'm a bit biased because I'm an europoor, STEM masters, free tuition and got a job 2 weeks after graduating but after a few years in the industry that's how you see uni.

>You can actually finish something interesting and have a social life and still not end up as a wagecuking fuck.
>implying you can't have a fucking great time when studying in a STEM field

>> No.7676280

why do these fags watermark every shitty image they make

>> No.7676758

Electrical engineering, if you're so curious

>> No.7676811

Yeah for 90% of guys Uni is a waste of time desu.

>> No.7676926

yes it is a scam however I feel like a fucking retard right now because where I work every fucking other employee has "DISTINGUISHED OXFORD STUDENT / AFFLUENT SPEAKER / CHADCHADCHADCHAD" written in their bio on team page and I have fucking "lets evade credentials and say how nice of a person he is" instead. It really doesn't damage my in any way, but it's annoying.

>> No.7677303

Miami dade college?

>> No.7677343

Just do it, it won’t hurt. I got a meme degree (business administration) because it was an easy 4.0 with which to apply to medical school. However, the degree has some value. You’ll learn basic economics, finance, and accounting which is invaluable if you’re going to work in small business where you likely fill multiple roles. Obviously it’s preferred to have an accounting and finance department but not always feasible depending on the volume of the business. Overall 8/10 the degree is more useful than I expected. Easily secured a good job because I had worked in different office jobs throughout college and am not a total sperg when it comes to interviewing and networking.

Additionally, the work load was light enough that I could still take the pre med coursework and the MCAT without wanting to kill myself every day. Even once I’m a practicing physician a business degree will still be useful. Most doctors don’t know the first thing about running a business, finance, or basic economics. They’re science geeks.

>> No.7677810

you are aware that BA doesn't literaly mean you study arts? just askin because some people here are unfortunately stupid enough to think so. some fields require a degree if you want to get into certain jobs. fe I got an MA in social work because the job I wanted to do required me to have at least a BA. The MA qualifies me for leading positions, so getting those degrees just were the keys I needed to pursue the career I have in mind. not everything is either stem or uwantfrieswiththatburger.jpg

>> No.7677824
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>Being an accountant is not the job for an autist like me with severe social anxiety. Every day of my life is worse than the one before it.

Yeah, uhhh I'm gonna have to ask you to stay late and finish those TPS reports.

>> No.7677950

Is rather have guns then brag to be paid to be indoctrinated.

>> No.7678101

It’s only a scam for those not on scholarship.

>> No.7678276
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This nigga knows

>> No.7678346

this has been helpful! thank you anon!

>> No.7678618

thx just bought 100k STEM

>> No.7678694
File: 58 KB, 671x960, 97C0719D-ACE5-4A3C-9C53-72AB724A5705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a rich father who pays for your private school tuition, housing and food

Wtf are you niggas doing? Lmao it’s like you want to hangs debt

>> No.7678735

Hey man I’m actually thinking about becoming a PA. I’m 28 and have a marketing degree and realized the job market is fucked. I’m not super into going the medical route, but I figure if I’m going to wagecuck then might as well do that.

Was it easy finding a school that accepted somebody as a business major? Also, why did you want to go medical? Did you take a lot of pre reqs? Thanks

>> No.7678785

I just finished my CS degree and it was honestly a waste of time. Everything I learned could easily be self-taught online. Only good thing was that I could have the professors correct my code with me 1 on 1.

>> No.7678903
File: 126 KB, 1280x853, accounting_161542265-569fcc015f9b58eba4ad3a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is accounting a meme? I'm too dumb for STEM and accounting is in high demand and one of the highest paying, but I heard it's pretty boring/ tedious and very difficult to become a CPA. Any accounting anons? I'm still in HS so I have a little bit of time to decide.

>> No.7678997

Enjoying your 50% income tax and highly inflated real estate? Also you can go to uni for 5k per year max if you go to a state school and live at home. Not to mention the U.S has the best public and private UNIs in the whole world. Most people that got into debt for a 4 year degree are dumb roasties that went out of state or to some meme private art school.

>> No.7679202

>stemfags boosting that that they are doing some boring stem subject and that they are gonna make 70k/year right after graduation
>Meanwhile neets who only worked shit jobs now and then or none at all buy some shitcoin and make more money than stemfags will make in their entire lives

Life's fair