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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7671781 No.7671781 [Reply] [Original]

Yet another company changes its ERC20 to NEP-5 token, Woowoo coin cites Superior technology of NEO for the reason to change from Eth to Neo.

Woowoo coin joined Neo, Concierge (blockchain decentralized booking & housing) also switched to Neo recently. and many before also. Where where you when Ethereum started to die?

>> No.7671840

What are erc20 tokens? Tikens for icos or erc20 is the eth block chain? Nep 5 is the neo block chain I guess?

>> No.7671887
File: 127 KB, 960x960, 87536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jawohl! many projects jumped on Ethereum as it was the first, but now more and more are switching to Neo. Expect this to be a common occurence in 2018.

>> No.7672197

You guys clearly don't get it.

Neo is a shit Chinese gov. controlled db masquerading as blockchain.

>> No.7672251

Who is she??

>> No.7672362

she's not even hot, her body looks weird. No ass at all and look at those legs lol

>> No.7672380

Best place to get some NEO?

>> No.7672398

you're clearly not heterosexual / male

>> No.7672641
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1517973504690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please

>> No.7672816

>being so mad I missed eth I fall for the Neo scam

Kek id tell you Neo is a scam coin designed for normies who missed eth but you already know that

>> No.7672844
File: 69 KB, 550x733, 1517384965884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek thats borderline parodic in proportions
to each his own
though considering she looks indian or thereabouts
and is on a beach
chances are way too high that she is about to or has just taken a dump

>> No.7672862

Are you some type of American, possibly of the non-white variety? Answer honestly.

>> No.7672896
File: 52 KB, 590x726, Jasmine-Grimes-in-underwear-and-a-leather-jacket-902783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This more your type. A real womyn with curves

>> No.7672918

itt: nerds who can't get any pussy arguing over which pussy is best

>> No.7673109

Worth buying for that reason though - it'll be big inside China, as they don't want our filthy free market capitalist coins kek

>> No.7673294


>> No.7673340
File: 851 KB, 1280x852, 1516158515193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. roastie that would pop her mouth open for a few eth
