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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7661695 No.7661695 [Reply] [Original]

Why is such an otherwise attractive coin apparently struggling with its market cap?
>be nano
>get listed on binance
>introduced to massive volume at the top of the largest crypto dump in history
>dump hits bottom
>market begins upturn
>binance goes offline for maintenance
>high volume trading cut off during green market
>binance finally returns
>bitgrail shits the bed, allowing users to withdraw more nano than they actually have
>massive amounts of nano stolen and fud all over normie media
Not a single aspect of Nano changed for better or worse. This series of events is directly responsible for the current price.

>> No.7661718

All the people who lost their XRB are turning around and FUDing it now.

>> No.7661750

Still up 999999% compared to December

>> No.7661758

Yes, but the real reason all of that happened was because I bought in, and I am cursed. Sorry that my bad luck is bringing you all down with me, but that’s how it is. I won’t sell because it’s 100% garanteed to moon after I do and that would make me feel even worse.

>> No.7661770

>be nano
>scam everyone
>why is it dropping?

>> No.7661798

Nano manages to attract some of the weakest hands of any major coin. It's astounding how little the redditors who pumped it before have faith in the tech. Makes me think they never really had any conviction behind their shilling.

True. Same for BTC for that matter. I remember it hitting $4,000 in December and people were going nuts.

>> No.7661831

Well, it’s reddit. What did you expect?

>> No.7661913


>> No.7662010
File: 87 KB, 1074x714, 04162014XdNwDBv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the current fud comes from people who missed out on the December pump - they feel like their misgivings about buying XRB when it was less than $1 are now somehow vindicated

>> No.7662602

Is it.actually the exchanges fault? Or is the nano code allowing double withdraws? I never bothered to find out.

>> No.7662849

It was not a problem with the code per se. in Kucoin's case, it was them using the incorrect API method. (In all fairness, Nano API's documentation should have made things more obvious. That point was recognized by them, but I didn't check if they updated it already).
Bitgrail's case was completely different, and double withdraws happened with BTC and ETH as well. It was poor coding on the site, and had absolutely nothing to do with any of the coins whatsoever.

Some sources:

>> No.7663163

dude.. welcome to the story of my life.

>> No.7663247

Cus it’s fucking VAPOR WARE!!!

>> No.7663253
File: 89 KB, 460x686, 1457403580744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes me think they never really had any conviction behind their shilling.
Well there's your problem right there. These aren't the same thing. Shilling is mindless with no heart. Conviction means you really believe in the projects and will sink with your bags into a watery grave if it comes down to it. Note most LINK holders on this board who actually take time to talk about it truly believe they're holding a golden ticket, however right or wrong they might be, they believe it. There are certainly shills in the mix as there are with any investment, but the ones who believe in the project and wont sell come hell or high water cannot be called shills.

>> No.7663312

How does double withdrawal happen with blockchain technology? isn't that the same as a double spend? Or was their shitty program entering it as two separate transactions somehow?

>> No.7663384

that pic jesus my sides

>> No.7663396

Will people really be willing to sacrifice security for $.1 per transaction that plenty of other chains will have in the future?

>> No.7663676

Bitcoin currently has cheaper fees than that

>> No.7663765

Double withdraws are completely different from double spends. Did you read the links?
A double spend would increase the supply of the coin by making the receiving side receive the coins twice, while the sending side only sent it once. A double withdraw is something on the exchange implementation side, where the send transaction happens two times instead of one, meaning that the money is sent from the exchange wallet twice to a person (so the supply stays the same, and the exchange loses money).
A double spend would be a critical failure in the coin, and that has never happened with Nano.

>> No.7663822

Yeah that's basically what I was asking, and your answer is what I assumed, thanks.

>> No.7663888

No problem. If you want more insight on the matter, read the links. Even though it's from plebbit, these are the best explanations I found regarding these issues yet.

>> No.7663910

meant for >>7663822

>> No.7664017

Nice trips, you've been rewarded. I have too much on my reading plate right now. couple white papers queued up, which is why I appreciate the answer directly.

>> No.7664306

i think you forgot about how a big portion of the community was stolen from and actively fuds nano now

>> No.7665435
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Lightning Network will make this even more obsolete than it is right now.

>> No.7666063
File: 28 KB, 525x487, m2YNnVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a whole pile of xrb since early December and still actually like the coin. Two new devs added and beta for the new desktop wallet/node starts on friday. I am optimistic.
All of their good news couldn't have come at a worse time and bad news is bad news whether anything fundemental has changed or not. I still think that once the storm clears and people forget, this coin will do well (unless LTC smashes it in the meantime).
As it stands it's a great volatility coin. Pumps here and there (3am give or take). Even as it falters, it's made me money.

>> No.7666517

>Not a single aspect of Nano changed for better or worse

Except it got fucking hacked LMAO

>> No.7666590

Take one for the team brother

I too manipulate fate using my luck as a counter but I have friends that I allow to take advantage of it

>> No.7666787

>otherwise attractive coin
lel nano is dogshit

>> No.7666851
File: 154 KB, 1239x593, Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is FUD. There is absolutely nothing wrong with nano. It's all the exchanges fault, XRB is new tech, which takes time to implement. As soon as bittrex gets their wallet working it's gonna start mooning again!

>> No.7666879

A hacker or a person who's complete shit has access to over 10% of all tokens, why wouldn't you have already moved your money into something safer? This one's a lost cause at this point sorry guys

>> No.7667010
File: 58 KB, 1080x282, cryptopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must have dumped it all buy now XD

All the bad people are gone and everything is gonna be okay

>> No.7667083
File: 15 KB, 1035x174, comingsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All exchange related issues will be resolved and put to rest very soon.

In the xrb team we trust

>> No.7667270
File: 104 KB, 814x758, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I will never stop buying the dip. Just too much evidence that it's the exchanges fault. I have faith that the team will always be able to temporally fix XRB.