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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.21 MB, 473x473, chainlink cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7634290 No.7634290 [Reply] [Original]

ChainLink didn't sell Tesla on a partnership, it's Tesla that had to convince ChainLink to form one.

>> No.7634314


>> No.7634331

Enough with this shit coin, dont you know Mobius killed it?

Mobius have Patent pending Oracle protocol and partnered with Waltonchain. Its over

>> No.7634350

Patent in India? Kek

>> No.7634352

You're taking it too far with the Elon meme.

>> No.7634388

Lol they are all from stanford and harvard. And look at their advisors... game is over.

>> No.7634427

Tesla needs at least 5MM LINK to run their nodes. They obviously can't buy that on binance without driving the price through the roof.

Tusk approached Sergy to buy from the dev wallets. He offered $50 a LINK. Sergy looked deep into his eyes for 2 silent minutes. Then he looked at his nails. The spec of dirt under his right index finger was more important and interesting than the hairpluged man-child in front of him. Sergy wandered to find where his assistant hid his hourly BigMac.

This is the first time Musk has cried in public.

>> No.7634453


>> No.7634463

You mean pajeets educated at Stanford and Harvard... And look at Mobius advisors, its game over.

>> No.7634479

I know he's not Sergey, but the kid shows potential.

>> No.7634488
File: 86 KB, 616x687, E8156C4D-939B-44AE-BCBA-29F6528B57DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look. This has gone far enough. I’m all for fucking over roasted and reddit faggot bugmen but the delusion is spreading to anons that we can’t break financially because we need them to be not n welfare for the rest of their lives. LINK IS A MEME COIN ABANDONED PROJECT.

>> No.7634494

Elon just offered him a years worth of BicMacs and got all the LINK
Elon owns LINK now, SmartContract is his

>> No.7634499

ok it’s getting old now- at least larp about google using link while yiure at it

>> No.7634826

who the fuck are the "350m tokens reserved for node providers" reserved for if not tesla? Are Chainlink's other partners that fucking amazing that tesla can't even make the free giveaway cut? We really got something special on our hands here linkies

>> No.7634864
File: 47 KB, 600x656, 1515362578355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get sold for $$$ to institutions. You think he is gonna give them away? They have to bid for them. The 350 circulating are for the insiders of institutions to personally profit from.... and for us.

>> No.7634881

I can't believe these partnership rumors are making old fags money off you new fags.

Chainlink hasn't a single big partner, you rubes.

>> No.7634970

More details anon.

you provided almost nothing

>> No.7635454

nice english pajeet