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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 798x522, raiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7630398 No.7630398 [Reply] [Original]

So Nano/Raiblocks is officially dead, right?

How can anyone trust the dev team ever again when this was their response to what turned out to be very real concerns two weeks ago?


>> No.7630571

mod only made him repost, that's not big bad censorship like people posting this screenshot make it out to be

>> No.7630596

every exchange has issues with XRB that never get 100% fixed

delisted from bittrex nearly two years

>> No.7630635

Did you kiddies lose money on bitgrail?
Next time don't be stupid and withdraw asap

>> No.7631027

just stop posting about xrb dude. go fucking away. your FUD is useless nobody is selling until its $100 EOY or ill bite my dick off. its following the same pattern with btc and eth with the 'hack'

>> No.7631066

how is that FUD, it was the least sensational way to break the new possible

>> No.7631235

they all tried but they couldn't withdraw because the coin was coded by pajeets and fucks up every exchange it's listed on

>> No.7631353

lol raicucks have no kne but thrmselves to blame for putting their trust in a broken shitcoin and the devs who can't make it eork after years

>> No.7631481

Dunno m8 I withdrew a dozen times from bitgrail, or they bought when withdrawals were already shut down and it was obvious what's happening.
In that case brainlets got a nice lesson.
Cry more newfaggots

>> No.7631588

>delisted from bittrex nearly two years
Wow didn't know that. Huge red flag

>> No.7631764

>delisted from bittrex
>delisted from cryptopia
>bitgrail owner slandered the coin on twitter for being shit and then exit scammed
>mercatox helped in scam
>kucoin double spend issue
>binance double spend issue

I dunno how delusional rai-cucks need to be. This coin was started in 2014 and abandoned for years before two random no-name exchanges picked it up (after it got delisted from every exchange it was on before) and then they manipulated peoples accounts by locking accounts so people couldnt dump to pump up the price.

The trading volume is also so low, when it was top 20 coin its daily volume was was like 20 million when all its market cap neighbors were at least 100 million+

During this manipulated pump, the dev comes back and tricks normies into thinking he is super commuted and makes redditors believe this coin is brand spanking new when its almost as old as ethereum.



not to mention its such a broken piece of shit last year they were about to do a roll back

>> No.7632009
File: 233 KB, 498x279, 557378D0-2504-4723-B7B2-1401322771A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it’s the hourly NANO FUD thread.

Why are people so O B S E S S E D with FUDing this coin? Really makes you think.

>> No.7632035
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1517787256923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol raicucks have no kne but thrms
/biz/, everyone

>> No.7632111

Sorry for your nano losses, maybe you'll be comfy now with t.me/comfysignals

>> No.7632162

This coin was delisted from bittrex too?


My god, how anyone would ever touch this piece of shit blows my mind, in all honesty.

>> No.7632163

>>delisted from bittrex
No it's still in maintenance. XRB will moon as soon as they fix it.
>>delisted from cryptopia
That's just because they were getting death threats from pajeets and capcha farmers for being in maintenance. Says nothing about the tech or community.
>>bitgrail owner slandered the coin on twitter for being shit and then exit scammed
eth was also being double deposited! Did it die after it forked? Mt. gox yo, XRB will somehow come back stronger!
>>mercatox helped in scam
Red it told everyone not to buy cheap XRB there as the stolen XRB was being sold there.
>>kucoin double spend issue
No issue with the tech.
>>binance double spend issue
Fixed now. They had to stop trading for several hours but it's worth it for the next bitcoin.

>> No.7632196
File: 154 KB, 1239x593, Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legend has it still being in maintenance.

>> No.7632258

binance never did the the double withdrawal thing, it was just a FUD fake email, kucoin did about 20 of those and they admit it being their own fault and fixed it, bitgrail who knows how the fuck their lost their nano, but their owner is a lying sack of shit and any word coming from him should be treated as a lie unless proven otherwise

>> No.7632265

Why do people post here? It's 40% boredom, 50% agonizing loneliness due to being an asocial neet and 10% shilling/fudding.
Why do YOU post on /biz/?

>> No.7632313

Wow, unreal.

I'd urge all bagholders to dump right now. You've been swindled.

>> No.7632423

it’s so funny how you guys get such a huge boner to fud xrb you fucking faggot. Leave nano alone it’s working fine else I will wreck your asshole apart

>> No.7632488

>binance never did the the double withdrawal thing, it was just a FUD fake email
Wrong, proof incoming.

>> No.7632599

Exact reason I stayed away. Saw it on CMC and saw it had been there for 2 years but all of a sudden picked up steam on 2 shit exchanges? Fucking sketch. And everyone on biz called me a faggot for questioning it. Then I saw the huge Reddit following and thought what the fuck was going on?! Welp, guess we learned what it is now in the end

>> No.7632748

Here is the reposted thread.


>> No.7632931
File: 137 KB, 897x1270, withdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IOTA, former red it fav, was near its ATH as XRB was pumping to its previous ATH of $4.
I think the faucet ended in october which is also when the alleged theft started.

>> No.7633338

>every exchange has issues with XRB that never get 100% fixed
>delisted from bittrex nearly two years
It wasn't actually listed for trading on bittrex. It showed up for a second and then disappeared. Not sure why but you couldn't trade.

>> No.7633513

Not selling ever. Nice try Bitch

>> No.7634105


>> No.7634161

how much have you lost so far

>> No.7634284

In a month you will look like Twitter tron bagholders during December

>> No.7634410

I bought at 4, so whatever.

>> No.7634572

>shitload of Nano FUD threads
"I-I just want to h-help you g-guys"

Oh please fuck off, I wont sell it for you.

>> No.7635381
File: 29 KB, 673x364, delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit!

As soon XRB gets another rebrand and the bittrex wallet gets fixed it will be back at ATH.

>> No.7635445

Fucking kek, maybe after 2 years of """maintenance""" on the xrb wallet, nano trading on bittrex will go live

>> No.7635469

Lol at all the IOTA bagholders constantly fudding nano

>> No.7635629

Mod made him repost because his title was misleading.

>It was 11 million xrb and it definitely went missing.

Mod is a good guy.

>> No.7636349

found the bag holder

>> No.7637546

I bought at $6

>> No.7637628

I know it doesn't seem like it but the fact is that I truly do want to help XRB bag-holders.

It's like ripping a bandaid off, better it be done quickly than slowly and painfully.

>> No.7637685

>still in maintenance
>for 2 years