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File: 4 KB, 225x225, 2018-02-13-09-48-11-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7617056 No.7617056 [Reply] [Original]

This piece of shit is actually doing something

>> No.7617063

fairx beta tomorrow

>> No.7617083

I searched every place where they would announce shit. There is no news, why is it mooning. I sold my stack of 23k when it hit 45300 because it was two giant green dildos, but it's still going.

>> No.7617088

how dare u call xlm a piece of shit.

Stellar is by far the best performing coin of the top 10.

>> No.7617096

prbably fake news, its not on thier twitter

>> No.7617099

Dude I have no fucking clue but I'm not complaining

>> No.7617102

ooga booga ih oh eh uh ah ah ah ah smelly smelly

>> No.7617114

I think there was some kind of conference in Thailand

>> No.7617119

I didn't really mean it, it's a good coin. But I've been holding these bags for months

>> No.7617204

I don't understand, if you've been holding for MONTHS those ain't bags, you are still very much in the green.

People forget this shit was like $0.03 just a couple of months ago.

>> No.7617223

think it'll dump soon?

>> No.7617228

Korea pumping it Upbit 41% volume. No idea why

>> No.7617235

Maybe more and more ppl are hearing about the central bank leaks

>> No.7617250

will be mooning soon.
fairx, ibm/maersk

>> No.7617270

There's just eToro added XLM

>> No.7617276

>prbably fake news, its not on thier twitter


>> No.7617289
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it's plummeting SELL SELL SELL

>> No.7617340

Who the fuck is pumping this. YAMEROOOO

>> No.7617353

Is this guy part of fairx or is he just stating some old date? I can't see if he's legit or just a fanboy, need help from an autist

>> No.7617364

It's a made up date. fairx twitter account said end of jan/early feb

>> No.7617388

Opened up on eToro. Wish I knew first thing FFFFFFFFFFFFF that’s why it’s a lot of new customers.

>> No.7617422

Who cares about eToro

>> No.7617464

how long's it gonna last boys

>> No.7617490

It's not moving... It looks like it's over

>> No.7617491

We might have enough momentum to $0.80
Give it a month or so

>> No.7617494

I'm tired of holding this coin when it's potential is only a 2x-3x. I want it to go back to a dollar so I can dump it and put it in something else.

>> No.7617523

The potential of this coin is easily 20x... it is only around .40 currently...

>> No.7617547

well...that didn't age well

>> No.7617574
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>> No.7617597

Everything is in the shitter.
You won't make 1000x unless you were in crypto back in 2016

>> No.7617601

> the absolute state

>> No.7617648
File: 740 KB, 1200x627, https_%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fstory%2Fthumbnail%2F45074%2Fdf8b0cfc-5b48-4a03-bf41-226083dac0d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tHe AbSoLuTe StAtE

>> No.7617658

CND called big gains on the indicator bot

>> No.7617685

Do you even TA? This will not move higher for a few more hours.

>> No.7617712

I'm looking for 10x-100x in 5 years.

>> No.7617747

Are you fucking kidding? Xrp beats the shit out of xlm in performance

>> No.7617811

lmao the absolute state of you jews

>> No.7617825
File: 625 KB, 1076x1688, SmartSelectImage_2017-12-24-00-33-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure Tyrone

>> No.7617901
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you really are a bunch of brainlets aren't you all

>> No.7617973
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>> No.7618044

hopefully in 3 years well have people saying "eh, you wont 1000x unless you were one of those guys in crypto back in 2018"

>> No.7618394

I still rmb DGB/Antshare(NEO) last year
Hard to picture it happening, esp. with the economy going into the gutter

>> No.7618561

>implying PMs and crypto won't skyrocket in the next financial cataclysm

>> No.7618630

When people inevitably cash out to pay off whatever expenses or financial trouble they got into,
the value of crypto would fall. That is a given.
Crypto is not yet strong enough to overtake fiat.

>> No.7619513
File: 424 KB, 1680x1260, 1518128754777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mooning? it's at 40 cents... I have 2k+ xlm so im not fudding im just generally curious why you'd say it's mooning?

>> No.7619679

i keep on adding on top of my 20k stack about $1000 a month. This is the coin. I plan on leaving it in there for a few years until I have at least 500k.

>> No.7619695

I would say it's mooning... massive volume and 7% price spike in 1hr classifies as a "moon" in my books. Hope this trend continues

>> No.7620135


>> No.7620420
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0.6 eod

>> No.7620573
File: 210 KB, 678x960, 1365938278509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a discord pump. Sorry, to break the news to you guys.

>> No.7620610

I didn’t think eToro was big enough to make that kind of impact.

>> No.7620638

listed on eToro two hours ago.

>> No.7620907

your mother is piece of shit so you are piece of shits shit.

>> No.7621564
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>> No.7621589

They trade at 45c atm tho, I do think this drives the price up

>> No.7621616

Imagine actually believing this. The moment is ever gets that high they’ll just dump more. Can’t have the dindus deal with massive inflation like that

>> No.7621620

lol what fuck off

>> No.7621821

volume increasing by the minute

strap on bois this aint over

>> No.7622279
File: 17 KB, 232x262, 1517195003307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hour later and it's still going up.

>> No.7622366

>doing something
>under 50

>> No.7622604

TA indicates the mooning was brief

>> No.7622688

cant wait to increase my stack today

>> No.7622701

Was listed here today

>> No.7622714

it’s been sub $.40 all week

>> No.7622735

its not the reason, you can see on cmc that most of the volume is coming from upbit, a korean exchange (another anon noticed that)
that means some local korean news or a pump within the last couple of hours. Binance volume is growing now as well but it's only as a reaction - the real cause were the koreans