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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7609956 No.7609956 [Reply] [Original]

good night biz

there's always tomorrow...

>> No.7610088

You ever think whales are crashing BTC not to short it, but to keep the price of Link down? Every time Link starts to gain some traction, there is a coordinated Bitcoin sell off and everybody freaks out about their dinosaur coin dropping 6%.

>> No.7610124

>being a stinky linky

>> No.7610165

Being so deluded to believe that the whole crypto market is crashing to suppress LINK price that otherwise would skyrocket for... well, no reason at all..

>> No.7610199

one of the worst feels, waking up from a good dream to realize it was only a dream

>> No.7610306

Hey asshole, I've been poor my whole life, and every time I'm on the cusp of starting to make a life for myself, something comes and hits the reset button on the economy. Happened with 9/11, happened with 2008, happened with my dead end engineering job out of college, and now that I have recently gotten into crypto it's happened to that too. So let me have my last hope, which is Chainlink, so I don't just off myself right here.

>> No.7610392

you’re gonna make it
assuming you have >10kLINK

>> No.7610508

>recentrly gotten into crypto
>last hope ChainLink
Not a good start.

>> No.7610515

Link is for retards

>> No.7610579

Only 3k Link, but if it even goes to $30 that is a seriously life changing amount of money for me. I usually only have $1-2k in the bank, and then there is my $34k of student loan debt that I haven't made more than a fucking dent into in the five years since I've graduated. Little advice: Manufacturing Engineering is as useless as Women's Studies when the generations before you have tirelessly worked to offshore your country's manufacturing base. I unfortunately bought into the meme that we were bringing manufacturing back to the US when I was younger and stupider. Fuck college, I should have just gone into my current career as a wildland firefighter right out of high school.

>> No.7610715
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, youhadyourchance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
Binance will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy LINKs will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
LINK will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every noLINKer's eyes will watch. The tiny LINK cube on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew...the ones who had heard, but didn't listen...
their cubes will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing binance or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the noLINKer's soul to shiver...and scream.
Biz will be filled with LINK memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of noLINKers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity.
This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and noLINKer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied.
Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens.
But the ones who knew...
they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

>> No.7610764

Is this fresh? Absolutely beautiful

>> No.7610811

Why is LINK shilled by pajeets so much?

Is there an extreme remote chance that it might blow up?

>> No.7610874

>always tomorrow

wrong. that would imply you are going to live forever, when in fact there are finite number of "tomorrows" based on average human life expectancy.

>> No.7610928
File: 805 KB, 1206x888, 1513525139360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could even end it all, right now.
>It would be so easy, to make the pain stop.

>> No.7610931
File: 99 KB, 750x750, hey (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

Our stacks of LINK are even similar lol. Except that I felt for the "Psychology is patrician!" meme.

I too have very little fiat in my bank most of the time. And with link giving me hope I am deviating whether to buy more link (and remain fiat poor) or just wait with my little stack of Link to moon.

Like you said, I too am scared that some crazy shit happens and just as I was about to /makeit all my crypto wealth gets reset again. With my luck, in exactly the end of Q1, Sergey will officially declare LINK an pump and dump and I will be laughed at by /biz for eternity

>> No.7611078

Fucking psychology man... My mom spent most of my childhood going to college for psychology, she got her master's the same year I graduated high school. She never could find a good permanent job at her age, and has cried talking to me about how she regrets missing out on all those years when I was younger. College meme has stolen so much from my life, I don't even really want kids at this point because they will just end up getting fucked over by it too.

>> No.7611282
File: 38 KB, 637x576, mexican jew NAFTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manufacturing Engineering is as useless as Women's Studies when the generations before you have tirelessly worked to offshore your country's manufacturing base.

You can thank the international Jew for that.

>> No.7611302

if the Lord wanted you to be happy and rich you wouldn't have been born in a gutter in mumbai, pajeet.

>> No.7611349

Hi linkies I don't own any because Im well-spent on other meme coins but if I wasn't, LINK would be my choice

>> No.7611350

nigga what the fuck state do you live in that you couldn't get a production engineering job

you must live in commiefornia or some shit

>> No.7611377

kek. your mum complained that she was missing out on life because she was studying and even went so far as to cry about it? I study for fun even when it counts for nothing because I enjoy it.

>> No.7611379

>coin been going down for weeks
>other day some larping tripfag tries to boost morale
>jumps like 10 cents
this coin really is just owned by biztards, sad

>> No.7611508
File: 110 KB, 759x508, 1517022520702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the shittiest yet most expensive state in the union, but I fell in love with the natural beauty of northern California. Good guess!
I did manage to design a microwave parabolic reflector dish antenna (satellite dish in retard speak) for a local wireless internet service provider. The pay was shit though, I made $16 an hour to design the dish, housing, mounting bracket (all injection molded plastic, somewhat unique for the application!), and even some of the circuit board and patch antenna. Product worked, marketing didn't, started drinking more, got fired, re-hired, laid off. Now I fight forest fires because I'm not afraid of dying any more, but it still gets to me when I see my design on houses and businesses all over the area. Some day I'm going to design and sell my own products, fuck making other people rich.

>> No.7611546

She was sad that she felt she missed a lot of my childhood because she had to study all the time in hopes of getting a good job with good pay, that never really materialised. Nice reading comprehension you got there though.