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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 240x240, btcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7596176 No.7596176 [Reply] [Original]

so, who's still in?

>> No.7596303

here.. i wish for 500 but i think 150 its optimistic right now

>> No.7596357

Unfortunately it's 80% of my stack. I'm hoping we reach .02

>> No.7596457


It's a dogshit fork of the failing ZEC coin, with snarks requiring trusted setup and being backdoored, along side unauditable coin supply it's a fucking disaster.

Calling Zcash classic "Bitcoin private" might buy you a pump but it's going to die in the end.

In reality Monero should be known as Bitcoin Private, not some wank zec fork, with the same problems as ZEC.

ps. your dev team aren't talented enough to move to Starks, even if they didn't require a Terrabyte of RAM and a 15 Petaflops of computational cycles to generate the range proof.

You fucking dope.

>> No.7596627


shhh watch

shhh read

To the moon




>> No.7596667

Someone tell me why I’m an autist for buying ZEN as my privacy coin.

>> No.7596670

I'm still holding a small stack. If we reach $200 in this market I'll consider it a win.

>> No.7596733
File: 409 KB, 1000x1416, D0044946-009A-45CF-A798-D0FE4D5E78D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will this garbage do that Monero can’t?

besides leech off the brand

>> No.7596770

mining this shit, how many buttcorn privates do I need to make it, minimum?

>> No.7596792


ZEN uses compromised ZK-Snarks which require a trusted setup, have only optional privacy and have an unauditable coin supply.

If you want a private crypto investment only Monero delivers.

>> No.7596798
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, 9D807D66-654E-4A72-9AC7-3A0BC1CD3C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a coin at $100 now that’ll be between $200 and $8000 in a month. What’s not to like anon?

>> No.7596811

leeching off the brand is why you buy it. look at the vaporware that has landed in the top 100 marketcaps. Crypto is driven by hype.

>> No.7596821


100K usd worth.

>> No.7596831


Thanks anon. I’ll look into this.

>> No.7596847


If zcash classic hits 8K i'll cut my tits off.

>> No.7596952

Also can ANYONE tell me what bitcoin private is supposed to be bringing?

It's just another shit optional privacy snarks coin.

Fucking pajeets.

>> No.7597240

Dont forget private coins have actual utility and thus built in demand. But I agree with the premise.

He's talking about BTCP being 8k you fucking nigger

>> No.7597283
File: 91 KB, 200x200, 1515329589177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a big mistake holding on to this and not selling at $240. ZCL was my first ever crypto buy so I can't really be mad at myself all that much. Glad this happened early on and not with a big investment.

>sell when euphoria
>buy when panic

>> No.7597292

Money for old fags to make off new fags
That’s it. And it will work, just like these scams always do.

Thanks for the easy money, poor newbs, next time do some research. Luckily, there will always be a fresh batch of greedy dumb newbs who think they know crypto.

>> No.7597354

its got the name that normies will buy up and make us a shit ton of money so i bought 10 of them

>> No.7597368

In it to win it bucko

>> No.7597407

This is going to be a serious factor.

>> No.7597560


Easier said than done senpai

>> No.7597619
File: 36 KB, 399x442, 1517287498955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another scam by Rhett the eternal gypsy

>> No.7597658

>unauditable coin supply
It’s private so obviously it’s unauditable dumbass. But the mining algorithm is open source so you know the max supply. And yeah maybe monero should be bitcoin private with its horrible fees kek, at least this shit will be usable

>> No.7597734


you know shit, nobody sold at 240 because it was expected to go much higher

>> No.7597773

1. Bitcoin brand
2. Privacy(the most talked subject this year)

honestly you don't even have to explain what this coin does the name sells itself. you can't even fucking buy it on bittrex cause registrations are closed. the demand is higher than you think.

>> No.7597790

zCoin and zen are the best, shhh

>> No.7597861

just look at etc. the name is stupid af and normies can't even tell what it does which is why it never pumps. hell i don't even know what it does and i don't even know what callisto does.

>> No.7598142

People will fomo for the free coins regardless of being a shitcoin. Same for etc. I'm currently 50/50 on both.

>> No.7598166
File: 65 KB, 460x763, 1518396679494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I entered during a ridiculous bull market. I had a skewed perception of how the crypto market operated. I now know that markets operate in cycles, things go up then they go down. You sell when everybody is gloating about their gains and you buy back in when they're tying the noose.
You are right though, people definitely expected it to moon higher but it didn't. I missed out on an easy 3x because of my greed; hindsight is destructive though, it's better to learn from it and move on.

>> No.7598195

hype will pump this bitch to $1,000 then it'll crash to 200

>> No.7598340

i kept warning you about this shitcoin. but you never listened. i will sleep betting tonight knowing your still holding this trash. you deserve to lose it all when fork is cancelled

>> No.7598365

i wish... but with btc like this it wont go over 300

>> No.7598372

the snapshot is already on certain wallets u dummy

>> No.7598407

smallfry with 36 reporting. been looking for a way to add more but hard in this weird sideways bump. feb 28th confirmed right?

>> No.7598430

BTC forever, cucks. Fuck your ripoffs.

>> No.7598689

Swing trade, take 6 of those and sell when it's high and buy back when it is low.

I have been selling .012 and buying back .0105
increased my entire large stack by 3% trading 10% of my stack. Really takes minimal effort and looking at the chart