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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 626x766, fakebinance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7521120 No.7521120 [Reply] [Original]

How do normies fall for this shit?


some of these dummies are sending directly from their binance wallets

>> No.7521159

Imagine if Darwin had been around to see this.

>> No.7521189
File: 14 KB, 1128x109, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the etherscan comments for the address kek

>> No.7521252


>> No.7521278

Oh damn is he gonna backtrace them too?

>> No.7521305

if you do this what are the chances of getting in legal problems?

>asking for a friend

>> No.7521321


>> No.7521334

None. Id do that too but sadly i have no idea how twitter works neither do i want to. Also am a lazy fuck.

>> No.7521344


Scammer’s address is anonymous, so there’s no way to prove who it belongs to.

>> No.7521357

Haha, I bet they are also stupid enough to enter their login info to us.binance.com. So many people just giving away their accounts, its kind of sad. Good to see dumb money being forced out though.

>> No.7521627

Damn, tried to make a scam account and got it locked because of "botlike behavior" asked me to fill a captcha and link my phone number, aint linking my real number to that shit not worth it.

>> No.7521639

Fucking gold he's still raking in the ETH

>> No.7521677
File: 77 KB, 563x490, Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 2.46.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase has to literally point to the checkmark

>> No.7521695

us.binance.com is theirs you retard, CZ advised people to use it on twitter.

>kind of sad
>dumb money

>> No.7521708

Do these people work on getting a bunch of followers first? I mean, people wouldnt be so retarded to believe ANY 0 follower twitter account asking for money, right?

>> No.7521748

It's like people have never played EVE online.

>> No.7521758


>> No.7521778

He'd fall for It too, the uneducated fuck

>> No.7521779

>$$$$%%%*****FREE ARMOR TRIMMING*****%%%$$$$

>> No.7521784

>Not using the number to the White House for shit accounts

>> No.7521794

How dare u insult my waifu like this

>> No.7521804

>falling for someone that cant even get the date right.

>> No.7521809

Surely the police are gonna track this guy???????????? Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't the IP address me traceable by a cyber crime unit?

>> No.7521814

This is just way too easy

>> No.7521819


they would but the faster scammers probably took all the name combinations before-hand.

>> No.7521832
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, 4K K reaction.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a majority of shitcoin holders are now nigs and mestizos

>> No.7521841
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1508666399056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely hilarious. They are teaching drongo dumb fucks a lesson

>> No.7521878

Probably nothing, legally. It's having to live with being a scamming piece of scum that you need to worry about.

>> No.7521902


I wouldn't give af

>> No.7521920

The only way to trace you is through the twitter account. If you register completely anonymously then chances are slim

>> No.7521968

who else is doing this rn

>> No.7522003

If you're doing securely and know how to remain anonymous while online?
Literally zero chance of getting caught. Crypto is notoriously easy to launder.

>> No.7522025

But the guy in the OP sends all the funds to shapeshift.io

Can't they trace or suspend him?

>> No.7522053

Normally I'd agree, but these people are so unforgivably stupid I can't sympathize with them in the slightest

>> No.7522091

>sends money to binnance_2017
>the address is public and you can check if they ever send 2 ETH back
>the scam is so old it's been here for centuries
it's incomprehensible to me how these people are able to deal with addresses and the blockchain when they're clearly mentally damaged

>> No.7522096

Any luck?

>> No.7522118

too much work and I'm scared... using a russian vpn and a proxy server and a fake mobile phone number but after tweeting for a bit Twitter targets you as spammer.. i might try again in a bit. anyone else?

>> No.7522136

>this man made 14 ETH by tweeting

>> No.7522144

also judging by the behaviour of the guy in OP's photo, you have to keep transferring out of your address and go through a million addresses that all have enough to pay for gwei etc. i don't have any bots ready to help and seems like a lot of error-prone work

>> No.7522204

>too much work
I might dedicate next weekend to it, not a bad haul for a couple of days work.
I'm not even worried about sending it to other addresses, I'll just send it straight to shapeshift and convert it to a few different coins.

>> No.7522205

If you're not using Tails then you're doing it wrong and aren't as anonymous as you think you are.

>> No.7522217

>next weekend
by then it won't work anymore mate. it'll be overcrowded and people will have learned their lesson

>> No.7522242

how? using a russian VPN that doesn't keep logs and a private window that spoofs your browser agent, and then all this through another proxy server. how can anyone track anything that leads to me?

>> No.7522251

this kind of shit happens when the market just goes sideways. so just buy, dont donate idiots

>> No.7522280

shapeshift also saves all transactions and they're publicly available https://shapeshift.io/recenttx/100

>> No.7522286

what sites can i use to get a fake number?

>> No.7522301


>> No.7522331

Average world IQ is 87, now add the fact that greed makes you stupider and you can remove another 10 points for greedy idiots.

>> No.7522360

I don't think what they are doing is illegal, a tweet is not a binding contract, and ETH is not a recognized currency.

>> No.7522384

IQ distribution is normalized such that the mean is 100 lol

>> No.7522397

*the mean of the USA population

>> No.7522400

they're impersonating a legal entity you won't escape this through an autistic technicality

>> No.7522406
File: 352 KB, 256x256, thinking evolved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average world IQ is 87

>> No.7522465

a developed country like US won't be down 1 standard deviation from the global mean lmao

>> No.7522474

Surely they will be tracked down though. I'm sure a court of law would make an exception for this. The scammers probably just live in some shit hole country like Brazil or whatever.

>> No.7522488

I'm pretty sure the scammers are chinese

>> No.7522509

sorry for your loss

>> No.7522543

If I play monopoly and buy a street for less than it should be by cheating by camouflaging some 100$ bills in the 1000$ bundle I hand to the bank.
Did I commit a crime ?
It's juridically the same thing, ETH as the same status as monopoly money. The rules of monopoly are as binding as a tweet.

>> No.7522587
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1514812329523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all these faggot scammers make more money than my entire portfolio in one day
>i try to learn about the tech, code my own blockchain for better understanding, read white papers, engage in technical discussions
>i work 9-5 with a group of PhD grads on applying deep reinforcement learning to equity investing
>none of us are richer than crypto hackers
>tfw forever a cucked brainlet

>> No.7522605

This post meant to respond tis one:>>7522400

World IQ average is 87 (I didn't check, but probably true) where 100 is the score of the USA on a certain year.
The USA is 1 sd ABOVE the world mean, not BELOW.

How much money did you lose so far if you are not even familiar with the notion of greater numbers and lesser numbers. (if this question is too hard for you, you need to substract the money you have now to the money you put in total)

>> No.7522608

Its the beauty of the hype buy in. These people comment directly under an offical tweet to make it look like a run on comment. People jump straight in.

>> No.7522633

>Exchanges hate him

>> No.7522636

get rekt scrub

>> No.7522699

100 is the white average

>> No.7522717

>100 is the score of the USA on a certain year.
so your whole argument is based on an incorrect premise?

>> No.7522723

If you live in burgerland the government treats crypto like a security and a currency. Also the anon said that the US wasn't a SD below the world mean, why are you even arguing against him?

>> No.7522760


>biz is this good?
>not pretending to be some famous exchange
>would I get in trouble for this?
>also i'll post results

>> No.7522768

what movie is this from
that boy looks cute

>> No.7522769

Fuck I should do this. He made around 3,4ETH

>> No.7522782

>sent 100k
>got 200k

>> No.7522783

The Chinese would be super harsh on them if they found them I'm sure. China has the highest annual number of capital punishment executions in the world. Maybe It's the North Korean govt again, haha.

>> No.7522803

never gonna work

>> No.7522805

Blade runner 2049. Make sure to watch the first one before watching the 2049.

>> No.7522812

he made 14 fucking ETH

>> No.7522819

Is this illegal? Asking for a friend

>> No.7522833

Implied contract

>> No.7522835

you think thats bad...think about what bitcoin was used for originally...drugdealers and pedos are now literal billionaires....life sucks. And it pisses me off, so i feel you desu.

>> No.7522840
File: 190 KB, 770x868, Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 12.10.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it won't work
>but worth a try

>> No.7522860

your scam sucks

>> No.7522865

you need to start directly replying to relevant accounts (e.g. binance followers and obvious crypto dipshits), following them, retweeting

>> No.7522877
File: 61 KB, 1183x568, DIEINHELLSCAMAMAMA!!!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7522885

good idea anon
>Should I make a bot which automatically replies to people who tweet at binance?

this desu

>> No.7522903

yeah but you'll get suspsended by twitter once people report you and your behaviour is detected to be bot-like

>> No.7522930

You're maybe gonna get in trouble mate. Do you live in a shithole country, if not, this could be your fate. matehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8A85cl5w3s

>> No.7522940
File: 112 KB, 810x652, Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 12.16.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in uk

>> No.7522952

That article about the Netherlands is from 2015 and those were people literally laundering drug money into bitcoins
Its really different

>> No.7522958

What precautions have you taken? People are gonna report you to the cyber-police.

>> No.7522962

if this works LMAO, everyone on /biz/ will follow.

>> No.7522983

It will work. There are so many fucking morons out there. We may not have Darwinian natural selection, but idiot normies still gonna get BTFO'd every now and again.

>> No.7522987
File: 276 KB, 796x934, pepe fbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you on a VPN?

>> No.7523005

> gave out my fake number and fake email
> had to verify both

>if it works, I'm gonna delete acc immediately and then use tor to actually do a scam
>buy a cheap phone and all that

>> No.7523009

Even if you aren't on a VPN, I wonder why would Twitter bend the knee to provide anyone with a user's IP unless you steal like 1000ETH

>> No.7523014

not using any vpn or proxies

>> No.7523018

I do too and done it before
Itsjust banter
Everyone already knows it works
Some guy pretended to be Elon Musk, did the same scam, and made 12k~ in 3 hours

>> No.7523038
File: 4 KB, 135x119, 40keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cyber Police
My sides

>> No.7523061

your victim is also from the UK I think
and a kid inbetween 16-20
he's pretty faggy and edgy

Scam him

>> No.7523069

Cyber police can't get access to your IP from Twitter, even when you're committing criminal activities? I see

>> No.7523091

I'd live under a bridge for the rest of my life only to see these bluepilled faggot niggers being round up and being gased on a large scale. Fuckin normie holocaust so fuckin priceless.

>> No.7523106

what the fuck is the cyber police I can't tell if you're just trolling me. Your ip is only known by the Twitter servers. Your ISP cannot tell what part of twitter you're accessing cause it's on https.

>> No.7523113

did you delete the twitter?

>> No.7523128
File: 17 KB, 300x300, cyber-crime-cell-orissa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out

>> No.7523142

no why? have i been shadowbanned?

> im replying to people to check out my pinned tweet

>> No.7523165

100% this

>> No.7523168

Can see that you commented on Sam's post, but can't see the comment itself. Some pajeet commented on the post too

>> No.7523213

I tried to see your account on twitter but it says it doesn't exist

>> No.7523224

It's here - https://twitter.com/realcrypto4free

>> No.7523226

whata re you guys talking about it works just fine https://twitter.com/realcrypto4free

>> No.7523244

I'm gonna reply to people on coinbase as they are the biggest normies in the world

>> No.7523248
File: 187 KB, 2048x1536, 18987369_10156178302088496_1712887972_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones who are successful are the ones posting on huge threads by Binance, and John Mcafee. Haha.

>> No.7523284

If you’re in college just use their library computers and jump from floor to floor. Possibly building to building and cut a buddy in on it.

>> No.7523303
File: 352 KB, 900x677, CIA cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long till Damien Mariné winds up getting assfucked in prison

>> No.7523316
File: 45 KB, 824x268, Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 12.39.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523325

I wish we knew anon personally so that would see how this pans out. What do you think the likelihood is?

>> No.7523335


>> No.7523346
File: 353 KB, 368x462, 1517566865417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523356


Still shilling for the gorillion I see

>> No.7523427

I'll continue in the afternoon been fun /biz.

>> No.7523449
File: 46 KB, 603x410, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523492

you did the same thing the german scammer did...I see you: https://twitter.com/dmnmrn

>> No.7523523

Hey babe. That's not me.

>> No.7523549
File: 27 KB, 669x514, drooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people are not falling for the same scams over and over again

>> No.7523551


>> No.7523559 [DELETED] 

Our #first #giveaway 500 eth To enter send 0.2 eth to 0x3A21e427D8E9794F7633C260564Cf06e4176C15d and we will send 2 eth back immedietly, if we run out or you send a smaller amount we will refund it immediately #Ethereum #cryptocurreny #cryptogiveaway #free

>lads rate this copypasta

>> No.7523562



>> No.7523609


>Retards like this have more crypto in their wallets than me

Just my life

>> No.7523650
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1518128177829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7524376

Where and how do I transfer it to convert it into Monero? Monero has no public ledger where transactions can be looked up, right?

>> No.7524455

it does though

>> No.7524484
File: 79 KB, 1200x798, 32B4D34F-E532-4C79-9DF1-C719A8722712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110 is Asian avg
>you mad wite boi

>> No.7524485

Throwaway binance acccount

>> No.7524640
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1513552047314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are smarter than us white cunts. Power to them

>> No.7524668

It's binnace, anon.

>> No.7524694

we'll see :^)

>> No.7525477


nobody will get you for 0.2 eth

police have no enough resources to trace you online unless you launder big amounts of money, deal drugs, share illegal porn or you're murderer.

>> No.7525941

Yeah I made that mistake, had no clue what was going on through 3/4th of the movie