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7517364 No.7517364 [Reply] [Original]

ok retards I am going to give you the recipe for free money on etherdungeon

>don't go to constantinople if you are new, stick to the holyland.
>level up to 70-80
>grind holyland for eternity

you will make approx. 0.05 eth per hour, but keep your level around 80. more if you want to be sure you will win the challenge. don't do this with a level of 50. for every challenge you will get 0.001 profit eth MINIMUM, you can get a lot more keep an eye on the reward. you can challenge every few minutes
just grind. I know it is boring but idk watch something and do this every few minutes

>> No.7517520

goddamn i hate roasties; they ruin everything sage

>> No.7517849

too brainlet to understand this

>> No.7517856
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next E-SPORT incoming

>> No.7517864

sounds stupid

>> No.7517906

Is this made by pajeets? Reminds me of those cheesy phone game commercials with CGI trailers and late 90s RTS gameplay

>> No.7517922

not stupid, you give eth to level up, but I lost 60$ trying to level up from 147. instead of trying to go higher you can just grind first dungeon and make small but stable gains. money literally flows into this game
at level 80 you're good

>> No.7517945

thats a dude

>> No.7517976

your point?

>> No.7518051
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>> No.7518276

gods work anon. you are doing god's work.

>> No.7518378 [DELETED] 

anybody wanna send me $2 USD to get started? ;)


>> No.7518487

how much money does it take to get the ball rolling in this game?

>> No.7518493

can someone please explain me where the eth comes from? Do I have to pay a fee?

>> No.7518571 [DELETED] 

Send me some ETH so I can get into it.


>> No.7518587

you probably need around 20-25 $ to get to level 70

you pay to "train" aka to "level up" but it is not a sure thing, you can train but your training can be successful or failure, the higher you go the harder it is. but to get to 80 or something you don't need much. money comes from this training. obviously if you hit something like 300 you are gonna get a lot of money but going 150+ is fucking hard I lost 100 $ trying to get to 175. at this point I am just grinding the first dungeon

>> No.7518623

What's the game play like? I'm not good with games.

>> No.7518651

its a ponzi

>> No.7518733

there is no gameplay you just click buttons
yeah it is similar to a ponzi

>> No.7518759

So I have to pay to play and in return i get poverty eth? No thx mayne

>> No.7518811

How much do you have to pay to get started and what's roi assuming my time is worthless? (not being ironic here, genuine question)

>> No.7518959

dude what the fuck i already explained it here

you invest around 30$, but because I was a retard I invested around 100$ but that was not necessary, I got to level 80 with 30 bucks, spent the rest trying to go higher. in retrospect, that was a waste of money. If you are a poorfag, invest 30$ and you will get your 30$back in several hours. if you are a richfag, go for the high levels, I heard that the top 50 players make a shitload of money. your roi for a single day would be %100, but considering this shit launched 2 days ago we might make a lot of money if this game goes mainstream.

I can't give info about higher levels/higher rois because I just started too.

>> No.7518999

Just made a character but I don't really understand just wtf is going on. I have to pay to train? Then loot a dungeon? Can I die? If so, do I lose my character? Are there any sort of objectives? Scouring their Discord but their main admin only knows some weird form of bootleg English

>> No.7519213

you cant die
you have to pay to train
training is not definite, it can result in a failure but at early levels its pretty easy and cheap
you challenge dungeon and get eth
no objectives

>> No.7519522

pretty good had some decent luck at the start this will turn into easy ETH with a little time.

can you get more than one hero per address?

>> No.7519604
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>> No.7519606

0.05 eth so far lul hopefully more gameplay soon

>> No.7519634

holy fuck anon nice gains, those are from constantinople?

>> No.7519646


>> No.7519682

yep! done it 3-4 times now

>> No.7519789
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What music we listening to while dungeon raiding?

>> No.7520155



>> No.7520167

I wish

>> No.7520172
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>> No.7520175
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>> No.7520194
File: 87 KB, 684x576, night night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no cute cosplaying bf

I'll be drowning my sorrow in the BRAPtank tonight, boys.

>> No.7520226

>Scouring their Discord but their main admin only knows some weird form of bootleg English
Check'd and kek'd so hard wifey woke up.

>> No.7520277

how much eth do you need to start playing? it seems like an eth microtransaction scam game desu, pay to win?

>> No.7520443


>> No.7520522

You can literally see that her genitals are smooth.

How can you hide balls and dick when there is a clear shot

>> No.7520566

Is it really that easy?

>> No.7520697


No faggot, this is a scam like everything else

>> No.7520765

oh fuck...

>> No.7520838

Is it really though?

>> No.7520855

i'm already being scammed.
or not. will tell after some time, i guess.