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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7473455 No.7473455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is a pro Trump board. Ignore dow jones shitposters. Ignore crashfags.

>> No.7473483

go back to your containment shithole

or even better, back to /r/the_donald

>> No.7473491

>Ignore economic reality because might hurt daddy's poll numbers
Nah man. I'm not a cuck.

>> No.7473505

get fucked faggot

>> No.7473515
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Stfu faggot crypto get roasted every day so why not Dow when it tanks hard?
also fuck trump Biz is not a merimutt board only, faggot.

>> No.7473516
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How about none of us try to assign our personal views onto the entire board.

>> No.7473526

>biggest bull run in decades
>Trump isnt responsible its all just a coincidence!!

>2 days of volatility
>HAHA look this is all trumps fault!!

I dont pay attention to politics and im not american but are democrats seriously this childish and retarded

>> No.7473551

This happens with every president. Just ignore it.

>> No.7473555

>Don't talk about the dow getting wrecked, on a business forum, because i love daddy Trump

>> No.7473564

Very true OP lots of libcuck psychops on /biz/

>> No.7473574
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Reminder that globalism is unstoppable and we are never regressing to protectionist, racist trumpian garbage.

Starting in 2024 Texas and Florida will be blue states and the neoliberal status quo will never be challenged.

Sorry drumpftards


>> No.7473580

It's amazing that Trump supporters don't realize that they're being played by a rich, old man.

A Trump supporter is literally a walking definition of the word "pleb".

>> No.7473592

I'm pro-white. I'm only pro-Trump to the extent that he's good for white people. Which is mostly it seems but I am not super happy with his decisions regarding Israel.

>> No.7473596
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Actually it's the trumpfags and Trump himself who bragged about the bull run. Now that it's crashing it's Obama's fault of course.

>> No.7473678

Fuck trump. He's a literal cuck. His wife doesn't even live with him anymore.

>> No.7473683

Biz is a board about making money. It's not pro any agenda beyond that. If one party makes money today it doesn't mean shit tomorrow if they're losing money; they're ditched and the focus is on the new money maker. Conscience, loyalty, morality, friendship are all vaporware to this board. Biz is a money board, now fuck off

>> No.7473724
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One more month for this lardass to end up in Federal prison, tops.

>> No.7473729

more like "cuck"

>> No.7474135

interesting... i think my wall of text might have caused this thread...
let me just look for that butthole cream for you, OP

>> No.7474176

How much did you lose?

>> No.7474201

Is trumps dick really so far down your fucking throat that you don't understand that real people genuinely don't support him you delusional republicuck

>> No.7474209

The bull run has (or had) been going on much longer than Trump, and it’s a product of central bank manipulation, not politicians.

>> No.7474274

Trumplets are talentless slovenly unfunny wreck of a men with no understanding of the world beyond what some meathead MRA whites told them and will pretty much be remembered by no-one

>> No.7474497
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>implying the first Businessman President ever would preside over an economic crash

>> No.7475133

jesus, i'm not even a burger
but u honestly believe that the deep state or something has psyops on this mangashitboard to brainwash you fucks?

better watch out for the jewlizards from the 4th dimension
now kys and pollute /pol instead

>> No.7475156

spics, jews and negroids aren't real people

>> No.7475229
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>the president affects the stock market
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.7475624
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>Trump is, literally, a trained economist.
>/leftybiz/ thinks it can second guess him

>> No.7475721

>This is what /pol/ kiddies actually believe
Build a relationship with your real dad and stop projecting onto Trump child.