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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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745567 No.745567 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.745583

>work with dangerous chemicals
>takes a long fucking time for the acids to dissolve all the shit
>come out with the amount of gold in a bottle of Goldschläger
>now you just have to sell your 1/2 ounce of gold dust to someone at 1/2 price

In order for this to be a viable source of income you'd have to be rummaging for old computers all day every day. Could be a good side project to make some pocket money, though.

>> No.745590

ebin dic response, bic

>> No.745630

>op's picture
>that subtle signature
This is what a complaints department should be like.

>> No.745635

>half ounce of gold
>at half price
That's still hundreds of dollars

>> No.745646

> just got a funny letter
> better reiterate everything that was said in that letter, as the response to that letter
yup, totally real.

>> No.745844
File: 141 KB, 640x429, 4861937117_3f3a805a96_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the guy in the video is doing it wrong to start with.

He should just be using acid for the first step. Mixing in the hydrogen peroxide doesn't really help.

Ultimately his finished product isn't pure either but rather gold mixed with junk metals. Making chemically pure gold requires a dissolution/precipitation process involving aqua regia which is a mixture he never uses in his process.

>> No.745850

>that image
Never seen it and giggled hard

>> No.745940

To burst your bubble in here as well:

Insanely low margins, variable profits due to price of gold, you need a large and stable source of electronic scrap, for which you need to pay premium, if it's even possible to get one so near that shipping doesn't kill your already thin margins. Plus, it's getting less profitable by the day, most of the modern electronics come with much thinner layer of electroplated gold, meaning less gold per kilogram of scrap. Even further, since you need a real chemical plant to do this on any profitable level, depending on your legislature you'll need to jump through various bureaucratic and environmental loops. A gold mine is probably more profitable at this point.

>source: I'm a chem eng student

>> No.745958

They fucking do this in Africa already, they send scrap electronics to be recycled there. If you think you can out-compete thousands of niggers spending 12 hours a day stripping every usable component and metal from old computers than be my guest

>> No.745987

The company next door to ours throws out roughly a shoebox or two worth of old (1970-2000) electronics components every week. All intact, just outdated, and I always think about doing this.

Really the only part I don't know about is where I would sell it? Where do you even sell gold /biz/? And what kind of stuff should I know to be sure I'm getting a fair price?

>> No.746039



>> No.746043

>implying they won't rip you off

>> No.746078

Subtract the costs for the chemicals and filters and containers then divide it by the time it takes to do this and I'm sure you will find it's not worth it.

>> No.746080

Probably better off selling it to Jewelers than this >>746039

>> No.746096


>spend free time salving electronics
>no formal training, handle dangerous chemicals outside lab conditions
>it reallys works! turn 80kg electronics into almost 2k in gold
>go to doctor
>go to oncologist
> ~250k in bills and chemo

>> No.746239

>implying jewelers will buy your sketchy homemade gold

>> No.746337

They buy recycled crap ass gold from other Jeweler. I know, I used to be a Jeweler.

>> No.746353

how do I become a jeweler?

>> No.746380


>recycled gold that is hallmarked and verified in purity by another trusted source
>some random pieces of unknown quality levered off electrical components and dipped in harsh chemicals

Yeah, those two are totally the same.

>> No.746394

i want to know too

>> No.746415

>homemade gold

Fucking alchemists

>> No.746432


your mind = btfo.

>> No.746468

gotta love how the envelop on that picture is brand new. People are desperare for attention

>> No.746487

Half an ounce is 15 grams. What he got his maybe 0,1 grams. Those flakes are extremely thin and light

Peroxyde is a very strong oxydiser. It's pseudo piranha he's making, very good for removing organics.