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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7450627 No.7450627 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want passive income, I want active income. I want a business I can pour unlimited time into and keep getting great returns.

Sell me on something /biz/ I want to make something real, not just trade imaginary money around.

>> No.7450693

i want to be able to buy anime merch, manga, doujins, and ero stuff with crypto
dakimakuras, t-shirt prints, onaholes, figurines, manga, light novels, visual novels, eroge, all that sort of thing

>> No.7450708

tech entrepreneurship has the highest expected returns, even after taking account all the possible failures, and you can sink as much time into it as you want. Pick a vertical that has a wave you can ride (2009-2011 was mobile, now is probably machine learning and fintech) and go wild.

>> No.7450718

cp ring masquerading as a pizzeria

>> No.7450729

Ah, I'm actually working on building my ML skills, I was hoping to start something there, I have all the technical skills but am still struggling to find a good application.

>> No.7450832

I think the best thing is to follow your curiousity, as faggy as it sounds.


Paul Graham made some good points on that. You want to follow what you're interested in, so you're on the cutting edge of that very specific area of your chosen vertical, and develop domain expertise
>e.g Larry Page was an expert on search and page-ranking

>> No.7450846

Ah, I really love security. I want to combine ML and security somehow.

>> No.7450983

What exactly is fintech?

>> No.7451072

fin technology. Shark fins, fish fins, seal fins etc. It's a new developing tech utilizing the shape of animal fins to improve the efficiency of ships.

>> No.7451140

This anon is trolling >>>>7451072

Fintech is the sector of the technology sector that focuses on the finalization of different branches of industries, economies, and world groups in preparation for the singularity

>> No.7451332

I somehow doubt these answers are genuine.

>> No.7451464
File: 348 KB, 596x451, buying_gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant you buy that shit already?

>> No.7451668

for crypto? i dont know, i'd like something like a weeb district on district0x or something

>> No.7451679

>going through the motions of a startup
Holy shit this was my first one so much. Got as far as first round funding then it all fell apart.

>> No.7451779

It's already been done

>> No.7451821

become a trap and stream vidya on twitch

>> No.7451878

The market is saturated.

>> No.7452431

I’ve heard it can save up to 30% of fuel to cargos.

>> No.7452642

just do some research into the roman empire and its fall. we are living in the same degeneracy as all crumbling empires do.

we have decadence and laziness: so start a company that does delivery of food (high quality, not fucking pizzas; rich cunts want fancy shit from restaurants delivered), or drink to a residence. i make 3 mil per year deliverying alcohol to homes in a high density/high alcohol consumption city.

the same reasoning behind uber food. people got cash to blow and are too lazy to lift a finger cooking for themselves, but also dont want to eat garbage like delivered fast food.

>> No.7453182

watch that whole series, it's quite solid. I definitely learned the hard way regarding co-founders, despite all the warnings.

>> No.7453288

Think about what you do every day. Do you drink milk? Milk is a big industry, and even small independent ones can be very profitable. Do you wear clothes and shoes? Clothing is, again, huge industries that are not that hard to find a cliche market for. Now think smaller. The cars that you drive, the furniture that you sit on, the computers you use all utilize little screws and metal details. Those so-called supporting industries are usually nameless giants, rich people that you never know of. Same goes for plastics, rubber, paper, glass etc.

>> No.7453310

Start mowing lawns, build up a crew, expand in to landscaping, and then brag about your yard creations as you drive around the hood.

>> No.7453379
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1) Find out what you're good at. Don't confuse "I like XY" with "I'm good at XY", because nobody you will only succeed with something you're good at.
2) Start creating products in your chosen field and present them to the public once they are polished and/or promising
3) You will inevitably stumble over people that see your product and either want to buy it or hire you to create something similar for them
4) Start working as a freelancer (if hired) or polish and expand your product (if people want it directly)
5) Grow your business, start a company, start hiring people that help you in the fields you're not good at (e.g. if you're good at coding, get a product manager / sales type)
6) Repeat step 5 ad infinitum

Oh, and forget about "that one great business idea". Nobody gives a shit about ideas. There are dozens of useless retards running around at startup conferences shilling their ideas, but have no skills whatsoever to make them a reality (and usually oversee a ton of failpoints in their oh-so great idea because they have no idea what they're actually talking about). Skills matter, ideas don't.

>> No.7454350

ideas matter

a great idea is worth approximately $20

I actually have one, but I don't have the skills or resources to actually execute it

>Kill Linux and Windows by developing an OS that is better than both

of course, I would require several BILLION dollars to actually execute it, considering it would require making open source software actually usable

>> No.7455092

What if you don't know what you're good at or if you're good at nothing?