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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 124 KB, 633x758, itsallover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7403007 No.7403007 [Reply] [Original]

I've never felt so terrible in my entire life. I started in mid December, I worked my way up to 5x my initial investment. I was on top of the world.

Then everything started falling. I went from 1600 to 8k, then my 8k went down to 7k. Not a big deal I thought. Then my 7k went down to 6k. No big deal, it actually bounced up to 6.5k. I thought this was a much need correction. Boom, 5k in a matter of days. No big deal, it bounced up to 5.5-5.75, I was still way above my initial investment. I had made money doing nothing.

Then a big crash hit. 4k. Holy shit, I was shook, but then I remembered I had more than doubled my initial money. No big deal, I held. It corrected to 5k. See? That's why you HODL!!! Up and down for a while, and then came another fucking plummet. 3k in a flash. I was really fucking worried. I said to myself, the next time this catches a minor upward trend I'm gonna sell. I'm gonna sell having doubled my initial investment and get back in later, it's clear that this is a downward trend long term.

Then last night came, I started the day at 3200, I was lying in bed trying to sleep but couldn't, I had hit 2k. I was sick. All my family would ask me how my investments were doing when I returned home from college, last time they saw me I was at 8k. I'd be so humiliated. How could I tell them I had actually lost money? I sold at 2k, I made a measly 20% profit over the massive bullrun. I felt at ease after weeks of seeing my money decline, at least. Bitcoin was at 6k and had even dipped to 5.9 at one point, it's going down to 4 I told myself. I slept well.

Then I woke up this morning in total dismay, I hadn't updated my blockfolio before bed. I went from 2k to 3k overnight. Bitcoin was 7.5k. I didn't get out of bed. I felt sick to my stomach. I was a disgusting fucking loser, a meme, a retard who waited until the very end to sell and thought I was making a good choice. Now it's clear I was a failure all along, I just got lucky on the way up.

>> No.7403050

I hope you had fun playing the investment simulator game. Maybe when you're older you can apply these lessons to an investment of significant money.

>> No.7403063
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nice blogpost faggot thanks for the coins btw ;^)

>> No.7403091

Fuck you

>> No.7403128


>> No.7403141

I went up 15k and got destroyed down to around 2-3k OP. Don't worry, just don't be a bitch and rebuild.

>> No.7403157

Calm down anon, just wait Couple of days, we will see 5k before total recovery

>> No.7403203
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Pic related, it's you

>> No.7403235



Go back to college, faggot. If you don't have 50k in coins, don't bother with us.

>> No.7403257

That was the nicest thing anyone could have possibly told you right now. It is literally great advice.

>> No.7403259


Bro at least you didnt lose any money. And now you learned.

Its hard, I know. And biz doesnt help. Never ever sell or buy when you're emotional. I know its hard not too follow your emotions, but follow your gut instead.

When you feel elated, its probably a good time to sell. When you feel panicked its probably a good time to buy.

Do the opposite of what your mind is telling you to do, as truly experienced investors and whales are the 1% who do this. And they know the 99% will do the sane thing every time (panic sell or FOMO buy)

>> No.7403264

>I started in mid December

Get rekt, decemberfag

>> No.7403283

lmfao you sound like the biggest faggot ever

>> No.7403299

I don't think so. The meme graph has proven itself to be true, and if you were on biz last night it was complete and total despair, people had accepted that the end was nigh and we were going down to 2k. Now it's recovering and people are skeptical. This can't be a real recovery they're saying, just like the meme graph says they would say. Basically, the sentiment changed overnight to "it's hopeless" to "this isn't a real recovery" and the meme graph predicts that perfectly, which means last night was the absolute bottom. And I sold it.

>> No.7403320
File: 91 KB, 634x822, Gold Pajeet .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for honorin the Biz tradition lad...

>> No.7403341

You're right. I just feel terrible. I could've really used that money, I would've paid off all my student loans or got a better apartment or even just saved it. Instead I was greedy and dumb.

>> No.7403348

buy back now you retard.

>> No.7403356

>thinking Hodl is just a meme

>> No.7403395


okay now that you are saying that youre making decisions based on what people post on biz I know that you are just larping, very funny anon

>> No.7403406

>learned all of these lessons already from the 2014 bull run and crash that was almost identical, except on a different scale.
>Used my knowledge to go from $20k to $1 million this time and not lose it.

Just learn from this OP.

>> No.7403409

Don't worry, OP, we'll make it, if not with crypto then with something else. I burned myself, too, but we should see it as our rite of passage. Don't let nasty anons get to you, the majority of >100k portfolios posted here are probably fake (and even if they aren't, so what?) And this is good advice btw >>7403141

>> No.7403438

i started new years evening. was up 15x my investment ath. now i am 2x from being 1.2 x high and you know what? i an grateful to have experienced the immense volatility. i saw what a bullrun is, a crash, how this board is shilling shitcoins that get pumped and dumped and learned what shorting is and tether. i now know when hodl is a good choice and when it is a bad choice, all this within 1 month. these lectures would have cost me mich more in the future when my portfolio is 50k up instead of 4k up. i am going to make it.

>> No.7403448

It wasn't the absolute bottom, it will go way lower. Meanwhile buy some BCH with what you have left, it will go up x5-x10 over the next few months and then you'll be a happy camper.

>> No.7403454

honestly in the same situation and i'm so glad i've learned from both sides of the coin. When it's going up like crazy and you have to learn when to sell at the top, and now the absolute destruction where you have to learn how to diminish losses or swing trade your way to more modest gains.

Just see it as a learning experience. t. guy who also got wrecked.

>> No.7403464

It's ok buddy, everything happens for a reason in this divine Universe. Many people are probably in your same boat. Realize your true nature is abundance. Go outside and be grateful for the abundant sunlight, and your health!
All is One :)

>> No.7403472

Dont worry anon, it will be okay.

I went from 5k to 28k and ruined it fucking all, almost. Lots of stupid decision with leverage and I was down at 2k today. I felt absolutely fucking terrible

However, I managed to play 2k to 3k already, so my confidence has grown. I'm gonna make it again, much better. I've learned shitloads about investing and now I know how to work both in bull and bear markets. I nailed the fucking tops and bottoms after the crash and I know the mistakes I made. I'm gonna make it, I hope you too, anon.

>> No.7403520


>> No.7403525

Dont worry, you'll feel even worse when u bought at 7k then sell at 4k soon.

>> No.7403552

Be careful with leverage, one unlucky trade without proper stop loss and you're wiped out

>> No.7403597

It's okay man, you can probably buy back in. Just stop bring a retard.

If you're a pro, you can day trade.
If not, just HODL.

>> No.7403755

Accepting and handling with volatility comes with experience. You"re smarter now than you were. The real lesson here is to be private about your money. Stop bragging about gains.

>> No.7403766

I want to say I've learned a lot, at the very least I know when to take profits (easier said than done though) but I still don't know when to buy in or not. Just gonna wait and see for a bit.

>> No.7403838

/biz/ overreacts to price movements
what you should really be monitoring is Reddit, the vote system means that posts will reflect what the majority of the users think

>> No.7404212

This thread got almost all the information you need.

>do the opposite of what your emotions tell you to do

>learn from your mistakes

>just hodl (for years, not a couple months) if you're a dum-dum

I'd like to remind you of these two:
1 Only invest what you can afford to lose.
2 Buy when there's blood in the streets. (We're currently drowning in blood. Observe and act accordingly or just stop and never look back.)

>> No.7404226


dude think before you act. You think crypto will just die... just like that.
Do you have any clue how many people with loads of money and power are involved in crypto now. New blockchain companies are popping up every day. New developments every day.
You must be an idiot to believe it will just die. It will keep coming back and back and back.

>> No.7404313


No, the vote system allows for a dangerous echo chamber in which free thought cannot be leveraged.

Go back, you have to. Your views are poisonous and grow ever more popular as this liberal society frowns on its own hubris.

>> No.7404782

I know it now

>> No.7405164
File: 953 KB, 1056x700, dap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude the experience you have at the moment is extremely valuable and should inform you.

Your trading strategy should be a lot like having excellent fashion sense:

1. Have one thing that's unique.
2. The rest of your ensemble should be boring.
3. The unique thing should be based on your instincts and interests.
4. Importantly however it should be unique it should be something no-one else here is talking about.
5. Once it is sell.

Use your fashion sense...

>> No.7405169

Unironically this. Every single one of us will have to learn the same lesson. The question is how expensive it will be.

>> No.7405173
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, 1513511314781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed so hard when I read this title

Nice job retard

Just kidding. But seriously learn now - HODL is the answer faggot

>> No.7405313

this is a big reason why i went into crypto.

dropped 1k on jan 18 to day trade. i thought best case scenario i make some money, worst case i drop 1k on a mini stock market that is hella sped up and i learn some stuff.

started at 0.084 BTC back when it was at 12000 and now i'm sitting at 0.063. I thought i was a loser trash who got fucked because he thought he actually knew what he was doing until i crunched some numbers and figured out that the market was actually down 48% since i put in, and i was only down ~20%. At least i know that i still did better than random.

>> No.7405337

Wholesome post anon

In continuation of my last mean post - seriously OP it's okay. We all went through this. The fact that you're here and you're trying and you're still up means that you can make good money here if you LEARN from your mistakes. It's impossible to really learn for real unless you make the mistakes, and now you've made them

HODL isn't a fucking meme in this extremely volatile market. I've learned never to sell during crashes because they always rebound. Will this maybe not happen some time in the future? Yeah, oh well. Then I'd lose some of my profits. But if you think crypto is still early, just HODL and don't look at the current price. That isn't even just crypto advice it's general investment advice

HODL isn't a meme, it's the best thing to do in volatile markets that you know have upside potential

>> No.7405366

not everyone can be a winnar and get a chicken dinnar

>> No.7405885

just a little pointer since you seem like you'd appreciate it.

i've found that a good measure of market health is the percentage of coins that are 24h positive vs negative. the number fluctuates quite predictably. generally, if anywhere between 90 and 99% of the market is negative, pick the coins that are still positive, yet are NOT in a bull run and go in to them. It's not magic but it's a pretty safe way to extract a 5% gain.

>> No.7406893


lol fucking faggot, if you don't have at least 5 digits what the fuck do you think you're going to accomplish here?

>> No.7407235
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lol get owned faggot