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7399627 No.7399627 [Reply] [Original]

I have an idea for an ERC20 token. How do I get it off the ground? It's an idea that would have mass normie appeal and also appeal to law enforcement.

I'm not a programmer though I can code in web languages and python. So I can do the website but where do I find a team of coders who can help me pull it off and won't scam everyone?

>> No.7399693
File: 409 KB, 1080x1127, 1517911940066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong and trustworthy dev team is key to any new coin project

>> No.7399706
File: 277 KB, 2560x1707, peter-crook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, I'm what you call an ideas guy. I have the ideas and I need workers to do all the work while I make the profit. Don't steal my ideas anon, this would be bad and I will sue you.

>> No.7399718

Get that retarded ass bitch off here

>> No.7399735

100% chance that's all the same dude

>> No.7399741

probably the most untalented (((youtuber))) ive seen so far
get that jewish hoe out of here

>> No.7399771

This girl looks like a more attractive version of my ex like she's from an alternate timeline or something.

>> No.7399772

yeah you really need those devs who are proficient in "Goland" rofl

>> No.7399893
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>> No.7400159

Solidity is pretty easy to learn (especially for a erc20 token with some extra features) The most annoying part is testing because you have to redeploy test contracts each time you find a bug or shit goes wrong.

>> No.7400403

send pics

>> No.7400410

You will need a graphic designer to make the site look as good and professional as possible
Lookt at DADI or Lamden
Both shity scams with a good website/CI to cope for the shitty whitepaper

>> No.7400495

Which language has the best implementation support? Go or C++?

>> No.7400564


Go ahead and look at her profile, she fucks so many niggas now she wo't have any idea which one is posting here

>> No.7400646

Damn you weren't wrong she does look like her. Sounds like your ex is a thot tho, sorry to hear that m8

>> No.7400672

I'll post nudes later when I'm at my home machine

>> No.7400748

Why not look into bismuth? Or learn some JavaScript and use Lisk.

NEM can take any code, why not create a token on the NEM platform?

>> No.7400761

She was fucking around at her community college while i was off at Berkeley. Fucking BITCH

>> No.7400865

ha I'm a fellow bear, what were the odds. I was in EECS. If she went to a Cal State that relationship was dead on arrival

>> No.7400886
File: 141 KB, 500x321, 1517891295767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoot me an email osocontro at gmail dott com, currently working for 2 ICOs developing smart contracts

>> No.7400995

It's close to C++ with some weird quirks.

Read a few contracts and you'll get a pretty good understanding of the basics.

>> No.7401042

Are most smart contracts written in C++? That's my favorite language but I haven't written in it since college since everything is JS or Python these days.

>> No.7401159

All smart contracts are written in Solidity which is its own language.

>> No.7401207

Most smart contracts are written in Solidity, which is okay I guess, very similar to Javascript. The hard part is not the coding though, its making your contracts secure enough so some random on the internet doesn't drain the contract's wallet

>> No.7401426

the jews did this

Sounds like fun but damn that's risky, I suppose blockchain devs will be well compensated in the future for being part software engineer part-cybersecurity expert. You been able to work on it full time?

>> No.7401659

If tokens only use Solidity, then why do I see teams listing things like "Node.JS developer" or "Golang specialist"?

Give us a tl;dr on what else we might need for a maymay coin. I'm proficient in:

>Javascript (HTML/CSS/Canvas)
>some other meme languages

>> No.7401780

>JAP coal burner

>> No.7401953

A simple maymay erc20 token takes 30 minutes to make. The ICO contract takes maybe half a day to get right.

Legit projects need specialists because they have shitloads of extra features off chain/cross chain.

>> No.7401981

It's very fun and rewarding to be honest, it's also very intense since there are new developments and consequently new stuff to keep an eye on security wise. I'm working on this stuff on my free time after work.

for a maymay coin you honestly need to know only how to deploy a standard ERC20 token contract + handle distribution. The rest is all HTML/CSS for the website and a bit of Solidity to handle coin reception and distribution if running an ICO. If not a meme coin, most of the work goes on marketing, polishing the whitepaper, designing a nice website, getting some bald old guys as advisors and ambassadors, etc. However, a nice idea with a minimal nice website and the right timing and marketing on biz and bitcointalk can go a long way.

>> No.7402109

>mass normie appeal and also appeal to law enforcement.
sounds like shit.

>> No.7402560

I can do that.

Do I need to account for future dependencies or interoperatability while writing the smart contract or is that something I can write an injection module for later if I someday want to make my token more legit? Haven't really looked into the specifics of Solidy so I'm not sure atm.

>> No.7402695

You'd better.

>> No.7402770

you're not a good businessman

>> No.7402821

Include a random chinese guy

>> No.7403038

yeah I'm waiting for delivery

>> No.7403161


>> No.7403200

I just requested a follow, I'll report back with screenshots

>> No.7403314

reminds me a little of ghs/claire