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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 349 KB, 1434x960, 1517264228507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7394400 No.7394400 [Reply] [Original]

Stop giving your money to women.

>> No.7394439

so this is the power of the white race


>> No.7394496

this is the equivalent of raising your kids by calling them rapists and believing they will be left automatically


>> No.7394556

Obviously not the same people

>> No.7394563

FUCKING KEK. Do you have the origin of these images???

>> No.7394627


>> No.7394660

>having a soyboy for a dad
is she 11?

>> No.7394980

I've found the dads who tell their daughters to not trust guys and threaten other guys tend to be control freaks who were predatory in their youth.

>> No.7395085

>That cross in the second pic
She sure will need God to get out of the mess she got herself in.

>> No.7395117

Oh I messed her up alright

>> No.7395154

Plot twist, it's the dad's and they're covering.

>> No.7395160
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, ohfkr4ijoo601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those muscles are betrayed by the soyboy smile

>> No.7395186

what is it about that mouth shape ?
i feel like i'm looking at apes here

>> No.7395232

why do they do this? how is it so widespread amongst these kinds of people? Did some journalist write an article about this is how one should pose for pictures?

>> No.7395234

>tfw all your friends on social media post selfies doing the soy smile

Feels good being a guy who doesn't do soy smiles or take selfies like a faggot.

>> No.7395287

what's wrong with this?
females should have children while they're in highschool/college because those are the lowest stress periods of their lives. and they have parents close by to take care of the kids.
but you're probably going to die as a genetic dead end

>> No.7395295
File: 105 KB, 268x272, aziz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dreaded claw

>> No.7395352

It's the face you make when you hear that your wife's bull is coming over and you get to play video games all night in your "man cave" instead of fucking her gaping cunt.

>> No.7395373

>that man
come on anon, we all know you're fat and pasty and probably the definition of soyboy

>> No.7395375

>females should have children while they're in highschool
This is why no one takes you all seriously

>> No.7395386

not even the same girl

>> No.7395409

I actually agree with this, lowest risk of birth defects too.
But they should have them with a much older husband for financial stability. And not work outside the home. And should keep having babies.

>> No.7395419
File: 64 KB, 540x627, tumblr_o6in8uoAwH1sx9d42o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a gay, I can tell you that dad is totally liking the D.

>> No.7395432

he looks like an alpha chad except the nigger tattoos

she's probably well on her way on the cock carousel by now (only assuming this because shit genetics of father [i.e. tattoos])

>> No.7395452

go read a biology book and then get back to me

>> No.7395469

This actually makes the most sense logically.

>> No.7395621
File: 97 KB, 498x252, jayztothemoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie this is a good photoshop anon

>> No.7395755

Too bad feminism makes it illegal, even though it would solve our population pyramid problems and eliminate the need for everything except EU/Commonwealth immigration.

>> No.7396574

What if that's a 12 year old and that's her literal dad?

>> No.7396622

Looks like I was correct. LOL too many pedophiles in this thread


>> No.7396668

Can you imagine what it must've felt like to jizz in that fresh teenage snatch? Not even fully developed just imagine how tight it would've been. The touch of her soft pale skin, the little whimpers she makes as you plow her sweet young sex topped with just a wispy tuft of hair.

>> No.7396680

totally. i knew this one dude who bought a gun after he had a daughter for threatening bf's

>> No.7396780
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>> No.7396796
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>implying having kids in highschool is a great thing
>genetic dead end
>having this big of an ego
>being this retarded

>> No.7396846

Because they think all other guys think in the same way they do.

>> No.7396908

any teenage boy who hangs out with girls without ulterior motives is a guaranteed soyboy

>> No.7397013

For women it is. Women should not be in higher education anyway.

>> No.7397109


>implying women are the only ones involved when they get pregnant

>falling for the having kids meme

>> No.7397130

lmao. at least it wasnt a shitskin or nigger that impregnated the dumb roastie

>> No.7397230

>not passing on your genes unlike every single ancestor
>thinking money will give him more happiness than money AND children
>implying the men need to be of the same age

>> No.7397274

this tbqh

>> No.7397323

That's a Christian flag in the background, so she was even private schooled.
There truly is no hope.

>> No.7397362

Phenomenal teeth on that middle fag.

>> No.7397366


>lifelong responsibility
>having kids always increases happiness

That's funny.

>> No.7397409
File: 3 KB, 125x118, kekpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nu males in chad clothing amirite?

>> No.7397580

Are you implying there's a positive correlation with happiness and having no responsibilities?

>> No.7397606


>> No.7397614
File: 6 KB, 284x177, 342352623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol has made 4chan this giant bowl of beta males trying to convince everyone else they aren't. It's pretty entertaining, but some of it is just down right sad.

>> No.7397688


Definitely am.

>> No.7397931

I disagree, I think some responsibilities give meaning to yourself, especially kids, at least from a biology perspective. It's hard to fight biology for your happiness.

>> No.7397942
File: 58 KB, 700x550, numale open mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a ripped dude, he is probably a massive faggot. Just look at that nu-male gape

>> No.7398120

I forgot I was on /biz/ while in this thread... wtf

>> No.7398123


If you already have kids yourself, then I would respectfully agree to disagree.

If you do not have kids, then I don't think you are able to make such a claim about kids increasing your happiness.

Not to mention it greatly depends on the person's personality. You can't apply your claim to every single human being. That would just be ridiculous.

>> No.7398155

Also lmao he's just barely head taller then his little daughter.

No on is afraid of a fucking manlet.

>> No.7398168


how is this bullshit thread related to /biz/....mods where the fuck are you

also, the chick on the right side looks like she would of been a fun bang just saying

>> No.7398308

Do you have kids?

>> No.7398411

ITT: keeping a girl caged in my home will solve all the problems!

>> No.7398421


I like how you never clarified whether you have them or not and instead asked me first.

No I do not. I value my free time and am satisfied without them.

>> No.7398472

you sound like a bitch

>> No.7398526


>implying not wanting to have kids makes someone a bitch

You sound mad.

>> No.7398534

masculine gay couples look worse than diarrhea

>> No.7398579

enjoy an existence of playing video games and not passing on your genes

it's better that betas do this tbo

>> No.7398600

Then I will not respectfully disagree, you're just wrong. You just said I can't have an opinion on this without having kids, but you do and based on nothing but "lol everyone is differnet :D", no, we are all made to reproduce and it's gonna suck shit for you when you're 50+ and alone for the rest of your life. Have you ever had responsibility for anything? There's a reason people who don't have kids end up getting 30+ cats and shit, it's to fill the void.

If you do not have kids, then I don't think you are able to make such a claim about kids decreasing your happiness.

>> No.7398607

That is factually correct though? The younger the mother the more viable and healthy the offspring. Basic biology.

>> No.7398615


>implying it's hard to fuck a warm, wet hole and then cum in it.

How much of a damn virgin are you?

>> No.7398676


Go ahead and have a bunch of kids if that makes you happy, lol. Nobody is stopping you. I bet you'll love the lifelong responsibilities.

>> No.7398754

humans are just 99% projectionists

>i was a creepy jacked rapist bugman so every guy must be

>> No.7398780

Go ahead and do it then. I bet your limp dick wouldn't work

>> No.7398842

nobody implied this, brainlet

>> No.7398849

As an adult I have no problem with responsibilities. What do you see yourself doing in 50 years with all your "free time"? Family is great, they're pretty much the only people who will love you unconditionally forever. I can't imagine how my grandparents would be living if they didn't have kids, their 3 kids all had 3 kids and now we have a huge network of people who spend time together and do stuff and have fun. What are you gonna do, play video games and feed your cats? even if you can get sex right now, nobody's gonna wanna have sex with you in even 20 years.

>> No.7398921


Whatever you say, limp dick.


>implying passing on genes is some miraculous event that is the only thing that matters in life.


>> No.7398940
File: 70 KB, 700x960, tumblr_nirliykWQg1thjbjao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread got really deep

>> No.7398992


>living vicariously through your kids when you're older.

That is the state of you and most people.

>> No.7399014

>high school
She looks like she's in middle school

>> No.7399044
File: 316 KB, 750x822, implying get a gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending money on an actual living being

>> No.7399080

>having a family that loves you is living vicariously through them
enjoy dying alone

>> No.7399121

You're literally regurgitating shit from reddit, the joy of family is living together, not through each other.

>> No.7399136


Continuing life is the only point of life

Refute that

>> No.7399146


cant wait till you kill yourself lmfao

>> No.7399156

>passing on genes is the only thing that matters in life.
unironically this, in the grand scheme of things

you will be the first of your ancestors to fail at your biological life mission. you're dropping the torch to pursue short-term pleasures, and spitting in the face of everyone in your family that came before you.

good job.

>> No.7399162

Sorry you got brainwashed into not reproducing, enjoy going extinct

>> No.7399165
File: 10 KB, 248x251, 1510314988153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a kid
>it's a girl
What do /biz/?

>> No.7399173


>Needing someone to love you because you can't love yourself
>implying humans do not die alone in the end

Much delusion. Make sure you're looking at your family once more before your last moment because you know you won't see them again! The state of you.

>> No.7399199

reported to CSIS :)

>> No.7399222

>If you ever have opened your mouth you're a soyboy

>> No.7399223

how is loving yourself and loving eachother mutually exclusive? and how are you dying alone if you have family that care about you?

>> No.7399226

be a strong masculine figure and don't give her too much or too little attention

>> No.7399255

raise them right and reroll?

>> No.7399272

Anon, you do know tattoos aren't genetic, right?

>> No.7399301


If you get lonely easily, yeah.


If you're desperate to hold onto a finite life, then sure.


Suicide is actually retarded.


>biological mission
You can go ahead and have all the kids you want to fulfill your "duty' and you don't want to let a bunch of humans before you down because they had sex!


>going extinct.
Lol. I actually laughed at this one.

>> No.7399311

kek the boy is like "what now fag?"
Bet her dad apologized to him

>> No.7399384
File: 563 KB, 1280x956, 1439013665767-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you feel this way anon

go on, be honest

Do you truly believe there is no value in carrying on your genes? Tell me

choosing to get tattoos (esp full body) may be sign that you're suceptible to poor decision making over extended periods of time

>> No.7399454

dude if family is everything for you its ok but not everyone is the same, i don't feel the need to go and visit my family speak with them or have a conversation, nor do i need someone caring about me as a reason to live, as much as i know they like me and they're ok id rather stay neutral, i don't like conversations desu

>> No.7399547

btw why the fuck t.b.h translates to desu?

>> No.7399550



Just because biologically it is the meaning of life, doesn't mean that it actually is the meaning of life

I'm glad I don't have to bow down to my genes and have kids to give my life meaning. I can give it meaning in other ways

I am not passing on my genes... I'll adopt if I ever feel I could care for and provide for another human

>> No.7399650

>I can give it meaning in other ways
What ways, specifically?

>> No.7399678

>I am not passing on my genes... I'll adopt if I ever feel I could care for and provide for another human
Do you consider yourself to be genetically inferior?

>> No.7399715

>I am not passing on my genes...


>> No.7399719
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, 9654742603824905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "beards", their eyes (w/ glasses), their mouths - it's the exact replication of a soy boy (except for the right one, his stare is not good to qualify as a genuine soy boy)

t.smokey sage soy boy

>> No.7399730

Some humans are born to pass on memes instead of genes

>> No.7399779

Because I'm warning you all about a poor investment decision.

>> No.7399824
File: 21 KB, 700x700, 12315415124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you try to make it seem like someones dumb but don't know wtf you are talking about and look like an idiot.

>> No.7399856

>then reality hits
aka, you want to suck his cock but hes hetero and thinks you are disgusting

>> No.7399877

Because we don't like your nigger speak, newfag normie.

>> No.7400018


Pretty much yeah, there's nothing of me I care to pass down to the next generation. Nothing at all. I have nieces and nephews that will carry on my family name, not that I cared one way or another.

Meaning... A very subjective term. What gives my life meaning right now is travelling, playing and producing music and my job as an engineer. Family would get in the way of all of those, and would mean a big increase in stress and a lack of free time

>> No.7400029
File: 66 KB, 630x468, fWHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7400150

Most of our habits are learnt unconsciously from the people we surround ourselves with. For example our accents.

You can a lot about someone by just observing the way they speak and behave, and their mannerism.

It’s why so many gay guys talk with that stupid high pitched lisp. When are around someone with a different accent than us, we subciously imitate their accent a little, eventually it becomes your default

>> No.7400157

exactly this. all these inbred biztards are fucking obsessed with breeding and passing on their shit tier genes

>> No.7400233

Chad is basically just a different breed.

>> No.7400259

>Yes I'm genetically inferior, there's nothing of me that I care to pass down
What sort of genetic conditions do you have? Curious because I've only ran into one other person who was adamant about not reproducing and preferring adoption over doing so, their reason was that they were scared of passing down mental issues as schizophrenia and BPD was common in his family.

>> No.7400300

meant for

>> No.7400360


My brother has done this for years. It wasn't any kind of trend, and he doesn't really have any friends. I never understood it, but then one day it became a trend, and it made perfect sense. He is exactly like all of these other guys that do this, and somehow just knew to do it without seeing anyone else do it?

Every picture he's taken for years is like this.

He's in his 30s and works part time for minimum wage and lives with someone for free.

>> No.7400367

None, I'm actually extremely healthy. I despise children, zero interest in parenthood in any form. Much better to spend my money on myself while I laugh at the breeders cleaning up after their snot nosed children

>> No.7400406

real talk fellas: what is even the point of making more than like 70k a year if it's not to attract women

i mean seriously if you have a place to stay, good computer for gaming, maybe some workout equipment and a reliable vehicle why would you bother with making money?

>> No.7400446

You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.7400470

I know one guy who did this too back in middle school like 15 years ago, also like everyone else who does it. It's kinda magical, really an interesting phenomenon.

>> No.7400476

Except your empathy about the shittyness of everything and obvious ability in certain fields is worthy of continuing in itself

>> No.7400503

100% this

>> No.7400530

Perhaps you didn't read his post, he obviously doesn't despise children as he talked about potentially adopting.

>> No.7400541

Because making money feels good. It's like getting a high score IRL. Computer games are just a simulated version of the dopamine hit you get from making money.

>> No.7400798
File: 998 KB, 1440x2560, 1509667531444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i been planning for weeks to ask this girl out, but im such a loser everytime i see her i just say hi. :(

>> No.7401309

This. Clearly her father was replaced by her baby's father.

>> No.7401385

Late reply, was watching the SpaceX Test flight, pretty awesome stuff!

I actually don't have any birth defects, mental or genetic problems. I'm not even all that bad looking, probably average.

I'm just a bit of an Anti-Natalist and don't actually think being alive is a good thing. I mean, I love my life and everyone in it, but I'd take never existing in the first place as a preference.
Hence the adoption, If I could make someones life better by adopting, I'll do it, but I wouldn't feel right bringing a being into this world of my own creation

>> No.7401497
File: 67 KB, 634x422, newman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what you're saying is we should convert to Islam?

>> No.7401571

Why the fuck would you gape your niggerdick ridden mouth for pictures in the first place?

>> No.7401586
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x919, based god vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so this is why pol is full of BLACKED posters, spams the words cuck and soyboy all the time...

theyre insecure and just projecting their insecurities hard lmao. just Level 2 incels

>> No.7401590

Christianity was like this until the west lost World War 2.

>> No.7401614

I can smell the soy from your post

>> No.7401845
File: 49 KB, 800x530, SpectrumMaternalPaternalCh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly.

>> No.7401894


I'm not part of the 'in-group'

So why not just speak like a normal person, instead of clique slang that only people 'in the know' know what the fuck you're talking about.

You biggim, google, candy ass, roody poo

>> No.7401997
File: 27 KB, 508x524, like rly pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7401999

>Hence the adoption, If I could make someones life better by adopting, I'll do it, but I wouldn't feel right bringing a being into this world of my own creation
Raising someone else's children would be far more difficult than raising your own, for one they could always use the old, as you obviously care primarily about your own comfort I'd highly advise against this.

>> No.7402080

Mastering some craft, pursuing the advancement of the human race, you know shit that actually matters. If family matters to you, that's fine, but don't think you're achieving anything special.

>> No.7402135

>you will never have a cute wife like him
>you will never have a child
>you will always be alone
I never thought I would be jealous of a 13 year old sperg.

>> No.7402160

Uhh anon, humans are apes

>> No.7402250

There are things I'd like to do- in terms of space for innovation and education - that would take more money than I have to set up.

Also, I'd like work to be optional.

>> No.7402303

Having the house to yourself and retirement, mostly on the latter. I would be fucking happy if I could make that amount of money.

>> No.7402316

abandon her in the woods

>> No.7402333
File: 2.04 MB, 3036x4488, Shailene-Woodley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegans (AKA soyboys) are generally motivated by excessive disgust, as are people who don't want children - hence the large overlap.

>> No.7402398

Notice he stuck around despite being 14 years old

He's more of a man than 71% of black men (real stat) will ever be

>> No.7402450

>Kid isn't even born yet
>He stuck around
Lol, it's not like a 14-15 year old has much mobility.

>> No.7402466


>> No.7402479

Yeah he looks way smaller

>> No.7402499

And their daughters turn out to be pronstars/hookers/sloots

>> No.7402550

You need to get your confidence up before you even try. Like it needs to be if she says no it will barely bother you. Only then will you be ready.

>> No.7402723

that kid is as tall as her dad

>> No.7402750

This guy gets it.

>> No.7402836
File: 1.52 MB, 356x200, The hero we need.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGTOW-er here. This thread fails to tell you WHY you should not spend money on women.

step 1: learn about divorce laws and female NATURE (important: women cannot love you only what you do for them)
step 2: women are dream killers! Dont get a long term relationship if you are not already rich
step 3: Go MGTOW 2.0: live frugally and focus on getting maximum money for at least 10 years
step 4: use capital for passive income, then retire

[note: this is just my MGTOW way, there are infinite other things you could do after you take the red pill]

>> No.7402921
File: 411 KB, 776x639, 1506087138556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont fucking need to convert to Islam!

You only need to tell women NO next time they demand shit! Women always nag, even on a country level, JUST SAY NO! Women will literally say "ok" and be quiet for a little while again. Then next time say NO again, its that simple, no need for praying to mekka.

>> No.7403086


I often think of this but I'm just not good looking and I would great an even uglier child with another meh looking girl, that would be even more depressed than me (everyone is so good looking these days, constantly getting bombarded by Chad and Stacy through social media)

The cycle of jealousy, depression and bitterness has to end

Maybe there will be cool VR stuff to do

>> No.7403144

wait is this bait? surely you have noticed all the rapists and sexual assaulters are left wing.

>> No.7403231

imagine what julius caesar would say about this

>> No.7403653

i don't care anymore. at least the white race is reproducing again.

>> No.7404475

Homeschool her

>> No.7404561

yes. i was implying the irony.

dead relation now. rip

>> No.7405123
File: 38 KB, 600x600, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These posts brought to you by entitled incel millenial™, thank you for your contribution to the destruction of the west

>> No.7405987
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 1506937871977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7406257

Found the soy boy.

>> No.7406398

Elliot Rodger is that you?

>> No.7407549

Done, next...

>> No.7408774

invest your money into her.
your life is presumably shit, idk, but im going to assume it could be better.
raise her to be better than you, the returns will come when one day she will take care of you. but only if you raised her right and invested in her enough so that she could support you.

Kids are like an investment where you buy in at the dip, unless you adopt, and your gains are determined purely by you.

>> No.7409099

I don't have kids, but I've looked after my niece and nephew enough to know that it does not bring happiness. Having to invest my full attention for only 8 hours a day to make sure they don't accidentally kill themselves by rolling over on to a toy that smothers them is too much.
After about 3 hours I'm over the whole idea of ever having one. Love them to death, but the amount of constant, 24/7 energy, time, attention, and patience it would take to raise them is the antithesis of what I would consider "happiness".
Also everything is "filling a void", dummy. Kids, cats, video games, sports, television, working out, etc. is all things we put on ourselves in an effort to do what we think will make us happy. Some choose poorly. Personally I already know kids won't do it.

>> No.7409169

Well at least some whites are breeding...

>> No.7409278

Kids are not an investment. You shouldn't hope to get returns on the money, time and energy you put into your kids.
From a pure egotistical standpoint, kids are pure sunk costs.
However, for any semblance of a future civilization, for a better tomorrow, for a stronger humanity and race (if you find that important), and to give your descendant a less shitty life than you as well as a fighting chance against competitors, you have to invest heavily.

>> No.7409354

To not understand this and not invest is nigger tier.
To not understand this and hope for returns is pleb tier.
Succesful lines do this and that's why they're succesful in the long run.

>> No.7409555
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x1200, 1510026108386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem. Women are huge degenerates and the marriage will probably end in divorce. This girl will probably get needy and have completely unrealistic expectations out of her man thanks to pop culture and media all praising the degenerate woman.

The poor boy probably won't be able to find a decent job thanks to all of them being shipped to China and all the soy shit in our foods feminizing him making him unable to do hard work. And even if he could do skilled labor, it's flooded with Mexicans and the entry point is a joke at best. Some of them do end up working in an oil field, or long hours on a construction site and by the time they get home they're exhausted and simply want a warm meal.

But what happens at home? The woman is brainwashed by TV and media telling her her husband should be a cuck and give her more attention and meet every one of her needs. It's more about her, and nothing about him. So, assuming she believes the propaganda, she ends up initiating the divorce almost always. I've seen this too many times. Women have literally no respect for men which is why the divorce rate is so incredibly high.

>> No.7409693
File: 367 KB, 1000x1000, 6c92b40f7bd068621d60db8a581006a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone photoshop ripple logos into this right now

>> No.7409894

>Muh pass down genes
If you want kids have kids but not everyone wants kids.

>> No.7410030

>I've found
...by what means did you "find" that, Anon?

>> No.7410076

↑ this surprises the ape,
which thinks it is somehow divine

>> No.7410103
File: 1.75 MB, 1200x1200, 1513816275695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


better version

>> No.7410216

... insha'Allah!

>> No.7410340

>not everyone wants kids
Yes, and not everyone wants kids near them who are shouting, crying, screaming, wailing,
whining, shrieking, shitting, pissing, and getting their filthy clumsy hands on everything.

>> No.7410363


my grandad had his wife and son by his side when he died

>> No.7410364

Nice bait, you almost had me. Very good Anon

>> No.7410397

Islam is the answer to your cucked race issues Srs

Just say no.. lmao good one op, that’ll reverse the damage you’ve all done already

>> No.7410447

Are you fucking retarded? Everyone knew it was her dad that’s the joke

>> No.7410500

At least he's not a nigger. I support her decision to make white babies.

>> No.7410622

>Hehe, I'm such a gypsy!

>*Has no idea what a gypsy is nor how disgusting/criminal they are

>> No.7410655

back to pol blazi

>> No.7410675

>t. soyboy

>> No.7410816

wrong, almost all the genius who really changed humanity on this planet didn't had childs (pythagoras, plato, tesla, pointcarré, archimed, bohr, kant, shakespeare, wittgenstein, socrate, gallileo, pascal etc...)

>> No.7410867

Dad is alpha but mother hit the sauce when she was preggers, that kid has fetal alcoholic syndrome face.

>> No.7411161

This is child abuse, making that girl wear such a tacky shirt. That was probably the motivation for her going out and getting pregnant.

>> No.7411182
File: 25 KB, 651x436, 1505162919399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless you're some kind of once-in-a-generation genius or genetic freak, for 99.9% of people, starting a family and raising children will be the most significance your life can have and the best possible outcome for long-term happiness.

Acting like your potential is best fulfilled by forgoing a family is saying that you're the next Tesla, Michelangelo, or Nietzsche. If that's not actually you, yes your best path is starting a family and raising good children. Avoiding this destiny is not some fucking virtue or act of selflessness, it's either laziness or immaturity.

>> No.7411248
File: 62 KB, 1024x766, 124634673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always blondes who are whores. Can't we just purge all blonde women, they are a disease in this world.

>> No.7411501


trips. what would be a non-basic bitch? let's list some bullet-points

>> No.7411672

I want to inseminate this girl badly.

>> No.7411679


"Shakespeare" lol

>> No.7411760

Same reason leftwingers want more and more government. We see ourselves as the moral baseline. So if you know deep down you're a terrible person, you live convinced every other motherfucker is even worse. In your mind, monsters would roam the earth doing atrocities to each other if they weren't stopped by a centralized authority.

Conveniently, this absolves you of any moral quandary for whatever bad tactics you might use to further your cause. Censorship campaigns? Lying in journalism? Importing illegal voters to subvert the democratic process? All justified, because if you didn't do that, literal nazis would rise up from their suburban homes and hang all black people right this instant. The lefist believes man is rotten, and as the least rotten one, he's got a duty to save the oppressed (idiots who need guidance) from the oppressor (pure evil only barely kept at bay).

>> No.7411772


congratulations on your trips. everything is going to be okay now. I think Louis CK said it best. something like uh, that he loves his children more than anything, but at the same time, he regrets every single decision that led to their birth ayyy lmao I dunno look it up i'm gay i like men im going to adopt black babies yo your dad's a faggot. at least I have a dad. OHHHH you bastard child bitch! hilarious

>> No.7411944


>> No.7412002


what is the answer to society's increasing shit-storm to violence, drugs, broken families, and all that monstrous shit?

more laws? a police state? some orwellian nightmare/paradise? or more freedom and a libertarian paradise?

more PSAs "The More You Know!" and Dr. Phil's and other moral father figures to teach a new grotesque generation to do better?

hegellian principle. the pendulum might swing so far left, it's going to swing right.

it's all so vapid and empty and meaningless. unless there's meaning.


increasingly shameful pornography and harder drugs, and public gay sex im gay i wasnt born gay but trap porn made me gay gay gay gay i like dix so much i want it in my mouf thk u daddy pls cum in my butt

>> No.7412146


>> No.7412151
File: 142 KB, 925x1150, my face when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What emotion is this face trying to comvey?

>Yeah dog this is my work, and I work every night!


>God mom, do you really need to take a picture?

>> No.7412334

>she's not pure now

>> No.7412580

he even got a ribbon for it

>> No.7412918


Me too anon, and i'm not worried in the slightest i will make her into a good woman, who will have many white babies, when she is young. We fix white women by making better white women.
This guy knows >>7404475

>> No.7412939

>Yeah I fucked yo bitch, What you gonna do about it faggot?

>> No.7413644


proof he got his peener wet with a real girl