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739052 No.739052 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm 22 with my Bachelors in English. I'm currently in South Korea teaching for $2400 a month with no rent. I'm saving roughly $~1200 a month. I've been here for 2 months now. I'm really enjoying the lifestyle and it's my first time living on my own.

I have a rough plan of teaching here for 2 years. Then going to either China/Japan/Czech/Russia. I basically want to spend my 20s living in as many countries as possible. All the while trying to maintain saving half my paycheck every month.

My problem is that I know I won't want to do this forever. I don't want to settle for the sub par pay for the rest of my life. The lifestyle will always be comfortable while teaching English overseas but I will want to settle down eventually(potentially supporting a family).

To my understanding this type of teaching caps out on pay after 3 years of experience. However I am interesting in teaching academia as a lifetime choice.

What would /biz/ recommend I do to insure I can transition from low end teaching positions to something more lucrative while still being education focused?

>> No.739056

>$2400 a month with no rent
>saving roughly $~1200 a month

>> No.739078

I suppose I should of clarified it is my goal to save half my paycheck a month. Currently I am saving more than $1500.

I buy stuff like milk/protein powder/eggs/chicken which is on the more expensive side here. I go through a galleon of milk every 2-3 days. I eat 6 eggs a day.

I still pay for utilities. which is roughly $100

My phone/internet costs about $100 combined

I have a gym membership which is $70 (Gyms are extremely expensive here for some reason). Most other gyms were closer to $90-$100

A small chunk goes into pension which I will collect at the end of the year.

3.3% is income tax.

The rest of my spending is just eating out. Going drinking on the weekend and public transportation.

>> No.739084

What does the pay cap out at?

>> No.739091

The cap is $2700 to my knowledge. You gain $100 more a month for every year you work.

Also to clarify their currency is in Korean won which doesn't exactly convert cleanly. I'm just using a rough USD to make it simple.

Hagwons can potentially pay higher which is what I'm doing. However you will work more and get less vacation.

Most people coming here for the first time will be making 2.1. I got lucky and had a nice resume so I was able to start at 2.4 with an unusual hagwon job.

>> No.739098

>not doing GOMAD and eating five dozen eggs a day.

>> No.739104

How are the qt's over in corea. I'm in nippon myself right now.

>> No.739110

There is a surprising variance in how the girls look here. Some that are very plain, some that are real qts.

Where I live it's getting hot and the girls love showing off their legs. They have no issues showing off 90% of the bottom half but they won't show any cleavage or even their shoulders.

I don't have the best perspective due to it being a small town but there are some definite qts here. Some speak English too.

I know a few qts over in Japan myself. To be honest I think Japanese women are more "cute" on average. Though Koreans put effort into being "sexy". If that makes any sense. My sample size is probably just skewed.

>> No.739114

I've always been interested in this. Like how does it work, do you just speak english to them or do you have to know a bit of their language?

>> No.739133

All in English.

>> No.739134

Learning Korean will help you order food at restaurants, buy stuff,use a taxi and in general have a more enjoyable experience.

However, in terms of your actual job you're expected to use zero Korean.

I see a tutor and during class some of the students teach me a few phrases here and there. "idiot" "genius" haha.

Currently I can read Hangul and I know some phrases to get by but I can't have any kind of conversation(yet).

>> No.739140

Do you have to get a bachelor's in English to teach in a foreign country, or will a degree in any subject work?

>> No.739144

Any subject but you'll probably need a TEFL/Teaching Certificate/Experience

>> No.739159

Is that hard to get?

>> No.739645

That's up to you man.

>> No.739671 [DELETED] 

You make $48,000 teaching English to kids? brb moving to Korea.

>> No.739674
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>Bachelors in English
>supporting a family

>> No.739688

Your only hope is becoming a Uni Professor AND publishing literary works.

Yes, you do need to do both. With luck, hard work, and skill, you will make good on sales and also become the Head of the English Department. And yes, luck is absolutely involved there. If the current head is 38 and has tenure, you cannot be the head for 27 years.

You picked a bad fucking field.

>> No.739726

I really want to go teach English in some Asian country just so that I can have the opportunity to fuck the shit out of Asian girls in my spare time however I have no degree.

>> No.739740

I too have interest in teaching overseas. Care to tell us how you got into the field/how competitive it is/which countries are begging for english speaking students? Where are you from and how did you get into your current position is really what I'm asking.

>> No.739743

*English speaking teachers, not students fuck

>> No.739745


I'm interested in this too. I'd probably go teach right now if I had the opportunity.

>> No.739939

Me too bump

>> No.740086

Thanks for the feedback. Down the road I was thinking about getting my masters or PhD but not necessarily in English, just academia. Though I appreciate the heads up.

I don't even have to be a professor in America, I just enjoy being the learning environment. Being at a university overseas wouldn't be too bad either if I could get my language skills up(along with my credentials)
I found out about teaching in Japan initially through the JET program. Down the road I talked to a friend by chance that was going to Korea instead through the Korean equivalent called EPIK. After that I found out that there are dozens of countries all with opportunities to teach English. The most money seems to be in Saudi Arabia(requiring a masters degree) but Korea/China pay the highest base pay with the capacity to save the most money.

To my understanding China has the biggest desperation for white English speakers, Korea has a big market it for it as well. Places like Japan/Europe/Middle East are more competitive.

Personally I've only taught in korea(for 2 months) and I'm enjoying it but there are a lot of shitty stories and people that bitch about it online so be smart about what job you get into, learn the red flags. A lot of people come here and don't do any research and then are really unhappy.

For pure financial reasons Korea seems to be the best place but for enjoying the culture/lifestyle it seems that places like China/Japan/whereever are rated higher for personal well being.

Though for me I am into eSports, the food and different culture stuff here in Korea so I like it quite a bit. Though like I said before I want to go to Japan/China/Russia/Czech for the experience of it.

I am 22 and white which probably makes my experience better than most.

>> No.740089

Oh also I forgot to add. Certain places, particularly Korea and China are looking for an American English accent. I am from Washington state so I was a perfect fit.

My boss even told me that he can understand me clearly but other people from Europe he's had to fire because he couldn't understand their accent.

It's still possible to find jobs it's just not their "ideal" candidate.

>> No.740916

Good to know, upon further research it appears that the countries I would be interested in going to all require a uni education before you can teach English as a language. I'm only 1 year through mine so I guess I should probably finish my degree first :(

Kinda just wanted to blow off study for a while and the come back to it later.

>> No.740926

What company are you with?

>> No.740991

Go to china

6,000 - 10,000 RMB average english teacher salary in Public schools

Rent: 1,000 - 3,500 RMB (usually included in salary)
Utilities (electricity, gas, water): 250 RMB
Phone & Internet: 300 RMB
Food: 1500 RMB

Dinner at a mid-range restaurant: 80 RMB
Rice or noodle dish at a restaurant: 25 RMB
Most street food items: 6-10 RMB
Beer: 5 RMB
1 night in a mid-range hotel: 350 RMB

>> No.740994

You can work on average of 16 and 25 hours/weeks

Plus you can get other benefits If you ask about them.

Plus private schools pay almost twice that much and International schools almost Make around 30k Rmb

>> No.741006

Are all these numbers for per year? Rent/power etc?

>> No.741101
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>a galleon of milk

Does it look like this?

>> No.741120
File: 59 KB, 500x396, 1321784808439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach English for less than 10,000 RMBs...

I remember the times when even non native speakers like swedes, spaniards and italians, could land RMB 15,000+ jobs teaching English in big cities like Shanghai or Beijing, then waves after waves of murrikan NEETs, drop-outs, indebted fresh grads, generic losers and stoners came and fucking drew the whole TEFL market to hell.
You deserve every single one of your pakistani HB1 devs

>> No.741154

Avast ye lactic scallywag.

>> No.741277
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There's the damn auto correct for ya. My milk intake includes several thousands liters of milk to fill an entire galleon. Eat big to get big c'mon!

I wish the thread would of focused on careers after TEFL stuff but I guess this works out.

The china poster mentioned the minimum salary compared to 2.1 million won for Korea. So there's that. You can expect more if you have experience.

I'm interested in China/Japan but 10000 RMB is too low for my tastes. I've probably been spoiled by the 2.4million won pay for my first job.

>> No.741708

An actual millionaire on /biz/? This is a momentous occasion!