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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7376670 No.7376670 [Reply] [Original]

Think about this for a second. The POTUS right now is literally a businessman. He knows the economy better than any of his predecessors. He isn't going to just let it crash.

>> No.7376690

>implying he won't chapter 11 for the 5th time

>> No.7376708

the potus is basically a limp dick figurehead though

>> No.7376726

> business = economy

kys retard

>> No.7376738

if he went bankrupt and is still richer than you he must be pretty good or you must be pretty poor

>> No.7376752

wait there are retards out there that still think trump was a good choice? jesus

>> No.7376771

that's like saying a sailor doesn't know how to sail because a boat =/= the sea

>> No.7376784

>implying that businessmen know anything the economy
>Trump in particular knowing a fuck about anything
>implying that USA is a communist shithole where presidents can control crashes

>> No.7376814

trump literally has an economics degree

>> No.7376837

All of his businesses failed so there's that

>> No.7376843
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>> No.7376887

No it's like a sailor doesn't know how to actually sail because he doesn't use a sailboat.

>> No.7376894

>Implying he can do anything about it
You're 20 trillion in debt and will be completely fucked when the federal reserve starts raising interest rates for real. Also the stock market is in a massive bubble due to borrowed money being dumped into it for years and all Trump can do is perhaps mitigate the damage. As usual the rest of the world will go down with USA so thanks I guess.

>> No.7376913

not an argument
forced meme

>> No.7376923

>that's like saying a sailor doesn't know how to sail because a boat =/= the sea
a single sailor has no ability to control a ship, like the economy, ships require a large crew to run

>> No.7376932

>the president can control 360 million panic selling retards

>> No.7376982

Yeah, and there is no way he got it studying.

>> No.7376991

and the president is the captain of that crew

>> No.7377256

The analogy is better if you're saying that Trump is the cabin boy of a large ship that he got in the crew because his dad was a sailor and his dad was one. He got promoted to sailor recently, but spends his days off drinking at the bar saying that he built the boat himself and is the captain of it.

He's a good fighter at a bar brawl, and is decently strong despite going overboard several times, but he's no captain and he's no shipwright.

>> No.7377353

He also bought his way out of going to a war, so, you know

>> No.7377549

That's even bettter. He has experience being deeply in debt and turning it around. He knows how to use debt as leverage against debtors forcing them into business deals they would not otherwise have made; otherwise they won't get their money back.

>> No.7377659

Did you listen to his pre-election rallies?
He only talked about how big of a bubble the economy is and how it will pop.

>> No.7377978

Is /biz/ being raided? This board is usually pro-Trump or neutral.

>> No.7378024

Too bad a board about business and finance is not your hugbox

>> No.7378084

What, do you live under a rock? This board has been claimed by plebbits and other faggots.

>> No.7378135

There’s a couple of mouth breathers here from /pol/ who “derrr Trump” 24/7. Most are just here to make a buck.

>> No.7378167

that wasn't really your point though
>trump is awesome he knows about the economy
>went bankrupt
>still richer than you
>must still be good

fucking retards I swear

>> No.7378177

This isn't Pol you faggot. Fuck trump for causing this crash

>> No.7378279

Oh no, where's Hillary and Bernie to save us from this crash?

>> No.7378440
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>> No.7378479

It's too bad that he's claimed credit for the stock market, he's going to get the blame for sure. He should have just kept quiet about the stock market rally.

>> No.7378607

> US declares bankruptcy

> whole world BTFO

>> No.7378821

Sauce for the gif?

>> No.7378830

>post dumb trump shit
>expects not to be laughed at
Nobody cares about your crush on trump-daddy
A president with a clean slate might be able to do something, but trump has had his hands tied since the beginning

>> No.7379082

I hate how retards seem to think businesses are functional and businessmen are smart when my experiences in working in them involves loads of inefficient bureaucracy and shady kikery at higher tiers. No one sane still believes this businessmen are good for government meme and no one with half a brain believed it before Trump showed his incompetence.

>> No.7379706

Trumps the cuck king of the world. Fuck him.

>> No.7379856

>He knows the economy better than any of his predecessors.
Absolutely true.
>He isn't going to just let it crash.
It's not in his power to 'let it crash' or prevent a crash. The US and world economy generally is a house of cards. Hopefully (if the crash comes in his tenure) we'll see more sensible reaction than we'd get from socialists that make up both Dem and GOP establishments due to the fact that he actually has hands on experience in the economy at a high level.

>> No.7379878
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thanks, really needed a healthy laugh today.

>> No.7380861
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>The POTUS right now is literally a businessman. He knows the economy better than any of his predecessors. He isn't going to just let it crash.

>> No.7380900
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>having any kind of power
>implying he's not just a symbol

>> No.7381107
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The POTUS is a senile fuck who is completely clueless about a fuckton of things including the economy.

>> No.7381417

I think you're selling your president short, you've had 2 absolutely horrendous presidents in a row. I doubt he'll be as bad as them.

>> No.7382576
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Please just admit he's a bad president and that you made a mistake in supporting him

>> No.7382654

You know what they say. If you owe the bank $10,000, it's your problem.
If you owe the bank $10,000,000, it's their problem.

>> No.7382675

>he watches CNN

>> No.7382721

>it's even better if the US defaulted on its debt
the absolute state of trumpcucks

>> No.7382756

I think Trump is ignorant about most things but I think he may have savant like intelligence on debt for reasons you mention.
I just don't know whether a microeconomic skill transfers to a macroeconomic tier outcomes(Fallacy of composition and all that)

>> No.7382774


trump is a piece of shit draft dodger just like the rest of our pussy presidents. You have no right to threaten other people with our military, if when you were called up to serve you hid like a bitch. Seriously fuck him. I. hate. draft dodgers. Imo military experience should be fucking required to be president, most of these people have no idea what they're doing, complete cowards

>> No.7382834

That's exactly why he's crashing it

>> No.7382841
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>Trump would be richer now if he's put all his money in the bank in 1970s rather than tried to run businesses with it

lmao great businessman you've got there

>> No.7382865

Trump is not a good business man, he's the world best brander.

>> No.7382893

she's a character from haganai

>> No.7382923

Then they just won't raise interest rates. Problem solved.

>> No.7382938

the president doesn't have a control panel to the economy you fucking idiot

>> No.7382965

trump would have served, but he was in university. Studying economic science while Obongo was studying gender studies. That's why he's prepared for this.

>> No.7382985

businessmen you mean reality tv star and casino magnate

hes very rich but not an economist.

he took all the credit for the stock market going up the last year, surely he'll take the credit if it crashes

>> No.7383143


bull. fucking. shit you delusional faggot.


this dude deferred FIVE TIMES, even after he got out of college. he also had the gall to say mccain wasn't a war hero, even though this dude ran and hid like a bitch. The worst part is that his whole platform is based on a militaristic view, he threatens to kill and bomb other people, but when it was his time to put himself in harm's way and serve he was no where to be seen. Obama was born in 61 you retard, he was way too young to serve in vietnam, trump was in his 20's and didn't serve like a fag. The fact that you people defend this dude shows how far this country has fallen.

If he had a pacifist platform maybe he could run with it, but to threaten violence when he should have been in shows how much of a bitch he is.

>> No.7383157

You can't keep interest rates low forever, they kept them low for what? 8 fucking years under Obama. They have to raise them and it will cause some form of crash/recession. The severity depends on how much USA can recover before this happens.
They're already raising rates and signaling for more raises, had you elected Hillary then maybe they would have kept them low for an extended period of time but it would only have made the bubble even bigger.
Pray that your economy recovers as much as possible before shit hits the fan.

>> No.7383169

It's call the Federal Reserve. You may have heard of it on Rachel Maddow before.

>> No.7383206

Such a qt braphog.

>> No.7383261

A businessman knowS a crash is healthy for a oversaturated market.

>> No.7383268

It was awarded to him retroactively, just like countless billionaires have been awarded degrees throughout the years, Bill Gates didn't even finish College and was awarded one, it's a meme to drum up publicity.

>> No.7383339
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You didn't need to flag yourself quite so openly, shareblue. The reddit spacing waa enough of a giveaway.

>> No.7383358

Seriously how could the the american government think that borrowing money to dump on the stock market while simultaneously strangulating the private sector with regulations? Adding Obamacare didn't really help either. Perhaps the most irresponsible economic plan I've ever seen.

>> No.7383414


are you denying that he draft dodged? It's a fucking fact you low iq poltard. The documents are out for the public to see.

"The 2-S classifications are Trump’s student deferments. The first two covered his time at Fordham University in the Bronx, and the second two allowed him to stay in school when he transferred to study business at the University of Pennsylvania.

At the time, as Tigar wrote in his 1969 article, any college student who asked could get a student deferment. When he graduated in 1968, Trump’s classification shifted to 1-A, or "available for service."

Had that stood, Trump would have been drafted.

But Trump had a physical exam in September 1968. He had taken one less than two years earlier that did not disqualify him for service as we can tell from his 1-A classification in July 1968. However, his second physical was followed in October with a new classification, 1-Y. That designation put him near the bottom of any call-up list. It meant he would only be drafted if there were a national emergency.

Until recently, the only detail on record about that shift was it was medically related. After his comments about McCain, Trump said it had to do with bone spurs in his heels. Trump reportedly was active in college sports, playing baseball, tennis and squash."

my perspective = facts
your perspective = as delusional as an SJW's

>> No.7383741

How can people spend time here and then not know what a market correction is? You can't go up parabolic forever

>> No.7383856

>y-YOU are the sjws!

>> No.7383918

Your story shows no evidence of wrongdoing. He was disquified fair and square

>> No.7383981

>daddy senile fat retard will save us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7384051

I'm sure your gains would be much better in a socialist niggertopia

>> No.7384114

>it was HER TURN!!
>if mommy won the economy would be perfect!!!

>> No.7384120


nice argument. This is why you and your altright "friends" are marginalized and hated by every business, university and government, you are too low iq to do anything other than waste oxygen and shitpost

he didn't do anything wrong legally, but his medical deferment right before he was to serve was "bone spurs" despite the fact that this fucker was playing sports just fine throughout college. If he was a pacifist maybe that's fine, but he's willing to waste other good men's lives when he wasn't there to answer the call himself

Both of you spineless faggots support an absolute coward, guess it's fitting and relatable to yourselves. The funniest part is that trump does not give a fuck about your causes at all, he used to be a democrat, he is a fraud that will flip flop to whatever platform gets him what he wants. He just used and abused you uneducated retards with the promise of hope, and you sad kids fell for it.

>> No.7384134

You can't be this retrded. Guys this is bait sage this fuckibg thread.

>> No.7384176

nobody said anything about the altright, dude. A lot of people like and support the President.

>> No.7384250

>but he's willing to waste other good men's lives
On what? The war we're not having with Syria, that any other candidate would have started?
Trump has done, attempted, or is working in everything I wanted him to. I'm getting back an extra 700 bucks on my taxes this year, and no more insurance mandate means that peemiums will go down. We may even be getting rid of hart celler soon. Explain to me what I should be upset about.

>> No.7384276

>If he was a pacifist maybe that's fine, but he's willing to waste other good men's lives when he wasn't there to answer the call himself
He was a rich college educated human. Not a working class cannon fodder subhuman.

>> No.7384378

Yeah he never gave a shit about the working class then and he sure as hell doesn't now. You /pol/tards fooled the cannon fodder into voting for him because he is racist.

>> No.7384400

He's not racist, but it would be better if he were

>> No.7384424

if youll look at all the replies you got, its fair to assume that the board is being raided

>> No.7384475

I hate politics. I just got offended you compared a member of the elite to the peasants.

>> No.7384517


Lol, I'm a decently wealthy (granted, not as rich as trump) kid about to graduate with an engineering degree from one of the best colleges in the country. If war broke out I would join without hesitation, but I guess average men nowadays are so emasculated they aren't willing to do what they're ancestors have been doing for millenia. A soldier is not a "cannon fodder subhuman"

he has made serious military threats, and his whole campaign was based around attacking the "enemy"

the altright are consistently the most fervent supporters of the dude. I'm not even hating on him for his politics, I just hate draft dodgers so much. It sets a really bad example for the men of our country, being a warrior should be honored, someone who was afraid to serve becoming president is a sad sign.

>> No.7384558
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Nope this board is really filled with nigger cock and and interracial porn loving le drumpf haters. Not a plebbit raid from cuck shills at all, this is who we truly are.

>> No.7384604

>Make America great again
>Back when black children were beaten by the police because a white girl kissed their cheek out of her own free will America was great
>Not racist

>> No.7384655

Seems as if /biz/ has slowly filled up with bernie cucks, hopefully they'll leave eventually.

>> No.7384683

That's some amazing head canon you have, let's hear more

>> No.7384704

>A soldier is not a "cannon fodder subhuman"
Go die for Israel.

>> No.7384742


you will also die, but it will be for nothing.

>> No.7384769

waaaaah mommy I'm a victim

>> No.7384784

I'm gonna stop talking to you after this because there's no reason to you poltards.

>> No.7384818

>Threats are worse than actually going to war for Greater Israel
Fuck off retard. And for the record, use of the draft for any war not on US soil was unethical.

>> No.7384894

He meant that you were full of shit for suggesting that that's what trump was referring to, you fucking moron.

>> No.7384901

I have my very own yacht which I use for fun from time to time
I'm ready to pilot an aircraft carrier

>> No.7385192

>Forgetting other government actors would just crash the economy in the backround.

>> No.7385225
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>> No.7385265

>This board is usually pro-Trump
most of the economy threads pre-election were saying Hillary would be better for the economy

>> No.7385375

Not /pol/ enough for you eh.

>> No.7385498

Well that's fucking stupid

>> No.7385872

>Implying wiping out 20 trillion + of usury sworn to kikes and going back to a cash system for ten years wouldn't be the greatest thing the country could ever do