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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7359722 No.7359722 [Reply] [Original]

Just think about how stupid this is for a moment.

>People crashed the price of everything, over nothing. For no reason at all. Nothing was banned, hacked or lost.

It's just people being stupid.

Nothing has fundamentally changed with any of the good projects, and yet sellers are more or less making the bet that crypto is 100% finished by selling this low. What kind of moron suddenly decides crypto is finished without any reason?

>> No.7359764

same way they thought it was worth anything in the first place

>> No.7359791


>> No.7359794

i have no idea anon. You're right and it pisses me off

>> No.7359796

There was no reason for it to pump that much in the first place. So it is coming down to correct valuation. At 3k.

>> No.7359805
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>For no reason at all

Keep believing that son. When will it stop being a coincidence for you stupid fags?

>> No.7359834
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>> No.7359881

Bitcoin is literally useless, 90% of alts are not even a product, we will recover from this but a real champion needs to come forward

>> No.7359890

Don't get me wrong, everything was over-valued, but now things are severely undervalued. I believe in steady and constant growth over time for good projects. Good projects that are already producing or that will produce a product have fundamental value, that people are now saying is zero. That's silly.

>> No.7359899

I thought China banned bitcoin?

>> No.7359920

Except for ripple. Ripple dropped a ton of value, but it still has fundamental connections with many banks and regulators.

>> No.7359989

Cryptocurrency is a currency that works and is supported by the people who own it.


>> No.7360005


>> No.7360022


>> No.7360045

Western banks banned crypto buys with credit cards
This resulted in less money coming in to balance out the money coming out

>> No.7360054

I'm supporting it.

>> No.7360061

whales are crashing it to accumulate @ the bottom

>> No.7360064
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>> No.7360075

They're not making the bet that it's finished you dumbass
If that were really true, you would see what happened with kidz coin on the day they found out it was an outright scam, more or less a single long red candle down to zero within a day

Right now the price of one BTC in only about 1,500 dollars less than where it took off from with nearly no resistance over a month ago in Dec

This is merely that in the other direction, plus a small crash on top of it maybe, and thus people who bought or sold in that time untethered from reality are raging now and in disbelief

>> No.7360088

It's the fucking bubble bursting, are you blind? Doesn't matter what scenario it is, bubbles are bubbles and they burst when they want to

>> No.7360093

>over nothing
stay clueless, its heading sub 1k

>> No.7360248

No, it's you being stupid anon.
There is one significant thing which has changed:
People finally realized btc is useless.
Crypto isn't useless, it's just that btc is a burden for the whole market.
It needs to die off.

>> No.7360323

It had to crash eventually. There isn't an infinite supply of money to flow into a pyramid scheme.
Why later rather than now?

>> No.7360933

a lot is going on outside the crypto space and it's going to have an impact on crypto as well

>> No.7360996

explain how it's useless. i did a transaction that took about 15 minutes for 1 bitcoin the other day. literally opposite of useless.

you know what is useless? you. and your FUD.

>> No.7361105

How do you go from everything overvalued to things be severely undervalued.

We are back to where we were in November.

Bitcoin was 1k a year ago from today, if anything, everything is severely overvalued right now.

>> No.7361207

>1900% increase

yea this is like the biggest blind side in history anon

>> No.7361331

Bitcoin's value is in that it's the largest, most powerful computer network in the world. As a "store of value" hypothetically it's the most secure and has the best team of forward thinking developers on it, and the structures built around it are tested and actually functioning.

>> No.7361391

> Hey I would like to pay for my coffee with bitcoins
> Sure it will only take 15 minutes
> Actually sir during these 20 minutes the price of bitcoin dropped and you didn't cover the full price for the coffee please try again
It's fucking useless unless you want a digital gold to snort you fucking kike

>> No.7361474

no more people to feed the ponzi

>> No.7361479
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buy iota and thank me 1 year later
iota is the only altcoin that has a real purpose without all the other shitcoins needed.

>> No.7361543

It doesn't work that like when you buy things online you cuck.

>> No.7361556

If I can't use bitcoin for my everyday transactions it's fucking useless.

>> No.7361582

>What kind of moron suddenly decides crypto is finished without any reason?
The same moron that suddenly decided it had value without any reason.

>> No.7361594
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Hes right here you know

>> No.7361626

What gives any of this shit a particular "value?"

You can believee that crypto has a bright future while also believing that 1 ETH should not be selling for $1,400, or $500, or even $10.

Until there is some way of establishing value for these coins, based on ACTUAL USE and not rampant speculation, then no price is off the table as being "too low."

You all keep harping on this "HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING?"thing, when you're in a market that has NO FUNDAMENTALS other than "the price that someone else is willing to pay."

You're getting exactly the market that you deserve.

I swear to Christ, the rest of the world is going to force you people to understand proper asset valuation if it's the last thing we do.

>> No.7361640

are you honestly still in denial and refuse to admit that tether was propping the market up and inflating it? thats what caused this

>> No.7361643

The stock market was doing very well while BTC faltered. People pulled their funds out of BTC and moved it into stocks. Now stocks are falling, so even more people are pulling out of BTC because they need to cover shit like margin calls.

>> No.7361669
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>> No.7361674

>grocery shopping
>go to pay
>that will be 0.00567854329 btc (plus transaction fee)
>please take a seat in the waiting room while your transaction clears

>> No.7361677

>no reason
>whales with billions worth of shitcoin will not attempt to cash out after going 20x in a year
Oh wait... you believed shitcoins were actually legit... hahaha

>> No.7361742

bingo, that would be someone who wants to purposefully tank the market

>> No.7361781

Greed is why it's crashing. When it got to 19 k, those who had a lot of money cashed out should have bought back in atleast 18k to keep the circle of trust going. Allowing it to drop all the way to 10k, exposes it as something that really doesnt have any value. That's the same story for all the other cryptos. Those who made a lot keep thinking they buy the floor, but what they've done is crash the system

>> No.7361819

> to keep the circle of trust going.
You mean to keep the cash flowing into the pyramid?

>> No.7361900
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>> No.7361902

Yeah, that seems like a bit of news huh

>> No.7362023

When you say things like “only” it flags you as a shill.

Don’t speak in absolutes.

>t. real world bullshit artist

>> No.7362183

but where is the money going too? Its not like the dollar is rising in value

>> No.7362213

bitcoin crashed because for the price to go up there always needs to be a bigger idiot. but the problem is all the idiots had already bought into bitcoin in nov/dec so the price had nowhere to go but down. that's why JFK got out of the stock market before the 1929 crash because the boot shiners were all talking about stocks they owned. that's the state of btc.

>> No.7362252

You're real fuckin high kid, this ain't a game any more

>Circle of trust

Get out

>> No.7362310

Ripple is not crypto.

>> No.7362344

muh good projects, literally ETH and XMR

>> No.7362392

>forward thinking developers
>a literal fucking geocentrist

Try again m8

>> No.7362511

Bitcoin is useless.
XMR has a future.

>> No.7362782

>Crypto is used for untraceable transactions some of which have a questionable legality
>Media suddenly puts spotlight on crypto
>Drug dealers and child pornographers start to worry about being traced after media spotlight
>Demand drops
The only reason that crypto rose so suddenly was that big traders wanted to make a quick buck off of it. You are stupid if you're still in crypto at this point.

>> No.7363073
File: 385 KB, 1152x2048, BIT COIN YOSHI TOTOMOTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared Townsley.....

Tigurd, OR

Swan Labs

Killed on Mt. Hood

Two Yellow Gummy Bears Left Behind?

Name Appears In Ciphers in 2001, found in Contact List.

Apparently he was a DDoS Specialist of some sort.....also to note was the mapping of 5 UPS Awards winners that were left to be targeted for their scientific capabilities.....

As this "Crypto" Currency was made from the concepts developed by an Intelligence Collective that were made into a somewhat scandalous source for a hedge fund and source of Currency to be used for certain "ops"

Lets just say its blood money now......

>> No.7363230

Let me tell you a story of how UNUSELESS BTC is.
Be me getting an investors Visa for me and my wife in Ecuador. Cost $70,000
Transfer the money from the US for $35 to a Bank in Ecuador. get my investor visa.
Fast forward 4 years. I wan to leave Ecuador and want to renounce my Investors Visa.
I have to hire a Lawyer from an official list of 5 in the Entire country. I have a job waiting for me in another country. i do all the paper work and the Lawyer informs me that it will take 3 months and I HAVE to give them power of attorney. I call 5 other lawyers and fly to Quito and goto the American Consulate. She is correct. I have to give her power of Attorny over $70,000 to get the money out of the National Bank of Ecuador.

3 months later the money is transfered into My account in Ecuador. I have to fly from Germany to Ecuador to transfer the money to the US. The entire time I had to fill oput maybe 16 pieces of paper work adn get them notorized, certified and apostilled at the Ecuadorian Consulate in Bonn.

I am in the SAME situation in Mexico right now. I have $50k in a Bank in Mexico. I have to fly there to get it and fill out tons of paper work for the US IRS and Homeland Security and the Mexican Adwana..

Guess what I am going to do ? Buy Bitcoin with it.
I send money all over the world with Bitcoin now. Bitcoin has made my life 1000xs easier..

So there ya go..

A USE out of 100s

>> No.7363275

yea for the 400th time nobody gives a fuck anymore if they're banning it or not.

>> No.7363340


Are you morons looking at global markets? The stock market is basically crashing hard right now. Institutions are fleeing crypto like crazy..

This is a going to be a recession.

>> No.7363347

it was amazing it even hit 20k, but that pretty much spelled the end for it. You'd have to have been dumb to not cash out at 20 grand, let alone try to buy after it crashed from there

>down 75% this year

>> No.7363456


US market dipped because it was rising too fast
Bitcoin crashed cause its worthless

>> No.7363489

There's a monged faggot in every thread isn't there.

>> No.7363693

fundamentals are just a crutch.
all speculative assets are speculative

>> No.7363726
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>crypto is done
>still up 40% from 3 months ago

The lack of reasons is hinting that crypto is oversold.

The DJIA just went to 24000. The last time it was there was November. The same place crypto is now. Crypto is following major market indices. People are leaving stocks and crypto and running to bonds and gold.

It's totally oversold at this point. Get ready for deals. There is nothing wrong with crypto and nothing wrong with the global economy.

Youre an idiot to sell right now.

>> No.7363806


Lol I'm talking about all crypto you fucking faggot. Back to plebbit.

>> No.7363855

>nothing has happened

south korea, china, india, Tether subpoena, BCH insider trading...

>> No.7363912

>the price of literally nothing changes for literally no reason

>> No.7363995

youre missing the point. its not about crypto, its about the entire investment market as a whole. everyone is pulling out for fiat for no reason in a panic sell off. why?

fiat is increasing value...

>> No.7364028
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>memo was nothing

>> No.7364121

Nobody knows what the proper valuation of any of these things are, that's why it's a speculative market. Even things with legitimate uses like Walton or Vechain could still be overvalued at this point.

>> No.7364128
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Because the biggest bubbles have many mini bubbles.

It's no guarantee that BTC will go back to its intrinsic value rather than just shed some of its speculative value.

>> No.7364183

> dems and free food batch used credit to buy internet money.. now banks are banned credit card for crypto. demthugs selling to pay their mostly due. as simple as that.

>> No.7364210
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>0 results found

you need serious psychological help

>> No.7364219

>what is shorting
>what happens when everyone tries shorting

>> No.7364268

Sure, “they” are totally redpilled now.

>> No.7364405

what the fuck are you talking about,

>> No.7364424

1. Not decentralized
2. Not blockchain
3. Not mineable
4. Can't publicly view transaction history
5. Banks who adopt ripple technology won't use XRP as a currency (for instance, Money Order won't let you send Ripple through this tech. You'll be sending USD if anything)

If you're investing in Ripple, you're investing in a heavily centralized consultancy that (try's to) work with banking institution -- and in return for this, you get: absolutely nothing.

Good luck.

>> No.7364501


LOL, you think people not putting shitcoins on their creditcards brought down the price -70% in a month.

What drugs you on my guy

>> No.7364573

Currencies fail when they are exclusively for sheltered autistic crybabies who never leave home.

>> No.7364665

>intrinsic value

>> No.7364756

>that's why JFK got out of the stock market before the 1929 crash because the boot shiners were all talking about stocks they owned
So all of capitalism is a ponzi?
Is the stock market just one great big pump and dumb machine?
That actually makes perfect sense.

>> No.7364841
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good chance to lose weights for coinfags

>> No.7364849

Circle of trust lmao
That sounds way better than pyramid scheme

>> No.7364899

everything is a ponzi, its just the time frame.

>> No.7365013

Coinbase is adding Segwit...
That means they are out of the Bcash game

>> No.7365051

The meta game has literally shifted from
>the greater fool who buys after me
>the greater fool who sells after me
It's literally people shorting/hoping to buy back lower. The bounce should be hard.

>> No.7365071

Except USD has been dropping for the past 6 months. So even Fiat is crashing.

>> No.7365146

The fee problem is abated because of Coinbase adding Segwit.
Robinhood is coming online this week
US SEC is giving Bitcoin the greenlight

This is smoke and mirrors.

>> No.7365230

Just think about how stupid this is for a moment.

>People increased the price of everything, over nothing. For no reason at all. Nothing was made, improved or gained.

It's just people being stupid.

Nothing has fundamentally changed with any of the good projects, and yet buyers are more or less making the bet that crypto is 100% increasing by buying this high. What kind of moron suddenly decides crypto is pumping without any reason?

>> No.7365342

Some whale sold, weak hands followed. Annoying but it's not over.

>> No.7365462


It's just a waiting game.

>> No.7365551

i love delusional psychosis, so convincingly single-minded.

>> No.7365645

>the state of /pol/tards
Nuke that board, please.

>> No.7365878

Yeah, nothing has changed. It is still worthless.

>> No.7365919

>long distance currency exchanges that don't have a fuckton of legal tape, tons of costs and days of waiting
Fuck you.

>> No.7365943

just tell me what to dork, im too tired to figure it out

>> No.7365990

This, the value of crypocurrency is based purely on speculation, there are no fundamentals here

>> No.7366056

fundamentals haven't changed since about march last year, enjoy your $1000 bit coins

>> No.7366075

is this bait?

>> No.7366203

>fundamentals haven't changed since about march last year
do you realize what is happening tomorrow?

>> No.7366236

People are too dumb to realize the only reason to FUD a coin that much isn't for the sake of the owners, its either because they wanted you to invest in their jew stocks, or they wanted to buy your coins at non ATH.

>> No.7366273

yeah its like the internet for money
its not useless but people are just getting blinded by the ICO's and greed
Once all of the retarded ones die off we can move on
Like dating on the blockchain, water on the blockchain, its getting out of hand really

>> No.7366275
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>> No.7366343
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>> No.7366379

Absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7366389

Look at biz now. Silently we all saw the crash coming even in december. But now we can come out of closet and say: Told you so! All the normies + tethers proped up the price.Both are missing now. Hence the crash.

>> No.7366402


>> No.7366433

>15 minutes
Oh wow, so useful.

>> No.7366437

I don't even know why this thread has so many replies it was dead in the waters with a FPBP

>> No.7366460

Crypto was in a bubble. It has been worthless for years. People knew that already, they were in denial. Crypto has less use now than it did years and years ago. You can't even buy drugs with it anymore. It's complete trash.

>> No.7366480

How would they be traced you fucking retard

>> No.7366514
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DDoS Specialist checking in

>> No.7366559


you mean bitcoin. the entire cryptosphere has more uses than ever. companies are starting to adopt blockchain solutions, especially from top 10-20 coins

>> No.7366587

This delusion.

>> No.7366668

It's the opposite, many companies started dropping butt coin cuss its volatility, companies like low racing and dipping coins with securities attached to it instead of roller coasters meme coins you get from video games

>> No.7366686

cryptos dead anon
time to move on

>> No.7366707

Then what are you doing in biz?

>> No.7366789


Over nothing? The tether scam got out and people figured out that bitfinex and tether have been pumping the price of bitcoin by themselves all this time and it all crashed, lul.

>> No.7366820

They didn't drop BTC bc of volatility but because of transfer costs. All thanks to core

>> No.7366897

>All thanks to core
All thanks to Bcash and Coinbase..

but thats a thing of the past in a couple weeks with Robinhood and Segwit on Coinbase.

>> No.7366918

>now things are severely undervalued

BTC was 1k and ETH was 10$ at this exact time last year. Were still way overvalued.

>> No.7367291

no. Because not everything is a bubble or greater fool theory,and scarcity exists. Lets say there are two types of people that buy houses, investors and home owners. If home owners are willing to pay $500,000 for a house in the long run it is worth $500,000 however as the limited amount of space to develop lowers and development lags behind growth in people wanting to buy homes. This of course increases price over time. Queue investors.They see this and buy houses they don't care about to make money. Well here's the catch, even if there wasn't enough force to drive the price up investors give it a pump when they buy in. Then other investors see tjis and inticipate continued growth buying it. Now home owners are more and more priced out of the market as investors trade the house for $600k, $700k, $800k! it's going up up and up. Until the trail of investors runs dry. Now they have to sell it to someone actually interested in using it. Which is for $500k. that is greater fool theory. when houses trade sideways at $500k or naturally slide up. Housing is not a ponzi it just got turned into an incidental one for this example. But thats a very infrequent market occurance and not buying a home is stupid.

BTC will recover when people interested in it as a user outnumber people interested in it to buy lambos. It's important to realize where things grt value before screaming "EVERYTHING IS A PONZI" Stocks derived their value from dividends or potential of them. So they are not a ponzi, but if a stock is traditional way above the value for foreseeable payoffs be weary.

>> No.7367440

it will be no different than a credit card. the money doesn't transfer with a credit card instantly either, it is only the promise of it. funds from a credit card transaction can take up to THIRTY DAYS. 15 minutes for a bitcoin transaction is lightning fast comparatively

>> No.7367505
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Highest volume coin across the board was/is TRX, a flawed whitepaper filled with pipe dreams and empty promises, not backed by any working code.

That should give you a hint towards the mindset of the average crypto investor.

>> No.7367509

So did South Korea, the SEC, India, the EU, Russia and Japan ;)

>> No.7367514

Its the beginning of the end, its not just crypto look at the markets , the second Weimar is upon us.

>> No.7367572
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It happened because I had just bought, the bogs couldn't let me get ahead

>> No.7367575

kek. Why the fuck didnt I think of that.

>> No.7367660
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