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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 1910x1000, 104656161-GettyImages-688156110.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7349230 No.7349230 [Reply] [Original]

Miss me yet, /biz/?

>> No.7349291

Yes daddy, please come back and save the economy again!

>> No.7349329

it's always the democrats who save the economy after retards run wild with it

>> No.7349333

No. Now go back to retirement.

>> No.7349338

More QE please! We need infinite liquidity!

>> No.7349343

No, but I miss your wife with the feminine penis

>> No.7349353

Are you finally going to end the war instead of pretending it's not happening?

>> No.7349375

please come back and make things right again
please black daddy

>> No.7349389
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Drone me daddy

>> No.7349402

fuck that faggot

prison soon

>> No.7349410

glad you're gone. you have prison to look forward to.

>> No.7349449

why prison ? is that the only way you can enforce democracy and prosperity ?

>> No.7349555

>taxes are good
>taking people's money out of their pockets is good
>trust me I'm from the government
>you didn't built your success
fuck off

>> No.7349600

I'm guessing he actually bought into crypto. We all know he fks up everything he gets his hands on.

>> No.7349692

Literally spied on trump by using a fake document fabricated by fusion paid for by Hillary Clinton campaign and backed by the FBI
>100x worse than watergate
>is that all you got for democie anlsjnsjbsjndnjkekms
Lmfao you're a literal brainlet fuck probably a nigger who doesn't know his own people sold you into slavery and Abe Lincoln wanted to deport all you niggers but got assainated by democrats to keep race war going because they needed voted to stay in power
>stay poor

>> No.7349748
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>> No.7349791

literally 10X watergate

>> No.7349819

>laws should only be enforced as long as they don't affect muh democrats

I didn't even vote but you brainlets are insufferable

>> No.7349935

lol how many paid lefty fucks did poll bring over here.

>> No.7349939
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>prints/borrows several trillion dollars
>"saves" economy

This nigger just pulled a payday loan from the FED in our name to "save" the economy. The debt still has to be repaid, you absolute brainlets.

>> No.7349940
File: 162 KB, 1331x1380, RIP_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.

>> No.7349987

Hurrrr durrr lets just let millions starve and die yeah man based

>> No.7350030
File: 58 KB, 600x673, 1517179412569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but i came in ur daighter with my phat white cock last week. she screamed daddy at me so you can go back to your reverse meritocrousy pushing or whatever you do sage.

>> No.7350098

I don't miss the debt and debt to gdp doubling, we're paying for it now as the fed slams up rates soon. All King Bummer did was fudge up numbers, love how all the shills are coming out of the woodwork.
Exactly, King Bum enjoyed record low rates and was pumping trillions into the economy, that's it.
This. As you can see in one year of Trump unemployment went to record lows, this is real economic turnaround and the markets don't like this because it means the fed will slam up rates, since we enjoyed record low rates under King Bum.

>> No.7350117

You are so dumb on economics it makes me mad you've even somehow found this board. sage

>> No.7350141


God no.

>> No.7350158

Unironically the best president since Reagan, so yes.

>> No.7350160

Millions starving now as opposed to before, go look at unemployment numbers published last. RETARDS in here, I swear.

>> No.7350171
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Or we could stop spending trillions of dollars on a useless empire and corporate gibs. Also starvation and hyperinflation are the fastest paths to revolution. Really nothing to be afraid of unless you're a pussy afraid of guns or something.

>> No.7350286
File: 208 KB, 435x295, DetroitUnderDemRule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's always the democrats who save the economy after retards run wild with it

Funny, because the biggest shitholes in the U.S., like Detroit, are under strict one-party Democrat rule.

The states that are on the verge of complete economic collapse (Illinois, California) always seem to have big Democratic majorities in their Legislatures too.

>> No.7350327
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>all these republicans still in denial about how a nigger does a better job in the economy than a guy who cant convince his russian bimbo wife to grab his hand


>> No.7350337
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>> No.7350343

Unemployment rates are bullshit and you know it.


>> No.7350476
File: 159 KB, 710x533, miss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country with lowest hdi
>republican to the bone

hey mom I can cherrypic too!

>> No.7350543
File: 7 KB, 350x230, usgs_line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raised the deficit to end the recession then gradually lowered it. If you don't think 8 more years of Obama would have left us with a surplus you are delusional. Obama's problem was cucking our culture.
>One year of Trump
>Real economic turnaround
Based on speculation. We will see what happens in a few years. If the economy "turned around" in 2016 we would have gone into recession retard.
>Raising interest rates
That is a sign of economic health right now. Did you ever take an economics course?

>> No.7350587

Like most niggers, he is a criminal...

>> No.7350733

>The states that are on the verge of complete economic collapse (Illinois, California)
Cherrypick harder, Trumpbot. All of the shittiest places to live in the U.S. are deep red.
It's almost as if far-right conservatism causes crisis after crisis...

>> No.7351282

Yes sir, please print more money! This 5% fall on Trumps 40% stock gains is JUST GONNA END US.

>> No.7351444


Yes, more QE please. Inflate the bubble even higher daddy. Print more funny money.

>> No.7351568

What is the common factor here? And why are Republican Montana and Democrat Vermont both nice places? Really makes you hmm.

>> No.7351655

because you are cherry picking and cant admit your ideology hast its flaws
get that reddit shit out of here or lay down the soy faggot

>> No.7352011

The answer was blacks, thanks for playing

>> No.7352110

I miss him so fucking much. Obama carried himself like a true president: polite, intelligent, well spoken, humble, understanding, composed. Trump is a fucking diaper shitting orange baby who literally threatens to start a nuclear war if someone says something he doesn't like. On top of that, he's a fucking incompetent piece of racist shit to boot. What a fucking joke.

>> No.7352129

they aren't shit places to live. Only the places where the blue voters (the blacks) live are shit.