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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7331467 No.7331467 [Reply] [Original]

>Put $50 into crypto in August because the technology seems interesting
>Now watching non-neet normies get slaughtered
>even the newfags from September are getting fucked now

The game's been meme'd the whole time, I noticed the shift in this community for awhile, only the earliest neets will survive.

>> No.7331747

I'm in since 2012. You aren't really any less of a normalfag than people who got in during September.

>> No.7332074

December fag here, are we too late or can we still make it?

>> No.7332535
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Anon this isn't about money this is about group-psychology, if you were in since 2012 I doubt you were posting on biz then, being as biz didn't exist. and I doubt you're one of those "ill be rich in 3 months" kids that shown up around October.

As an archivefag who sensed the change in the wind, maybe you should give me more credit bagholder.