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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7315311 No.7315311 [Reply] [Original]

What is going on with the US economy right now?

Is there a reason for this, for example a new law or something or is it just a natural occurrence?

>> No.7315324

Jews are scared.

>> No.7315326

The fed is raising interest rates

>> No.7315338

It's not just the US.

>> No.7315343


banks moving from stocks to bonds

>> No.7315361
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Check out the pre-market for the futures.

>> No.7315595 [DELETED] 


>> No.7315603

boomers on sucicide watch lmao

thats like two years worth of gains gone up in a months

>> No.7315614

Trump is just a few days away from impeachment

>> No.7315634

Jews moving money from stocks to crypto

>> No.7315657

Not that bad. Started in bonds
>he can’t even read the chart
Absolute fucking state

>> No.7315712

would this be good or bad for crypto?

>> No.7315753

karma for trying to kill crypto

>> No.7315791

> Inflation expectations up
> Economy actually doing well
> Oh fuck interest rates are going up
> Stock kill themselves

Stock market got addicted to QE.

>> No.7315801


>> No.7315826

>S&P goes down by 20%
>crypto doubles overnight as people scramble to safer investments

>> No.7315876

>still not at ATH

>> No.7315893

Bad because most Cryptards are Trump supporters and they will kill themselves leading to millions of dead, unclaimed coins. Prices will stabilize near the <$1,000 like before the election.

>> No.7315906

>thinks 1% is anything
nigga i shitposted through the 2008 crisis, you aint seen nothin.

Realistically the dow should be around 18k. Lots of buying opportunities to be had in the future

>> No.7315931 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't lost coins increase the price? Also I would wager most cryptotards aren't Trump supporters since americans hold way less than 50% and less than 5.

>> No.7315947

wage growth increased inflation, inflation number up, higher inflation means there might be a need for another interest rate increase in May. that expected interest rate bump is causing 10 year bond yields to rise which in turn causes a slide in the price of bonds.

Some people think that a sell off in bonds will extent to equities.

Its a temporary problem that is a disguised blessing

>> No.7315961

fucking wrong

youre done for

>> No.7315963

there was word of leftists pumping and dumping so as to fuck with trump
though its retarded as fuck I wouldnt put it past them

>> No.7315985
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Why does this look exactly like the meme graph for bitcoin?

>> No.7315994

it looks nothing like it

>> No.7315997

Wouldn't lost coins increase the price? Also I would wager most cryptotards aren't Trump supporters since americans hold way less than 50% and less than 50% of americans support Trump. Your view may be tanted since you frequent 4chan. Plebbit has a lot of cryptofags as well.

I would love to see some stats on crypto buyers correlation with political affiliation.

>> No.7316044
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>desu i have some bad news

>> No.7316050

Fed jews jewing banker jews

>> No.7316064
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>risk off, money floods out of stocks and into safe havens
>risk off
this fucking board man

>> No.7316069
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>stocks is the US economy

>> No.7316104

>what is 50 years of inflation

>> No.7316110

Who are you quoting pajeet?

>> No.7316135

he's implying, not quoting newfag

>> No.7316148

>virtual nothing
>safe investment
Pgu pls

>> No.7316161

Yes the reason is.
It has been going up for 9 years
Now we are going to go down a bit.

>> No.7316168

>End of QE, rates rising up : equities drop accordingly

But i guess it's better to use meme for the average economic knowledge of 4chan users
>-2% correction : CRASH

>> No.7316188

its debt. world wide debt.

Its been ignored for too long and now its finally arrived and its coming in fucking hard.

And what do you think happens when America doesnt want to pay their debt?

war. a fucking war, to reset everything.

If you dont believe me the trade was has already begun. Soon a real war will begin, its inevitable.

>> No.7316200

Higher interest rates would mean lower net present value for assets

>> No.7316206

this, this and this again

>> No.7316211

We can't have a full scale real war though, it's impractical. We'd nuke everything and .. oh fuck. So I should be stockpiling guns then I guess.

>> No.7316218

This is by far the dumbest board. You morons parrot crypto shit every day and the second theres something interesting in real markets you just go off the deep end on tinfoil and stupidity

>> No.7316220


>> No.7316230

thats exactly right, but that doesnt mean it wont happen. thats the problem

>> No.7316232

>inb4 it is because of muh trump

>> No.7316258

>the fed might raise rates given a certain threshold of wage growth and inflation

>> No.7316261

I don't think this is the case but I'm going to blame him anyways just to watch people go nuts.

>> No.7316266

t. boomer

>> No.7316281

>SP500 drops 4% over a week
>SP500 still up from January 1st

>/biz/: fuck better stock up on guns

>> No.7316308

America wasnt the only country in the red today, asia was down, euro was down and even fucking australian stocks were all red.

Its 2008 all over again.

>> No.7316315

t. down 60% on meme coins and gets upset when people talk about real markets he doesnt understand

>> No.7316321
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>stocks are rising because of me, the great trump
>stocks fall

>> No.7316323
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>> No.7316335

would be bad because Pence doesn't care about business or taxes, just wants to put women and gays in camps

>> No.7316346

crash caused by trump releasing the memo
it is the only real reason...

>> No.7316355

>SP500 drops 4% over a week
>SP500 still up from January 1st
>Asian and european markets adjust to USD

>/biz/: Fuck, Its 2008 all over again

>> No.7316371

sounds like a federal jobs program to me

>> No.7316374

>drumpfturds still damage controlling for their russian drone

>> No.7316383

so youre saying its just a slight consolidation?

>> No.7316450

what's QE

>> No.7316486
File: 35 KB, 300x187, Why+do+people+like+madoka+so+much+_e326bfd494b819285157e390af89ee76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have entered solar minimum
This is fucking with the lizard part of our brains and causing us to panic.
There will be a bunch of wars this year too.

>> No.7316512

Get this, this 4% drop, is a GOOD THING. It makes institutional traders MORE COMFORTABLE with the market.

The thing that was scary was the market going up 1% day after day all month, this drop gives context back to the market so the market can stabilize and continue its steady growth.

The markets are currently reacting to data that it both expected and WANTED. People wanted wage growth and economic growth, banks wanted inflation numbers where they are now, and people want higher interest rates to stabilzie the economy which are more justified now with the current level of economic growth. The market wanted all of this, but the result of all of this is falling bond prices because as the fed interest rate increases, the 10 year yield increases and sends bond prices downward. Bond prices fell unexpectedly low last week which then bleeds into equities.

The market is going down temporarily from data it wanted so the market can go up higher as a result

>> No.7316535

all the institutional money is flowing out of businesses and into BTC to buy the dip

>> No.7316594


those old fucks are going to be trying to cash out and stuff it in their mattresses

>> No.7316597

Jews probably took all their money already and wait for the return to the mean

>> No.7316608

lol you sound just like bloomberg, but im not laughing at you.
If what you and they say is true then im glad, cause i really dont feel like eating potatoes for the next 2 fucking years.

>> No.7316625

Interest rates are going back to normal (up) which means stocks are going back to normal (down). It's as simple as that.

>> No.7316667

traders may become much, much more comfortable very soon. even too comfortable, if you get my meaning

>> No.7316671

>lol you sound just like bloomberg

stocks dont react to interest rates, they react to the impact of interest rates on businesses and earnings. The economy is really good now. Raising rates wont cause stocks to go down. If the rising interest rates causes a credit contraction like in 2007 then the economy will stangle itself and the stock market will fall again, but thats not the case right now so fucking relax

>> No.7316722

Everyone is realizing what a fucktard trump is. He will be removed from office this year but he may not go quietly or peacefully. That instability is bad for the market.

>> No.7316761

Any numbers to back that up?

>> No.7316800
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the jews/left/communists trying to distract people from looking at the memo that came out

>> No.7316814

>Trump was worse for economy than warmongering Hillary
You were fucked whoever you chose

>> No.7316838

This, its a warning, trump better stay in line or they will crash it and blame trump

>> No.7317016

Interest rates up will not affect the market. It will continue to go up. OP is right

>> No.7317051

You are an uneducated retard . Trust me.

>> No.7317085

Republicans increased the deficit by 80% to pay for the tax cuts they gave the rich. The last time the republicans did that was 2007.

>> No.7317089


>> No.7317094
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It's finally correcting you dumb ass's

Seriously, you faggots from /pol/ are fucking idiots, every one of you.

Also your memes are stale as fuck, git gud.

>> No.7317118
File: 42 KB, 480x360, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ wants Trump and the economy to win

>> No.7317214


>> No.7317309

A machete never runs out of ammo, anon
Cigarettes and coffee are a safer investment

>> No.7317314

Banker here

whales exiting the market, going abroad.
The last year investors were pumping in hindsight of the collapse. It's comparable to december last year, when alts mooned 10x before crashing it all down. Traders in the know made a lot of money, and exited the market at the right time.

Yes, it is trump related.
You faggot nazi brainlets really thought this "person" as president will give you growth and prosperity???
LOL, as an american you better open up you horizon, even a Coke is tasting better in the rest of the world, because they use real sugar there. Burst your bubble or be bust...

>> No.7317362


Short for Googleitfaggit.

>> No.7317366

I am so fucked with my 5 Cannabis stocks.
Lost 40% of its value, meaning a loss of over 4 grands.
And I am a poorfag, suicide is imminent.

>> No.7317492

Lmao, cannabis stocks... Pretty much the most volatile thing after crypto.

>> No.7317561

>just wants to put women and gays in camps
Based Pence.

>> No.7317667
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Only good post ITT and not a single reply... SAD!

Have a (You)

>> No.7317749

The big bubble is popping. Great Depression 2.0 incoming

>> No.7317787

Reported for insider trading. Enjoy jail

>> No.7317821
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>> No.7317916

We went up 6% in January

>> No.7317999

This, the more retards an hero, the better for the market.

>> No.7318170

I am fucked anyways, I will stay in.
Might as well lose the other half too.

Loser until the very end of life, pathetic.

>> No.7318193



>> No.7318721

>dollar is toilet paper
>every single currency currently getting stronger vs dollar is not