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File: 78 KB, 500x500, europe_map_vectors_design_588722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7309662 No.7309662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Eurofags where are you from?

Austria here.

>> No.7309675

I'm from Australia too

>> No.7309676
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>> No.7309719

Sweden unfortunately. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but I fear it may too late to save us from ourselves.

>> No.7309739

poland, technically located in europe, but it's more like an african country except white

>> No.7309750

>too late to save us from ourselves.


>> No.7309756
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>> No.7309770
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>> No.7309771

>african country except white

you don't have refugees, what's your excuse for the fuck up?

>> No.7309775


>> No.7309777


Kys Shlomo

>> No.7309789

The country where its leaders consider the internet to be new territory.

>> No.7309794

hi rebbit

>> No.7309796

habt ihr einen discord oder so?

>> No.7309801


>> No.7309809

Which bundesland are my austrian cunts from? Vorarlberg here.

>> No.7309810

do you consider yourself russian or ukrainian?

>> No.7309832

good part of germany btw

>> No.7309849
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I have both citizenships.

>> No.7309853

Israel here, we European are the strongest side of crypto market.

>> No.7309860

Spain here. I killed the bull.

>> No.7309868
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you mean this?

>> No.7309872

>we European

lul. you're not

>> No.7309883

Is everything that bad or just another exaggeration?

>> No.7309889

How’s it feel like think the rothchilds are your messiah?

Protip: theyre not

>> No.7309899

>Shameless antisemitic

>> No.7309902

Mach einen auf uns schreib die url.

>we European

>> No.7309927


>> No.7309954

Latvia here

>> No.7310030


>> No.7310041

discordgg BRbB855

>> No.7310043

Italy, best EU country.

>> No.7310058

it's bad, sweden is quickly becoming a third world country

thanks to retarded government accepting every retarded suicide bomber as a refugee

förlåt moder svea för vi har syndat

>> No.7310075

Italy, sadly.

>> No.7310082

We're not Eurofags anymore though.

>> No.7310101


> Being European in 2018

Look at the list of powerful countries. Top 5 are us, china, russia, india, japan. If you're not from one of those countries you are an irrelevant cuck. If you're American of course you're a god that keeps his euro dogs on a leash. Now hold my bags hans, good boy

>> No.7310114

Ireland my nigga

>> No.7310134

Tillbaks till Flashback jävla aphjärna

>> No.7310152

you'll take the red pill and wake up soon enough broder

>> No.7310156


>> No.7310171

U funny
They don't even have facebook
Their PIL is lower than Italy's
They are very strict on drugs, no comments.

>> No.7310205


>> No.7310206

Switzerland, I hope you envy me a little bit

>> No.7310208


>> No.7310248


>> No.7310285

Almost no Crimean considers himself Ukrainian.

>> No.7310305

>Switzerland, I hope you envy me a little bit

how many Bitcoins to get nationality?

>> No.7310316


>> No.7310329

this shithole sucks

>> No.7310330

Salam Malecum eurofags

>> No.7310343

3btc to get an answer to this question

>> No.7310350

I don't speak this language. This is just cheap place to live. How did you get here? What are you doing here?

>> No.7310372

pajeets of europe aka poland

>> No.7310377

Weak handed faggots, the lot of you.....

>> No.7310385

I do.

>> No.7310402

Romania, just another generic eastern european shithole, almost no taxes on crypto tho

>> No.7310412


>> No.7310423

Steiermark here.
discordgg BRbB855

>> No.7310430

Holland stronk

>> No.7310431

Where is Dmitriy?

>> No.7310435
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Greece masterrace represent

>> No.7310511

Bavaria here

>> No.7310607

Bosnia poorfag

>> No.7310655


>> No.7310707

Yoo, I'm Australian but my parents are from Greece and I consider myself Greek. I speak a bit although trying to become fluent. I'm going to Athens and a few islands in a few months, and this is the first time I've been without family, will Greek girls like my Australian accent and broken Greek?

Fuck Greek women are hot.

>> No.7310754

Γιο Μπρο

>> No.7310811

Shithole country, UKs bitch

>> No.7310854

Switzerland poorfag here
Yeah we exist too

>> No.7310877

> poorfag

pick one

>> No.7310890


>> No.7311014


Filthy Kebab or Serb?

>> No.7311078

Spain reporting in

>> No.7311125

Uhh Australia isnt in Europe, its in China or something

>> No.7311145


>> No.7311164

hello mr. America

>> No.7311179


>> No.7311273


Latvijā ir kkādi kripto nodokļi? (Es vispār nelasu ziņas).

Brīnums ja tehniski nebūtu nekādi izdomāti.

>> No.7311309


>> No.7311315

tagad nau, vini nezin ko ar to darit
mums ir jau 1-2 gadi to get the fuck out from this shithole

>> No.7311368

Swiss mountain jew checking in
Sell your soul to us and you’re in

>> No.7311371

Ja apmaini crypto pret fiat naudu, tad tev ir jāmaksā ienākuma nodoklis. Crypto tiek uzskatīta kā prece Latvijā.

>> No.7311393
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sure, btw thanks for letting all of your major corporations launder their money through us.

>> No.7311417

Kankerland, the land with the largest amount of bagholders per capita.

>> No.7311424

localbitcoins > cash
we must avoid terrorists from tax service at all costs

>> No.7311426


Kā viņi uzzinās ka tu mainīji kko? Ienākumi līdz 16?k eiro taču nebija jādeklarē?

Vienīgais ganjau. ja tev vajag deklarāciju nodot

Kāpēc 1-2 gadi?

>> No.7311431
File: 39 KB, 600x584, T_alberto_barbosa__737cd367a5474ddfa3ca272b30c0d3b9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rightful heir to Europe's throne of course

>> No.7311433

Slovak boi
If i get 50k gains frim crypto im set for life, not even kidding.

Send me gains

>> No.7311456

I'm still in education
all the unnecessary money I have is in crypto
since I don't have the money in use its not available and for that reason im a poorfag

>> No.7311474

>Kāpēc 1-2 gadi?
because they have no idea what is crypto and they are referring to general EU laws, so they do what Brussel does. right now we have perfect time to make XXX gains and pay zero taxes, when regulatory will be as on everything else in this country you will want to kill yourself or escape this place. crypto is the only hope now

>> No.7311475


>> No.7311497

You could do this, but If the gains are large you wouldn't be able to buy an apartment for example without getting a visit from the tax jews.

Ja tev kontā ienāk kāda liela naudas summa, tad VID tev noteikti pazvanīs.

>> No.7311501
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Any other burgers here who stay up late just to browse biz during euro hours? It's like a totally different board

>> No.7311538

better or worse?

>> No.7311582



> r VID [Valsts ieņēmumu dienestu] nevar neko nokārtot jau divus gadus, jo katrs darbinieks saka savu. Nodokļos jau esmu samaksājis ap 25 000 EUR, bet reāli, par ko un cik viņi vēl grib, nevar zināt,”

>viņš raksta. “Viņi saprata, ka man ir, un tad nu mēģina visādos veidos piedzīt vēl, nevis palikt pie tiem nodokļiem, ko esmu jau samaksājis. Algoju dārgus juristus un kārtoju to.

VID piebeigs šo valsti...

>> No.7311591

Lol. Bēgt nav uz kurieni. Rietumeiropā vai ASV tevi izravēs dirsā vēl vairāk. Paskaties uz amerikāņiem. Viņiem konkrēti jāmaksā nodokļi un tas ir vēl bez visām regulācijām.

Nu nez. Es domāju ka ja iekļausies līdz 16k tad viss norm būs. Man tas par nelaimi nedraud dēļ patreizējās situācijas.

>> No.7311625

Cryptoheaven Belarus

>> No.7311631

>Ja tev kontā ienāk kāda liela naudas summa, tad VID tev noteikti pazvanīs.

Ja pareizi atceros Saeimā vai nu jau ir pieņemts/ vai drīz balsos par likumu ka visām bankām būs jāziņo VID par kontiem kur gada apgrozijums pārsniedz €15000 gadā.

>> No.7311633

Do any of you plan on declaring crypto on your tax? I don't. I will declare only my poorfag wagecuck job until I retire with my 3k chf pension.

>> No.7311648

we have same feel when read how burgers are buying weed stocks, bonds and other crazy stuff which doesn't exist here. as well as cardboard houses for half-million in CA, or have a college debts and so on

avoid taxes at all costs, i have no idea how these people didn't get killed yet

czech / austria / estonia, other small countries with average life. denmark / NL is just too expensive + you will be alien for them, forever

they will asks bank to provide full information of your payments if they exceed 15000 eur per year; not profits but TURNOVER. prepare to open few more bank accounts to hide your money and not let single account go over 15000+

>> No.7311674
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>> No.7311728


>> No.7311745

The Swedish government literally tried to censor articles and websites about migrant crimes. They also censor and edit books they don't like. If other countries didn't keep an eye on it Sweden would be a totalitarian state by now.

>> No.7311779

>not profits but TURNOVER

yeah i know, that's why 'apgrozijums'. But i don't want to create more accounts in Latvian (((banks))).
I use Paypal/Skril now. Not sure how long until they will be required to send into to VID. Skrill is in the UK, so they are technically outside of the EU jurisdiction already.
You can sell / buy crypto on Bitpanda through Skrill btw. With 'bronze' tier you don't even need to do KYC (although the daily limit is €50).

>> No.7311789


Tik pat labi tu vari palikt Rīgā. Šaubos vai Čehijā/Igaunijā tu asimilēsies labāk par citām valstīm.

Vēl jai ir iespējami visādi varianti ar amazon gift cardiem/ prepaid debit kartēm utt. Vajag kruķīties.

>> No.7311794

Feels good man

>> No.7311816

>Sell your soul to us and you’re in

I don't have. 4chan took that already

>> No.7311823

based devteam
I'm from the (n)Etherlands

>> No.7311840



>> No.7311853
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the demographic becomes younger during burger hours because the main population is american here
So that would mean worse

>> No.7311897


>> No.7311992

sounds like people in Russia who use QIWI and always complain about their finance systems. well, at least we can clearly see use cases of crypto and become early adopters, since we really need alternatives

Riga is somehow acceptable, but this place is shithole anyway. specially when it comes to government. when i look at our nation in terms of development i want to suicide or something like maidan happen


ok chali tas bija labs talk, bet esmu pec nakts maina un man jaiet uz gultu.
eat sleep crypto, fuck the taxes, ciao

>> No.7312006


>> No.7312129

used to live in Switzerland now i'm living in Bosnia since i lost over 40% of my initial investment. Live is comfy here you only need about 400 Euros to survive.

>> No.7312160

Vi odio tutti quanti facce di merda.

>> No.7312182

Londonistan reporting in. Gas the Muslims, holy war now.

>> No.7312189
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>> No.7312211

Fuck off Hercegovac, kys

>> No.7312228


>> No.7312235
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>> No.7312238

kek, Turkey is not a part of Europe.

>> No.7312242

Kys, Hercegovce.

>> No.7312268

t. sin Jugocetnickog oficira iz Zagreba

>> No.7312295

>>>7309662 (OP)
>this shithole sucks
It's great man. Unless you're welfare cuck or work for minimum wage.

>> No.7312342

t. Did i Baba spavali s bestijama u kamenjarskoj stali dok se nisu spustili """"oplemenit""" Dalmatinsku obalu sa svojim genima

>> No.7312355

Sorry I can't understand you

>> No.7312450

Hahaha automatski prva misao "lik je hercegovac 100%"....svaka cast

>> No.7312472

lel fuck off, you are near east muslim fag

>> No.7312539

Any of you use swissquote? Do you know if they are ok with withdrawals from crypto exchanges?

>> No.7312540
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>Hercegovci causing so much assblast among Zagrebcommies that they have to post about it on Vietnamese knitting board
not even Hercegfag btw

>> No.7312614

>more swiss and austrians than germans
That's a new

>> No.7312637

Fuck the EU.

>> No.7312725


>> No.7312734


Austria here too <3

>> No.7312825

Austria near Linz

>> No.7312854

Russia is european
checkmate, nigga

>> No.7312928

Go back to studying for your finals

>> No.7313119
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Tearing down that wall was a mistake in the long run.

>> No.7313254

Switzerland, Luzern

>> No.7313281
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Greece where else, but I'm considering moving to Portugal.

>> No.7313346

Probably because we have a bit more spending power. A typical middle class family gives their teenager more than a fully qualified Engineer earns in Portugal. A lot of Swiss are just poorfags like me though.

>> No.7313374

im making 2k eur a month and its not enough in this 3rd world shithole wtf

>> No.7313393


>> No.7313444

This, I could save up to 2.5k a month but the banks are jews and you get nothing from it sitting there.

>> No.7313467

lol how you would live like a king with 2k euros in south italy.

>> No.7313589


Fu poor fags

>> No.7313595

Wer es von euch noch nicht gesehen hat, wir haben einen aut biz discord gegründet.
discord gg /nPusku

>> No.7313622

Istanbul here, but moving to Germany later in spring.

>> No.7313659

Vienna, Austria

>> No.7313698

>discord gg /nPusku

>> No.7313740

running a few online projects

>> No.7313811


>> No.7313824

Γιο αδερφε!

>> No.7313842

Shill me Portugal. I am considering moving as well. My first option is Switzerland, but I am sure there are angles to this, that I haven't taken into consideration.

>> No.7313846


>> No.7313898

why do you talk like this? People aren't jealous of wealth.
>greekfag wanting to become a wageslave in Switzerland
this is a terrible idea

>> No.7313921

Spain here, working while checking biz and blockfolio every hour

>> No.7314017

Outer Hebrides in Scotland.

>> No.7314037

Come to Scotland mate. Our women are hideous (and men moreso) and the weather is dreadful but otherwise it's alright. Also we got quite a few Kurds in Glasgow+Edinburgh so there'll be plenty guys you can bond with over your shared hatred of Turks.

>> No.7314052

Are you an IT nigger?

>> No.7314058

What other options do I have really? Grind my way to an upper level wagecuck or KMS. I consider the former the lesser evil since I already have a Bsc in STEM. The downside is that I have no job experience since as you probably already know, nobody is hiring.

>> No.7314078

>being from Austria
>living in some irrelevant town instead of glorious Vienna
Lmao you poorfags don’t know what you are missing out

>> No.7314095

Noch ein Steirer. Dito.
Rein zu unserem ösi chat discord gg /nPusku

>> No.7314109

>more like an african country
>except White
As opposed to the likes of France/Germany/Sweden which I guess is more like a European country except overrun with Arabs and Africans?

>> No.7314140

Still part of the Union, UK

>> No.7314177

Crpyto tax haven, Slovenia.

>> No.7314184

>Italy, best EU country
Bullshit you guys are nearly as cucked as UK/Germany/France/Sweden.

Only countries that are in contention for 'best EU country' are the Visegrad nations. Maybe an honorable mention for Austria seeing as they've shown a bit more survival instinct than their German cousins and would have had a based President if it wasn't for a blatantly corrupt political process.

>> No.7314219

Just the idea of someone moving to a country purely to earn more money is inherently disgusting to me. Why not work on your own country instead of wanting to take a job away from someone else who is already here. So either kys or better yet, kill the people who fucked up your economy. Hell offer people you will do this if they pay you in xmr.

>> No.7314278
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you can take a look at large parts of the country today, and you won't understand what all the fuss is about. but if you take a look at the numbers, how many third worlders especially muslims they've let into their country and once you understand the implications of that, demographically, socially and economically you'll realize that they made a historic mistake that they could very well not be able to fix.

within a generation not only will swedes be a minority in their own country, the country will be on the verge of a non-european majority with muslims and blacks making up roughly 40% of the population. if you are deluded enough to think this will be anything but a disaster just wait and see. but by the time you'll understand one of the most beautiful places in the world will have been irrevocably altered into something far worse.

>> No.7314289
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you can have one of these every day for breakfast.

>> No.7314587

Have you invested into CarVertical?

>> No.7314792

That looks horrifying.

>> No.7314842


>> No.7314882

Dude I lived 1 year in vienna. I mean in a muslim city.
No way anymore.

>> No.7314890
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>> No.7314905

That's called free job market. Not taking an opportunity because mimimi ze poor guy is losing his job ... that's utter SJW bullshit.

>> No.7314926

Yup, currently putting the free education system to use to get a job in tech and gtfo. Not going to put my future family through this mess