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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7302385 No.7302385 [Reply] [Original]


Lloyds Banking Group has banned its customers from buying Bitcoin on their credit cards following a sharp fall in the value of the digital currency.

The ban, starting Monday, applies to Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland, Halifax and MBNA customers.

It will not apply to debit cards, only to the banking group's eight million credit card customers.

Lloyds fears people are buying Bitcoin to make a profit if its value rises but face debts if it falls.

It is concerned it could end up footing the bill for unpaid debts should the price continue to fall.

>> No.7302444
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Prime Minister Theresa May recently said that action against digital currencies may be required "precisely because of the way they are used, particularly by criminals".

She told Bloomberg: "In areas like cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, we should be looking at these very seriously."

The Treasury said that it intends to update regulation to bring virtual currency platforms into anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulation

>> No.7302573

The UK has not been relevant since 1956.

>> No.7302603

>credit cards
It makes sense. Stop fudding.

>> No.7302628
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>tfw nobody cares any longer about FUD
Thanks for playing anyway.

>> No.7302655

>implying brexit "didn't know brexit was a real possibility" shithole nation will have any effect on anything significant whatsoever

>> No.7302708

If they cared about people losing money they would have out a block on at 16k and above
But now we are nearing (or at) the bottom they choose to do it. Why? So people can't load up on cheap btc, sell their original investment and give a big FUCK YOU to the banks and their shitty credit scams? Use your brains anons

>> No.7302715

>It will not apply to debit cards, only to the banking group's eight million credit card customers.
Oh wow, it's nothing.
You mean something that is bought almost exclusively with stolen CC numbers and responsible for millions of dollars worth of chargebacks is going to be blocked? Shocking. Next you'll tell us that they stopped offering airline miles for cash advances, or buying quarters from the mint.

The jew is dumb, but they aren't stupid.

>> No.7302810
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>prime opportunity to buy
>get banned by bank
made me think

>> No.7302967

They merely don't want you retards losing their fucking money, you are still welcome to use your own

>> No.7303097

There were a bunch of threads about a month ago that figured out the "genius" idea of maxing out all available credit, buying crypto, burying the private key in the woods and then declaring bankruptcy.

A business not letting you buy an asset they can't confiscate is just good business. This is their protection from the government's idea of bankruptcy not keeping pace with crypto.

>> No.7303237

British people hate anything which challenges the state

>> No.7303322

Then buy it with your own money retard, not with loans. I don't see why a bank would loan money to people who are in the process of losing all they own.

>> No.7303396

At least they're learning from their mistakes.

Years ago, you had people using their credit cards to finance home flipping. Then when things went to shit, the bank was made out to be the bad guy for asking people to pay back what they had borrowed.

>> No.7303435

Who cares about this third-world shithole anyway?

>> No.7304038

the british are so god dammed cucked. i thought it was just a /pol/ meme but after i had to do some work there for a few months i realised it was no joke.

they are terrified of anything that challenges big gov, none of them have independent thoughts and opinions. its a very insentient country.