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726766 No.726766 [Reply] [Original]

This is a bit more of a HR question:

I recently took a job out of state and am relocation (which is agonizing for many reasons, but I'm doing it telling myself it'll be good for my career). When I took the job, I listed my salary requirements based on a reasonable estimate of the cost of living. Next week is my first.

The problem is: in a few months the company is moving to a different building in town. In a new company-wide email from HR, I've discovered to my horror that this new location does not believe in parking lots and instead only has a garage. A garage that charges $130 a month to park in. $130 a month that would be deducted from my paycheck and is by no means a benefit provided by the company. This means, in order to actually park at work, I'm down around $1.5K. This is exceptionally shitty.

So the question: would it be reasonable for a new employee to approach HR and explain to them that this is a major problem, as if I had known of this situation when I applied, I would have set my salary requirements higher to compensate?

>> No.726770

How much is your net pay with this company?

If you're making under 80k, then this is fucking retarded.

Yes, it does matter. If you say you're making 150k or more, well, you should still try to get it waived with HR, but it's not game breaking at this point.

>> No.726814

(a) yes this is reasonable to bring this up to those that hired you, as they made a post-hire change that deducts pay from your income.

(b) thats pretty gay of them to make an office switch AND make employees cover the changes that are necessary of the new office. sounds like a shit company. at minimum all previous employees should be grandfathered in and have their parking expenses paid.

I feel your pain dog.

>> No.726818

That's pretty normal for most companies located in a city.

They expect you to find cheaper parking options nearby. At my workplace, parking in the building garage is a couple of hundred a month; a couple of blocks away is parking that is $60 a month, and there is cheaper parking outside of town, if you park in one of the lots by a bus stop.

>> No.726843


Sadly no. I wish I was making that much. Holy shit... If I was making that much I wouldn't give a crap about 1.5k for parking.


The company isn't shitty, it's just that they are in a downtown city area where parking is all by permit or metered. It's also a really pro-bicycle city (because it fucking sucks for anyone with a car). I'm living way too far away for that to be viable. And on top of that, it's a college town, so everything is priced to gouge students (finding an apartment for a young professional was a nightmare).

I'd just park offsite and walk a few blocks if it happened to be viable, but like I said: everything around the area costs just as much to park or is 45 minute meters.

>> No.726860


Downtown: Reasonable
Not downtown: Unreasonable

>> No.726867

>It's also a really pro-bicycle city (because it fucking sucks for anyone with a car).
No city on Earth worth living in is a pleasure to drive in. How far away do you live from your place of employment?

>> No.726874


sounds like you must be in a quite large city for 1) monthly parking to be quite so expensive if 130 is the minimum, and 2) for your company to do this without people throwing a shit fit.

This is reasonable if the city is big enough. Live somewhere on a bus route and just relax. Taking the trolley or bus is nice but Americans are just too retarded to do it.

>> No.726904

That's not too much. If say that's about average here in the NYC area. I mean, in general it's shit to have to pay for parking on top of tolls and gas and shit. Is public transportation an option? It would probably be better. I pay $240 a month for a bus pass, but it saves me on gas, parking, tolls and general wear and tear on my car.

>> No.726941

This or get a bike.
I don't see what the big deal is.

If you say you live in a college town, the bus system should be fucking awesome. Try taking the bus in my city and you'll either get stabbed or have to sit in piss.

>> No.727120

Are there cheap monthly lots by train/bus stations out side of the city?

Drive to the station, then take transit into the city. Most cities limit parking in the downtown area to encourage people to use transit. Look for the parking by stations outside of the city core.

>> No.727610

240 in NYC for a bus pass? I only pay around 118 a month in Seattle, also that is pretax dollars

>> No.727613

Is that for an unsubsidized unlimited orca pass?

>> No.727614

those parking fees are probably tax deductible.

>> No.727622

I really hope that isn't true.

>> No.727644

In CA you can pay for work-related transit and parking costs with pre-tax money.

Here's the provider my company uses: http://www.gowithcx.com/

>> No.727685
File: 103 KB, 237x291, 1308938159118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subsidising private car use in urban areas
I'm going to be sick.

>> No.727779

Ride a bike.

>> No.727798


The office is a good 10 miles away from where I was able to find affordable rent (once again, prices are gouge-tastic because of a large university and another large corporation that's hiring up to 500 people a month). While that's not an unreasonable ride, I don't want to come into work sweaty and hot during the summer. Then, as this is the Midwest, the other 6 months are deathly cold and snowy as fuck. I've never tried riding a bike in two feet of overnight snow along a highway, have you?

>> No.727800

I heard of a prostitute who used a bicycle to get from appointment to appointment.

They said she peddled it all over town!

>> No.727804


Is this Murrica? Cause in Germany you can sue your boss if he makes you pay for going to work.

>> No.727837

If you get too sweaty from a moderate bike ride for a change of shirt to fix the issue, the bike ride is probably doing you a lot of good.

Subtle, I like it.

>if he makes you pay for going to work
That doesn't really apply here. He has alternatives to parking a car at work.