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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7230211 No.7230211 [Reply] [Original]

You may start seeing normies money flowing into Crypto. Prepare your Green Wojak meme boys!

>> No.7230264

>just put $100k into market
LMAO oh well, I'm it for several more decades anyway

>> No.7230293

Robinhood might be our saving grace.

>> No.7230300

2/10 made me reply and solve captcha

>> No.7230347

Trump is ruining this country.

>> No.7230350

Kek. Is it weird that the liveliness of the markets makes me feel alive?
It's just green and red numbers but still it somehow excites me.

>> No.7230391

When is this finally happening?

>> No.7230412

In all fairness, it was already ruined when he got there.

>> No.7230428

It's live for 5 states now.

>> No.7230452
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IT has begun !!!
Get Fiat till you can !!!

>> No.7230487


america continues to ruin everything

>> No.7230516

>buying at ATH

Have you learned nothing?

>> No.7230529
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>cash outttttt

>> No.7230590

I've got another wad to shoot when a major correction comes, no sweat my pet.

>> No.7230603

>tfw portfolio has low US exposure
feels good man

>> No.7230611


The exact opposite. Normal investors will want to go risk off.

So.... when the market is booming and everything else is up, they're more willing to throw money into riskier cryptos.

But when the market crashes and their positions are hit, they're less willing to take on more risk in cryptos.

>> No.7230629
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>so it wasn't enough after all


>> No.7230938

Don't underestimate Fear and Greed my friend. That's why you have "bull trap"

>> No.7231029

hod you liberal faggots are so fucking thick, he is saving the country but your critical thinking abilities have been propagandized right out of your walnut sized brain

>> No.7231039
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>5 states
It hasn't included NY yet. It will though very soon..... and you'll see

>> No.7231116

This could be because trumps memo fisa thing. Feds are in stock market and just fucking up buisness until trump delays executive order to fuck up hillary as he promised. Its all a show

>> No.7231219

Nice fanfic

>> No.7231221


>Trump is ruining this country.
* Got in after 8 years of artificially low interest rate
* Took the torch from The first black president that managed to double the food stamps and national debt

I like Trump and I hope he won't run in 2020 only because the stock market crash is imminent and all the democrats would do is saying "I TOLD YOU SO"

>> No.7231275

The idea that non-Trump voters are stupid is so misinformed. Trump lost the educated vote by a historic margin. Your peers are all high school dropouts.

>> No.7231289

>memo said bad things about nevertrumpers
that crashed the DOW? What drugs are you on anon?

>> No.7231312

>managed to double the debt
Only retards bring this up.
He inherited a 1.5 trillion deficit you fucking moron. He halved the deficit by the time he left. What more do you want?

>> No.7231389

How do I short the DOW?

>> No.7231558
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Let me borrow your brain here.
* Let's say I own a company called "SJW"
* It has $1MM debt
* I then gave it to Tyrone for $0 + debt + unlimitted credit-card, good for 8 years
* 8 years later, the company has $1MM debt and people crying out loud for "racist cops"

PS: I work for Kynikos Associates, I know more than you

>> No.7231603

Correction* Tyrone double the debt 8 years later

>> No.7231622
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>I lost money in an expected correction
>you know what I'm gonna do
>put my money into a dying bubble

really makes me think

>> No.7231632

Wow he took more debt and fucked us on trade (let other countries suck us dry). Nice try tho.

>> No.7231640

my stocks took a beating today.
can't catch a fucking break man.

>> No.7231706

Call my company:
Kynikos Associates LP
(212) 649-0200
Shorting is all we do.

>> No.7231791


Underrated. This is how you know that you can see beyond the veil. Ultimately the whole multiverse is just algorithms trying to shill things to other algorithms - everything from our genes to the stars and beyond.

I think these crash days are actually more fucking funny than sideways days. Way more OC, better memes, hilarious content, good laughs.

>> No.7231842

Everyone selling their stocks to buy into cheap crypto before MEGA MOON

>> No.7231880
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>> No.7231892

Trumpfags don't understand this or don't want to.
It's like jumping into a car that's rolling down a hill and hitting the brakes.
You'll end up further down the road but only a brainlet would blame you for that.
You decreased the velocity of the car just as Obama decreased the velocity of debt accumulation.
>CEO #1 leads a company A
>A has a loss of $2 million a year
>CEO #2 takes over
>through restructuring he manages to cut the loss to $0.5 million a year
Your fucking graph even shows that. The deficit was off the charts after the financial crisis and steadily decreased during Obama's term.
Btw I'm not a SJW or even a leftie. Still think Trump is a retard.

>> No.7232692

nice, just bought ETH, XLM and NEO

>mfw crashproof

>> No.7233030

Are you simple?
You takeover a company that is losing 1.5 trillion a year. By the time you leave it only losing 750 billion a year. Yet people blame you for the company losing 4 trillion while you ran it

>> No.7233273

You are ignoring Tyrone has unlimited credit card and still lose money. In the past people thought heroin is the answer for cocaine addiction. That's what Obama did to Bush's economy

>> No.7233289

Buying at ATH has been a winning strategy in the market, Pajeet

>> No.7233479

>Tyrone has unlimited credit card and still lose money
Wtf does that even mean? Can you talk like normal economically literate human being?

>> No.7233762

Almost 0% interest rate in 8 years. It is easy to make money when it costs nothing to borrow

>> No.7234213

So? Decreasing the interest rate is the right thing to do after a crisis.
The point is he decreased the deficit. He decreased the rate at which money was "lost".
You can't eliminate deficit overnight.

>> No.7234310

This guy is a moron. Talking about making money when we are talking about deficits. What would "making money" even mean? Growing GDP? Higher tax revenue? My god you are simple.

>> No.7234415

Turns out nocoiners were the ones living in a bubble lmao

>> No.7234732

We are on /biz/ not everyone are educated enough to talk in Kike language "smart anon"

>> No.7234816

Low interest rate helps to ease the pain during bear market, but if you keep if low during bull market, do you make the interest rate negative in the next bear market?

>> No.7234859

Robinhood will give cuckbase a run for it's money

>> No.7234889

Can some tell me the purpose of bond/stocks/shares from a economic production point of view. Sure it may help in initial investments for start-up companies, but when a large stable company goes public and people just pour money into shares what actually happens? The production output of a company at best will see barely see the investment money being used for more production. More often then not they will just open up plants in other countries saving the company itself more money while also receiving more from investors. The actual production rarely if ever reflects the huge increase the value of said company. It's literally all a gigantic ponzi-scheme.

>> No.7234958
File: 138 KB, 317x333, FEELSGOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hah! If you don't like Trump you must be a liberal! Filthy liberal faggot!

>> No.7234976

What a scathing rebuttal of my point. Fucking moron hick.

>> No.7235036

Dumbass uses a credit card as an analogy to federal interest rates and uses "making money" as some obscure metric. Please never vote again.

>> No.7235195
File: 2.44 MB, 1714x1610, DOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that the reason the fed is raising interest rates is because the economy is BOOMING? This is the fed following Keynesian economic principles. I don't believe in Keynesian principles, but most Dems do, so what are you complaining about?

The OP edited out the caption to the picture that actually stated that. Try thinking.

>> No.7235211

Past performance is a 100% garuntee of future results.

>> No.7235229

If I say anal you say?

>> No.7235258

>Trump lost the educated vote by a historic margin
He won the white educated vote. He won every white demographic group and lost every non-white demographic group.

Spic who attend college are retards.

>> No.7235932

Go back to /leftypol/ and make America great again salty anon

>> No.7236005


>> No.7236032

Hey my /pol/ fella

>> No.7236093


Correct. Most articles I'm seeing posted today are saying the main catalysts for this decline in the DOW are interest rate increases (which as you said happen when things are GOOD) and treasury bond yields going up. I think this is an overreaction and will not result in an extended market wide bear trend. It's a sell off based on speculation moreso than realized negatives in the economy.

>> No.7236128
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>> No.7236194


Hold the line god damnit! If i'm reading the macro picture right here, we're in for a massive bull run followed by a real crash and real bear market. Just make sure to sell before it blows up this time.

>> No.7236379
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>college makes you smart

>> No.7236415

you retard, people don't move their gambling money into something even riskier.

>> No.7236445

>put my money into a dying bubble
Unironically yes. Or do you only buy on green?

>> No.7236488


Also the rally just over extended. Rsi was at record high well into the 80s for quite a few sessions. If you want to keep bullish trends going healthily, you need a few healthy corrections here and there. I welcome it, it was over due

>> No.7236534

pls god yes, would cause such a massive flight into crypto.

>> No.7236618

It's just a correction after the January effect.

>> No.7236651
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So let me get this straight: after getting burned by stocks, you think that the majority of investors will pull out of the stock market and put their funds into a market that is substantially more volatile and prone to manipulation?

You're all fucking stupid and deserve to carry the bags during the next recession (which will not help crypto, idiots).

>> No.7236905

>tfw when stockfags make the same New Years excuse as cryptofags

We're going to make it after all.

>> No.7237003

But the thing is, the 10 years bonds rates are increasing abnormally FAST. It's out of control right now. I'm pretty sure it will stabilize by itself, but that's just a guess on my part, if it does not, expect blood.

>> No.7237077

I mentioned this in another thread and got my ass laughed at. They won't believe you until their accounts are empty. I survived the 2009 recession.

>> No.7237159

>trump and his Goldman stooges sends the country spiraling into hyperinflation
truly MAGA