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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7223919 No.7223919 [Reply] [Original]

I’m in a telegram group with a bunch of autists from /biz/ who think Link is a meme and constantly mock my Link holdings. I’ve been trying to explain to them how significant this project is and how they’ll make a fortune but they just don’t get it.

My question for fellow Linkies: How are you going to treat people who told you were an idiot for investing in Link? Part of me wants to flaunt my millions and tell them they were fucking wrong but another part is telling me to be humble. What do?

>> No.7224058

>caring about other people

Retards gonna be retarded. Did people change from missing out on bitcoin? did they change from missing out on ETH or did they FUD it? Bottom line is retards will always be retarded and its actually a good thing because i need someone to flip my burguers when i go to mcdonalds

>> No.7224069

Save being humble for when you make money, which you will not. You should probably sell your ufr holdings as well.

>> No.7224125

AHAHAHA Stinkie Linkie
Everybody point and laugh!!