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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7208174 No.7208174 [Reply] [Original]

Are they coming from /pol/?

>> No.7208203

Altright gets funded through crypto, so no

>> No.7208241

Angry no-coin boomers? I don’t know...

>> No.7208892

the collective IQ there has been dropping steadily and I don't think they're capable of navigating the bear these days

>> No.7208928

Probably /v/.
They've been autistically hating on crypto since GPU prices exploded.

>> No.7209100
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/v/ hates /biz/ cause they're pathetic gamers who cry about tendies and GPU prices

lol seriously who does that? who builds computers to play games in 2018?

/r9k/ comes here to make fun of us because it makes them feel better about their worthless lives

/fit/ and /fa/ are sister boards.

/pol/ is basically where /r/politics and /r/the_donald can flame each other. Everyone would be better off if they all dropped dead.

/faggotanime/ boards come here to post smuig anime faces. Mostly because their lives revolve around sexually obsessing over pre pubescent children. Fucking sickos.

/k/ doesn't give a fuck. Now git out.

/Porn/ boards are fapping.

Fuck everyone else.

>> No.7209209
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I come from /tg/, but that's irrelevant because...