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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 168 KB, 1280x720, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7207338 No.7207338 [Reply] [Original]

this market needed this correction, BTC went from $600 to $20k in ONE FUCKING YEAR. Every market goes through a correction, if you sell at a low like this then you deserve to lose.

>> No.7207434

Yes the problem is the low may be sub $1000, so makes sense to sell.

>> No.7207435

>"Hey guys please help prop the price up of this dying shitcoin"

Even if the selling stopped normies are done with pretend wolf of wall st games so it aint going anywhere near $20k ever again

>> No.7207470

You seem to have forgotten that the wall street wolves are now in the game. That represents a fuckton more money than the normies can bring in. But, it also means that the game has gone way the fuck up in difficulty.

>> No.7207497

pls shut the fuck up . enough of this bullshit

>> No.7207511
File: 315 KB, 1000x708, 1445003697560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows its going down
>doesnt sell to rebuy
>instead just lets his stack ose value instead of increasing his stack in the easiest way of just selling now and rebuying whenever you can increase your stack
holders are brainlets

>> No.7207564

If I sell now then I still made a big profit from when I bought in mid 2013. And I'm selling. I might buy back again in a few months once BTC has crashed to <$1000 though.

>> No.7207573
File: 175 KB, 472x750, y0ZxWrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> BTC went from $600 to $20k
> BTC is now $8300
> Thinks we're anywhere near the bottom.

Stay poor OP

>> No.7207607

BTC went from $0.1 to $20 to $1 to $280 to $60 to $1000 to $200 to $20000 to $8000.

The ride is not over, but it's gonna crash big time before it rises again.

>> No.7207636

>sell at a low like this.
The market had such a retarded climb that even a price of 1k could be considered good.
This shit is going straight to the 1-2k region.

>> No.7207731

>wall street wolves are now in the game
no they're not, "wallstreet wolves" whatever the fuck those are, are not in any shitcoin. their job is to manage risk. thats all they do all day, manage risk. you think that's possible mate? with a fucking crazy bitch like cryptocoin? there's no asset to hedge that shit to, nothing. if they were in any crypto they would be in with a personal account, and they have long sold that shit because they can actually see when shit goes parabolic. that means the fucking chart is up do goddamn much if it goes any further it would make a goddamn looping. and thats when you sell.

>> No.7207739
File: 281 KB, 1634x1096, we are here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, the now powerless bulls resort to spamming random shit on forums in order to try to get bears to buy back in.

>> No.7207859

Why would it rise again? Things typically don't recover from this sort of thing when they have no real value. And even when they do, they typically just get bought out by a bigger company.

>> No.7207873

>it aint going anywhere near $1k ever again

Is what they said last year.

>> No.7207926


>> No.7207961


its fucking over. crypto went mainstream and the first thing whales do is crash the market. every normie lost their hard earned cash. well Done

>> No.7208006

stop... u guys are scaring me..

>> No.7208062

Nobody here actually "believes" in Bitcoin right? You all knew this was a speculative bubble from the beginning, right?

>> No.7208065
File: 812 KB, 1440x508, Screenshot_2018-01-06-19-31-22-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why sell to rebuy when I would be buying right now if I didn't already hold them?

>> No.7208120
File: 40 KB, 401x535, ebookreader-04102015-043204-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7208188

>The HODL meme
Do people not realize this is for people who are in a bull market and people tell them to hold since you will get more profits.
When the market is crashing its better to sell now, since you can always rebuy later and potentially end up with double the amount of cryptocurrency

>> No.7208529


>> No.7208638

if I am a bull I purchase at $1.....how am I over bought?

Please tell me.

>> No.7208683

so even the worst of the shitcoins will come back up in price? I think not

>> No.7208741
File: 197 KB, 1517x1000, aea7cdc4f1b6031dbf5db00ef84fe6b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf is pissed at me, keeps saying "I told you so"
>mfw I will never sell

Riding this train to hell even if she leaves me.

>> No.7208801

Good plan, except, if you had sold yesterday and bought back now you'd be up 12-30%.

>> No.7208853



>> No.7208869

Yeah, not worth the rotting feeling in gut after selling and waiting for trend reversal. I'd rather finally look away from crypto for 4 weeks and then come back.

>> No.7208880

With having to pay how much in tax? Hmm good idea

>> No.7208907

Who the fuck pays tax on their crypto?

>> No.7208924
File: 52 KB, 792x600, SHITCOINER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7208927

In this post >>7207607 I literally listed 3 occasions on which it did recover. Why would it recover? Why would it not? Blockchain is real, even if BTC was pumped artificially high. Cryptocurrencies like monero promise so much in terms of anonymity. They will still be useful and therefore will still be used.

>> No.7208970

>d-dont sell n-now
>m-my n-neet poor ass will lose even more money

suck it fags, this is crashing and its good you end up on the wrong end of the cock yet again, like you always do

>> No.7208996

this let the ledditors burn tho
HODL is a dead meme in this market

>> No.7208998


>paying tax

get a load of this fag

>> No.7209000

You should read what you're writing. If you think BTC was pumped artificially high, then you'd be an idiot for HODLing until it's dropped to where you truly believe it's value is.

>> No.7209016

You wrote exactly what I wanted to write

>> No.7209072

you think you can get massive capital gains deposited into your bank account and uncle sam wont come seeking his cut?

that mentality is why i love how the shit fell apart the first month of the year. all these fags that pulled out won't have a third of that profit sitting aside for taxes in april 2019. not 18, 19. that's when people are really gonna be crying and jumping out windows.

>> No.7209136

yep, basically this...saw the slump occuring but slept through it, had I stayed up I'd sell..but itll be back up in a month or 2...not worth selling low, and again, sleeping missing the point it hit going back to where I sold low..rather not face that

>> No.7209215

If you made any serious money on crypto you should never put it into your fucking bank account... You put it into a holding company in tax-devious places like Cypress and transfer it to a tax haven. Then you invest it back into your own companies or buy bricks in a legitimate way, this costs you money of course, but no where near what you'd have to pay if you sent it directly into your bank.

If you didn't make any significant gains, then simply never take it out, or take it out in such small amounts at a time that nobody notices.

>> No.7209214

this, altho i waited too long because of faggots confidence here

I finally pulled the trigger, and happy it's crashing

When i buy in, i'll have more of a stack

>> No.7209239

why would you ignore the fact that there's no new money pouring into crypto. the fad is fading fast. mainstream is over it. normies are gone. why would you sit on something that anyone can see is going down? why do THAT to yourself?

>but itll be back up in a month or 2
based on what? people only bought it thinking it would go up because other people were buying it. thats literally how it worked. now its over. its not going back up.

>> No.7209266

>this market needed this correction, BTC went from $600 to $20k in ONE FUCKING YEAR
This was your sign to get out, moron.

Bitcoin is in freefall largely because you can only artificially pump the price up for so long before everything falls apart.

>> No.7209270
File: 105 KB, 1039x559, Apu silica gel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold...or sell now and buy back in 2 months when the price stabilises at around ~$1000

>> No.7209339

idk if i made significant money id think i hit the luckiest lotto of my life and not fuck around with it.

my point is most people did just what i said. turned it back into usd, and itll be blown or spent on some shit by 15 months from now. april 2019 is gonna be an entertaining mess.

>> No.7209342

just hold fucking fags
fucking pussies, if you are afraid of this type of volatility you shoundt be in this market

>> No.7209381

you hold blue chip stocks not fucking volatle speculations. buy and hold does not apply.

>> No.7209453

You don't even HODL on stocks if they've made you a profit, you always sell at a decent net gain.

>> No.7209488

good for you, hopefully you still have profits.
don't ever forget 4chan's userbase is mostly NEETs with no backup plan. So if all their money is tied up in crypto there is an eventual point where they are forced to sell.
compare those shitbags to a coordinated plan from wallstreet. Massive buying power, they can buy all crypto today, and automatically sell it back for 20% less. Will a potential buyer pay the old marketprice set by stubborn NEETs, or the new price set by wall street willing to take that hit. At this point people think NO it wont dip further and buy in, at which point wall street again buys and sells again at a loss. Hell they are probably buying and selling from themselves. Just remember, at some point the NEETs WILL sell. Since this is blockchain, this can be publicly observed by anyone. At the point all the NEETs sell, wall street own a majority of crypto and they can reverse the process. On the climb back up at some point they let go of the reins, (stop buying off themselves at a loss) and manipulate news so that there is the mother of all bull markets and people FOMO back in. At the height this will all begin again

>> No.7209570

sounds about right,
i'm sitting in my eth right now. Gonna wait till tomorrow see where we at, and maybe buy some alts.

I want to find a comfy bottom to buy

>> No.7209619


Fuck king shitcoin, I'm going to hodl my ETH and VEN though. I sold the fuck out of it to normie idiots at 19k and I haven't held any BTC since then. Just waiting for ETH to go down even lower so I can buy up VEN on sale and that's literally it.

>> No.7209645

Why the fuck are you here?

>> No.7209732

To talk business. I'm enjoying the shit out of all you retards getting ripped and can't wait for this place to go back to non-fantasy economics.