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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7184731 No.7184731 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it came to this, let's discuss our suicide plans, tips and tricks for incoming weeks. To the Heaven!

>> No.7184935

UK fag here, how difficult would it be me to get to the US and blow my brains out? No guns here and on a budget as well mind.

>> No.7184964

Suicide is for cowars

Allah subhana wa tala has promised hell for those who commited suicide

>> No.7185038

Neck urself sandnigger

>> No.7185061

Punishing someone for suicide is the most idiotic thing for any divine being to do.

>> No.7185152

Easy mode: lay facedown with your neck on the train tracks. Quick and painless.

God mode: get some cheese wire to hang yourself with. Super glue your hands to your head. When you jump, the cheese wire will slice through your neck and anyone who finds you will think you ripped your own head off

>> No.7185188

Hey /biz/, /pol/ here. We all knew this was coming, but we're not going to waste time with "I told you so's" until later. We only ask that if you're going to an hero, can you at least try to take out a filthy fucking globalist on your way out? The higher up on the chain the better. K thnx, we'll leave you to your despair now.

>> No.7185221

What happens after I fuck my 72 virgins? Will more virgins appear? Do they even have personalities? Were they humans from Earth? Is Islam just a ponzi scheme by Muhammad so he can fuck his best friends 10 year old daughter Aisha?

>> No.7185238
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Imagine you are dead and the price goes back up even higher than it ever was. Now that would be a double whammy, wouldn't it? And you couldn't even kill yourself a second time.

>> No.7185280

Why use a gun when you can just use an exit bag?

>> No.7185405

Please don't sell your crypto or give it away. Make sure it's gone for good, this helps the rest of us in the long run. Thanks!

>> No.7185464

You have to set yourself on fire too, for maximum wtf.

>> No.7185492

Death by self-inflicted throat fucking

>> No.7185493

Living at home with parents so a huge canister of gas would be fucking alarm bells, I considered lying and saying I'd made it in crypto and rent a flat so I can off myself in it but I don't even have enough money to do that.

>> No.7185579

If you're serious about suicide just get a loan for that, or fuck even just go outside in a park or something and use the exit bag there with a sign that says "suicide in progress, don't interrupt".

>> No.7185826

Surely the loan debt would go on my parents? I think i've caused enough trouble for them, like I said it'd be hard to get the materials for the exit bag anyway, plus I'm pretty sure I read helium canisters arent 100% pure nowadays to stop exit bags and conserve helium supply.

>> No.7185861

Killing yourself would also cause trouble for them in many ways. So why even kill yourself?

>> No.7185916

But why

>> No.7185991

Does anybody know where to buy cyanide pills?

I tried the deep web and learned that it's easier to hire a hitman or buy heroin than it is to buy cyanide.

>> No.7186021

spending the money i would have used to buy more crypto to go japan, have fun, then die in the suicide forest

>> No.7186145

>be white
>walk into nigger neighborhood
>stand in the middle of the street

there you go

>> No.7186247

spray pain yourself pink for maximum effect

>> No.7186275
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It's only going up lads, get it while you still can

>> No.7186343

>tfw didn't invest in suicide solutions

feels bad man

>> No.7186394

> Is Islam just a ponzi scheme by Muhammad so he can fuck his best friends 10 year old daughter Aisha?

Fuckin kek

>> No.7186518


If you're an adult, then your parents will not be liable for your debt unless they co-sign on the debt. There is no legality for anyone to pass your debt to them. They might try it, but your parents can just tell them to fuck off.

Friend of mine had her Dad die a few days after an ambulance had to take him to the hospital. The ambulance company tried to go after them for the cost of the ambulance ride which was like fucking $5K. Spoke with an attorney and they told me to ignore it because the guy who utilized it is dead. They're just fishing on the hopes the family thinks that the living family assumes the debts of the dead. Happens a lot.

>> No.7186645
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Do this, my man

>> No.7187248


wtf did he do? I get he made chlorine gas but is it really that easy?

>> No.7187293

Why? There should be a penalty for rage quitting.

>> No.7187462

yup you can make amazing things with household chemicals.You can make napalm with just gasoline and styrofoam.

>> No.7187560 [DELETED] 

I live in the northern part of Scandinavia, so I'm planning to just take a bus to the edge of the wilderness and keep walking until I fall over and the harsh winter takes me, and I die of exposure.

>> No.7187564

Who the fuck said he made chlorine?

>> No.7187607

If you follow the autocratic view of god in Abrahamic religion then you believe that god puts you in the situation you are in, through either where you are born and your own personal features.

So if god puts you in a cold merciless world and you suffer so much that you override your natural instinct to survive and kill yourself then god will punish you further. Apparently I should be grateful for a life I never asked for, even if it was a painful and agonizing life.

I'm very young and without future prospect, I've seen what happens to people like me and I rather die before they grow to resent me, hopefully i'll die before they can fully realise i'm a failure.

I thought this was just a joke meme, it'd leave behind quite a dangerous mess though.

>> No.7187994

You are committing sudoku, you are leaving around a mess anyway. I bet your parents would rather die melting in chlorine-soaked air than live after your suicide.

>> No.7188125

Nah I have two older brothers, one of which is a super successful prodigy child who often gets headhunted by any tech company you can name, like I said i'd prefer to die with them thinking I could've been something great rather than them realising i'll never be anything.

>> No.7188226

What do your brothers say about crypto?

>> No.7188311

Just jump from a tall building or something, you faggot

>> No.7188364

I can cash out now with $100k
I figure I can live pretty comfy for at least 10 years playing vidya and then kill myself when the money runs out. Thoughts?

>> No.7188365

The super successful one was one of those guys who had BTC on his hard drive way back in 2012 and then threw it away accidentally, he told me he just pretends he never had it to cope with the loss, I think he dabbled a bit in November but never went deep. He's a super smart chad though so he's far more content with his A* career. As for the other I have no clue, me and him never talk, he's almost a stranger to me, although I'm pretty certain he has no involvement.

>> No.7188427

I live in the north of the UK, not many things here which are high enough to guarantee death let alone a painless one.

>> No.7188431

>i'd prefer to die with them thinking I could've been something great
If they love you then they'll wonder what they did wrong and what they could've done different. This thought will haunt them every day. They'll live out the rest of their days riddled with guilt. If they didn't love you then they'll just think you were a selfish quitter who died a loser.

>> No.7188466

I can't find any flaws with this plan.

>> No.7188488

If I had 100K i'd go on an absolute mad one travelling the world before I killed myself, if you're gonna spend the money with no intent of carrying on go out on a bang.

>> No.7188527
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>> No.7188585

Pretty sure my dad's already dead inside from his time serving in Bosnia, he didn't seem to show any emotional reaction to his father's death and even made a few jokes when one of our dog's died.
I'd feel bad for my mum but like I said she already has two good children, I was always the clingy mummy's boy.

>> No.7188606
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If you are going to commit suicide, you may as well give crime a whirl.

What is the most profitable criminal activity for someone who has nothing to lose? Drugs? Scamming? Stealing?

>> No.7188907

Send me your bags

>> No.7189423
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