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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7183997 No.7183997 [Reply] [Original]

>all in in Ven they Said
>9$ is just the beginning, next stop 14 bucks, they said
>40% down now

Fuck you /biz/, I hate you.

>> No.7184352

Everything's getting JUSTed right now you moron. Be thankfull you're in a decent coin right now, otherwise you would've lost it all already

>> No.7184420

Yeah, he'll stay afloat a week longer than the rest before it comes all crashing down

>> No.7184455

Let me guess, you also bought Ripple, RaiBlocks and Request at all time highs too?

>> No.7184479

I was in Singapore to get a break from it all, the job, the kids, and I decided to visit the VeChain office. On my way to my hotel I saw a black Audi A8 that appeared to be following me as I walked. Two Singaporean men in black tuxes and black sunglasses, some kind of FBI shit I swear. Scared, I darted through the nearest alley way. Now this is where is gets crazy.

One of the men in the car jumps out of nowhere with a silenced pistol in hand, blocking my way out of the alley. I turn to run the other way, and another, almost a clone of the first man, is on the other side. "DROP THE LUGGAGE AND LEAVE, MILK MAN. YOUR KIND NO GOOD HERE." Scared shitless, I obviously give in to his demands and drop it.

Then, by some fucking divine miracle, a masked stranger with a samurai sword decapitates one of the men. Almost simultaneously, he pulls out a Chinese pistol and eliminates the man on the other side.

I stand there in awe, as he removes his mask. Standing there, in all his glory, is Sunny fuckin Lu. I stood there shaking, almost crying, and say "I owe my life to you... Thank you." He looks me directly in the eyes and says "For a friend, I'd do it again," and pulls me in to cry on his shoulder. I will never forget that day.

>> No.7184493

You should be buying now. One of the few relevant coins in a shitcoin infested market.

>> No.7184508

Is there ever been something globally succesful out of china? Never give your money to chinks

>> No.7184545

VEN is still great long term.

>> No.7184756
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