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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 893x1096, 1509191682519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7177371 No.7177371 [Reply] [Original]



>c-crypto is the future
>i-it has real value it's not tulips
>new paradigm
>s-stay poor nocoiners

Crypto investors on suicide watch.
Reddit on suicide watch.
Millions about to lose their life savings.

This is what you get for investing into scams and ponzi schemes.

>> No.7177372
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I might just buy 2 1080ti's when they start flooding the market after the final crash.

>> No.7177373
File: 298 KB, 415x476, Treasures in heaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-21

"“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:28-34

>> No.7177374

>using bitcoin over eth

>> No.7177375


buy ethereum you fucking idiots

bitcoin is dead

>> No.7177376


>> No.7177377

cool Return to the mean now, I buyed yesterday, now waiting 2 months and all is +300%

>> No.7177378

>nocoiners being this fucking salty


>> No.7177379

You insult me and then give me advice?

>> No.7177380

>ponzi scheme 1 is over
>buy ponzi scheme 2

>> No.7177381

>using eth instead of monero

>> No.7177382

RIP parabolic trav

>> No.7177383

>using monero

>> No.7177384

Good call, maybe there is something to look forward to in all of this

>> No.7177385

cancerous faggots >>>/biz/ go vomit your garbage there, or even better kill yourselves

>> No.7177386

Those cards won't last long

>> No.7177387

damn straight


>> No.7177388

who hurt you?

>> No.7177389

>bitcoin is dead
This is true. Whole project got fucked when Blockstream got on board.
It's a (((scham))) now, but it was probably our best hope in killing the fiat jew.

>> No.7177390

Shill a cheaper coin I'm on jacindabux

>> No.7177391

I cant wait until angry mobs will just starting lynching miners in broad daylight.

The motherfuckers cut me off buying an R9 290 in school, now i cant buy a workstation for 3d rendering.

Fucking bastards deserve to be dragged through the streets snd hanged on the nearest trees and lamp posts

>> No.7177392

Fuck off it was never tenable. The existential threat posed to state authority by ANY crypto currency cannot be understated, and the fact that bitcoin has been allowed to progress as far as it has tells you EXACTLY who is really the author of the white paper.

That you couldn't see the scam coming a mile away just testifies to your own stupidity.

>> No.7177393

*refreshing ebay for flood of gpus*

>> No.7177394

shitcoin spam in /biz/, you'd know if you went there which you clearly don't

>> No.7177395

>Buying cards that have been used for mining

That's like buying cars with 200k miles on them

>> No.7177396

Lol you and Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks are the smartest dipshits in the room huh?

The only good time to attain bitcoin was when it was being mined. As is true with the stock market, by the time the IPO comes out, or the public is able to be aware and buy, all of the value has been removed from the instrument and the public is now on the hook for the debit of that value

>> No.7177397


> toothpaste being this mad

>> No.7177398

>ethereum is stable
>bitcoin is crashing
>etherium is the shitcoin
Okay pal

>> No.7177399

>Using monero instead of OneCoin

>> No.7177400

Again didn't it happen like a week ago

>> No.7177401
File: 1.98 MB, 359x346, oy vey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to love those idiot miners.
>i built a pc last year in the january that had 2 radeon rx 580 in it that i bought at about 250 euros a piece.
>sold em to a cunt for 1200 euros total 2 weeks ago

>> No.7177402

Several statements can be true at once.
>Crypto can be the future.
>Crypto can be extremely over valued.
>Crypto can have value.
>Crypto can make people rich (or suicidal and piss poor).
I believe in all of these statements.

>> No.7177403

>it's the weekly Bitcoin crash

>> No.7177404
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>> No.7177405

Only when the volume sets 21 million, you can say it's over. But until the built in volume cap hasn't been reached, you can't really predict anything about it. It's not over yet, boys.

Nobody knows what will happen at 21M, though.

>> No.7177406
File: 11 KB, 336x437, 1516118438474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuanced opinions aren't going to fly in THIS thread buddy

>> No.7177407

and other jew jewed you for new gpu cuz you sold your old one

>> No.7177408

Where is that cunt with his daily reminders to invest ??
Hope he killed himself.

>> No.7177409

the value of any money is a psychological value of confidence. It will stay when the confidence in the normie money systems crumble. Next credit burst will be probably china.

>> No.7177410

The sad part is not one of the retards telling you to buy other coins realize when Bitcoin goes down, so will confidence in ALL coins, regardless of their improved functionality. Do you actually think normies care or understand about the inner workings of crypto? The vast majority of people will view crypto as Tulips or beanie babies. Your shit will be useless if Bitcoin dies. Non-brainlet investors realize this and are doing what they can to hodl, but it might not be enough.

Gold is the only thing worth buying right now, before the Crypto and Stock Market crash of 2018/19

>> No.7177411
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no, i quit playing vidya so my old gpu does the job

>> No.7177412
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Oh no, I lost 20 bucks, guess I'll have to settle for street quality heroin

>> No.7177413

lol @ people who bought bitcoin when it was $20000. just 2 months ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he

>> No.7177414

The more bitcoins that get mined, the more expensive it becomes to mine it.
Pretty sure that's why it's crashing

>> No.7177415
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>> No.7177416

Are you new?

>> No.7177417

i doubt people can be this stupid kek

>> No.7177418


>> No.7177419

Thats what you get for dont understanding basic economics, communist scum

>> No.7177420

Isn't it because of all that bitconnect shit going on lately? I'm quite sure it will recover again, like it did before.

>> No.7177421

What's the fucking difference? Just different names for the same bullshit.
>crypto named 1 fails
>quick guyse, let's go to 2
>2 fails, ad infinitum
Sounds like a fucking scam.

>> No.7177422

omg it crashed to 9k coin fags btfo

>> No.7177423

Well, you can always go back to dig for opals ;)

>> No.7177424
File: 20 KB, 183x232, 7FCF15DA-60AA-42AF-BC30-558104A0AB95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oy gevalt! The goyim are investing in a potential new form of currency that could overthrow our Jewish banking monopoly Shut it down! This is a holocaust
I don’t own bitcoin but watching it make the rest of the market bleed is annoying. Idgaf I can afford to lose my initial investment cuz I’m not a poor fag and watching it make the jews squirm was worth every penny I invested.

>> No.7177425

Ethereum is actually usefull because it is a platform upon which blockchain applications can be used. Still shouldnt buy the coins tho.

>> No.7177426

I can't even imagine. What do you do at this point if you invested say 100k 2 months ago and now it's less than 50k and dropping further? There's just no way you can convince someone that they can't get off this ride and it will somehow work out.

>> No.7177427

the mining difficulty isn't related to the inflation percentage

The mining difficulty adjusts every 2016 blocks (10 minute cycles usually)
The inflation percentage halves every 420,000 blocks (about every 4 years)

>> No.7177428

Nice one! Can I actually buy an rx580 for the freesync monitor I bought last fucking year?

>> No.7177429
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Pic releated

>> No.7177430

Look forward to used gpus who have been running for months 24/7 flooding the market.

>> No.7177431


>> No.7177432

it went over 1000 fucking euros in romania. the fucking miners quadrupled the price, you can still find them in germany for around 500 euros if you feel like jewing people

>> No.7177433

It's just a dip you fucking morons.

>> No.7177434


Smartest thing I have read on this thread, bitcoin was going to correct, no matter what.

>> No.7177435


>> No.7177436

but they're mainly shot

>> No.7177437

Eh...this isn't 2012 anymore, kid. Graphics cards are useless for mining BTC (though they are still used for some other crypto).

>> No.7177438

>like it has before
Don't think the price has ever fallen by such a large percentage as this

>> No.7177439

>p-please buy my coins so i can sell off high

>> No.7177440
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look at this duuuude

>> No.7177441
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You shit for brains no coiner... stay poor faggot. This is the normal growth pattern. Bitcoin is literally on track.

>> No.7177442
File: 208 KB, 1600x1233, 1517376951066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas

My life partners son is the next POC warren buffet!

Quick question though. I supported his ambition and purchased 4 "bitcoins" at $17,900 each.

I dont regret this at all, but did max my cards and, did some other refinancing. But its money well spent all the same.

Just wondering when this turns around? Leshaun said it was going to a million dollars by 2020. I love his enthusiasm!

Its just awkward when my life partner tried to use the cards today and they were all cancelled. Hoping for a quick 360!!!!

>> No.7177443

Imagine investing in a currency with a high rate of inflation like but coin that at a fundamental level always decreases in value at a rate higher than the US Dollar but unlike the US dollar doesn’t motivate 300 million people to move around and harvest resources and turn them into something.

Instead a pretend stock market erupts and retards think a meme graph makes it an investment opportunity.

As long as you can’t buy shit with boitcokn is worthless.

>> No.7177444

salty weak hands lul

>> No.7177445

Based Jesus

>> No.7177446

>Crypto investors on suicide watch.

Still comfy AF. Only thing is whether to diversify into ETH a bit.

>> No.7177447

Immlosing tonnesbecause mo Nero itis peggedto Bitcoin

Kill me

>> No.7177448

They'll have some serious mileage, possibly bits of skull and brain in them, depending on who is selling and why.

>> No.7177449

You're a few months away from profits son.

see >>7177441

>> No.7177450

Found the kike

>> No.7177451

>Increases over 1000% this year
>It's not going to correct itself with 50% down

>> No.7177452

There is exactly two people in this thread who actually understand Bitcoin other than myself.

>> No.7177453

Real estate is the same.
Open market = the eyes have been picked out of it

>> No.7177454

The human attention span has reached alarming lows.

>> No.7177455

>>bitcoin is dead
>This is true. Whole project got fucked when Blockstream got on board.

No, it is NOT true. Basically, there is a disagreement whether the path forward is to continually increase the block size and have every transaction on one big blockchain (Bitcoin Cash), of if second layer should be created (Lightning network) on top of BTC.

>> No.7177456

Fuck eth. I don't trust that shit or any ERC20 tokens. It's based on their own homebrew solidarity code that they didn't even start writing until 2014, and anyone worth a lick of salt will tell you that all code has flaws, it's just a matter of time until someone finds it and exploits it. Even code that's been out forever still has undiscovered vulnerabilities, why do you think developers offer bounties for bugs?? A flaw in the code will be found, and when that happens Eth value will tank overnight and all the hundreds of tokens that rely on it will fall too. It's the one thing that could truly fuck the entire crypto market.

>> No.7177457

Commie flag.
Checks out.

>> No.7177458

>high rate of inflation
the buying power of bitcoin went up exponentially, if you are going to shit on it at least get the basic terms correct you dumb fuck

>> No.7177459

I've been in profit for a long time already. I've had enough 10x investments that the market would have to go much much lower to get back down to my original investment levels. Although you are right that the market may still have a bit to go before going on a solid uptrend again. But I don't plan on cashing out anytime soon, so I'm not worried at all. Patience is key.

>> No.7177460


ETH: We will see. What I like about it is that there is Vitalik like a benevolent dictator, he shows up on ETH conference each year and say we have this challenges and in 2018 we are going to do this and this and this to solve them, here is the roadmap and this is the current state. Compare it to BTC, a few guys who say nothing and just trying to negotiate with Chinese miners whether they are allowed some new functionality or not.

Also, regarding the scalability, my intuition as a software dev tells me that his sharding solution, if it will really work, will be better than LN, which is kind of a hack.

Anyway, just to clarify: I am still bullish on BTC and very comfy holding some.

>> No.7177461

Some developer just got raided and questioned the other day.. Fuck ALL fake money... BARTER NIGGERS.

>> No.7177462

Eth is a great idea, and I really hope nothing goes wrong... But instinct tells me not to trust it. I'm currently buying up as many old low supply coins as I can. Got in Vertcoin at $0.34 and it did awesome for me. Accumulating Unitus, HBN, Myriad, and Guncoin right now. All very low supply, well except myriad, but that's still an older coin that looks very promising. Any coin with less than 100 million that's under $0.10 should be looked at especially if it's an older coin that still has active devs or is becoming active again. Guncoin is a prime example, hasn't done shit in years, dev finally woke up and started getting his shit together because he realizes with a little work he could make himself a fortune.

>> No.7177463

lol, didn't read.

Got coins and don't need no faggot jesus.

Seriously though, christians are turbojews and focus completely on material items, the religious crap is just about stroking their egos.

>> No.7177464


>> No.7177465

It gets exponentially more difficult to mine a bitcoin over time. By 21 mil, barring enormous computing power breakthroughs, mining will become impractical.`

>> No.7177466


Buy toilet rolls. Itlll come in useful trust me.

>> No.7177467

Its not going to get back to 20k.

>> No.7177468
File: 131 KB, 1407x623, 9319 56 · BTC to USD Bitcoin Exchange Ethereum Exchange Litecoin Exchange GDAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7177469
File: 142 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STAY CALM SENPAITACHI. ITS A C. C..... CORRECTION .... Yea, A correction. see look at muh charts!!!
>>Literally made by a 12 year old nog.
>>Pic related

>> No.7177470

>not trading your bitcoin away at $20k for gold and silver
>not buying when it crashes again

It’s like you want to be poor forever

>> No.7177471


>> No.7177472

wew I resisted the urge to invest in bitcoin the past few months
glad I did

>> No.7177473


>> No.7177474

The Aussies way of showing love :)

And bongs say Aussies have no culture...

>> No.7177475
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If your duck is small enough to fit inside of a toilet paper roll even tiny asian chicks won't be satisfied by you. Seriously... look it up... It's a thing over there.

>> No.7177476

Based on the graph I guess its going to level off at 6000ish.

>> No.7177477
File: 469 KB, 1024x663, 1516231701419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol i made 20k into 500k investing into Waltonchain so glad i did, it's actually going to make a me a million USD

Look up GSK the pharma company who are in talks with waltonchain also this

yes btc and eth are shitcoins time for the real coins to take over

>> No.7177478

the fuck you say

>> No.7177479
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>> No.7177480
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BUY BitConnect boyeeeeeezzz!

>> No.7177481

Silence, fruit of my loin, or I shall beat you like the redheaded step child you are

>> No.7177482


>> No.7177483

Wait a bit, once card makers have to start again giving their products real value to sell them instead of just selling their current crap for gold I bet you the 1180 will be out in no time.

>> No.7177484

Just wait till they figure out Tether was a huge huge massive fraud.

Investigators are investigating now.

>> No.7177485

buy 42 i just put 100k on it

>> No.7177486


>> No.7177487

If you are stupid enough to fall for a Jewish scheme when it's obviously time to sell bitcoin before the normies ruin it you deserve to be poor.

God damn coin fags are retarded.

>> No.7177488
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>> No.7177489

No, cards are ridiculously overpriced now
When bitcoin dies the new card prices will collapse with them

>> No.7177490

I got in at 2k
>still >400% gains
>I don't need the money
t. still comfy

>> No.7177491

Buying anything at ATH

>> No.7177492

Well, shit. I had an idea for a little crypto-related pet project that was supposed to give me enough money to spend a year learning shit i should've learned in colledge if i went into one.
Registered a domain name and everything :(

>> No.7177493

The real value of but coin keeps shrinking even if Normies are trading it higher. The rate of growth of the bit coin supply is not controllable and always growing. It has little real world value except buying a Tesla maybe.

You can’t buy groceries or a house with it. It’s real value is very very low and as more of it is mined that shrinks and shrinks. No surprise the price dropped so hard, it wasn’t worth that much and it’s not worth it at its current price. Once the meme wears off it will return to being worth a few pennies.

Stocks on the other hand have value and represent the economic activity of a company that could represent the day to day work of hundreds to thousands of people.

What is bit coin? Someone burned some coal to power a computer and crunch some numbers.

>> No.7177494

Damn I need to go to church

>> No.7177495
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Fucking retards, the flippening is happening. BTC needs to die in order for crypto to truly flourish.

>> No.7177496

one could argue that there's nothing more retarded than calling other people retards for having completely understandable reactions to sudden dips in the market and that your usage of it here betrays a certain insecurity you have about your own level of intelligence

which makes sense for a coinfag

>> No.7177497

10k for 1 bitcoin, and people are killing themselves? I'm confused. With 10k you could invest in something worth investing in, pay off your debts with that, and repeat? Why do people think such short term?

>> No.7177498
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You fucking geek.

>> No.7177499

I traded 80% of my alts for ethereum yesterday. Feeling comfy

>> No.7177500
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>Mfw investing into weedstocks instead of magic internet money.

>> No.7177501
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Getting some fiat lined up to purchase if it goes down to $4k. Feels pretty good.

>> No.7177502

Lol never mind, who the fuck pays 15-20k for 1btc? They should kill themselves

>> No.7177503

I'm sure many did. Which means BTC price will go up higher since the coins they bought will be out of circulation forever. Thank you suicide coiners.

>> No.7177504

you put all your money when it was 19k and now its 10 k so you lost half of you money

>> No.7177505

>he rate of growth of the bit coin supply is not controllable and always growing.

You are wrong. Please read about mining rewards and their halving.

>> No.7177506

>you put all your money when it was 19k and now its 10 k so you lost half of you money

Only if you sell.

>> No.7177507

I noticed that. Well deserved suicides imo. who spends that much for 1btc? Retards

>> No.7177508

>10% drop

If this was a normal market situation, there would be panic. But since this is crypto, it's just denial denial denial.

>> No.7177509

>Only if you sell.
If you don't sell, you don't have any money

>> No.7177510


The question - is bitcoin responsible for people to FOMO? Someone invested at 19k, then sold at 12k, because he didn't even study past prices of the thing he is buying. IMHO that person is just a terrible investor, it has nothing to do with crypto as a technology.

>> No.7177511

The money is already invested and not currently in use. why would you cashout so low? Especially at 50%

>> No.7177512

>If you don't sell, you don't have any money

Yes, one shouldnt invest in crypto if he needs the money one month later.

>> No.7177513

Especially at 50%

Todays 50% is tomorrows 200%

>> No.7177514

what would you do if you bought at 19k

>> No.7177515

kill myself for being retard

>> No.7177516

same desu

>> No.7177517
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Sure ok.

>> No.7177518

pretty sure bitcoin mining is done using a dedicated mining hardware especially made for this purpose
ethereum --among numerous others -- is the one being mined with current high-end cards

>> No.7177519
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>> No.7177520
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why did it crash tho?

>> No.7177521
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>yfw everyone who bought over Xmas/NY feeling like they were 'just gonna see what happens' sees what happens

>> No.7177522

Too many in the market
Supply and Demand

>> No.7177523

either that or today's 50% is tomorrow's 25%

>> No.7177524

I was always right about that shit, yet I never bought.
Why am i so dumb. First at 500 then at 2k and then at 17k.

>> No.7177525

All this shit makes no sense anyways. Economics should be banned.

>> No.7177526

>Especially at 50%

I would just wait of course, what else? But this happened several times already... the investor should look at the history of the coin, to know what one might expect.

Anyway, what is the rationale that the price shouldn't go back up? I just don't get it...

>> No.7177527
File: 4 KB, 179x172, har.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I don't plan on cashing out anytime soon, so I'm not worried at all. Patience is key.

>> No.7177528

use that long position to short on the swings and scalp to accumulate on the way down because i'm not a dummy, I got in last november and I'm up ~400%
if a market takes a 50% hit and you eat all of that loss you should pay someone smarter than you to invest your money

>> No.7177529
File: 3 KB, 448x357, wherehandsplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought shitgoin when it wuz -0,0001 sheggels
>still maging 100 gorillion % brofit
>nogoiners btfo bro dudeweedLMAO fugg fiat and sheeeiiit

>> No.7177530


I have made a load of money in crypto over the past year.

I made more money in a month with a $1000 investment than I did in 2 years with my regular blue collar.

I however cashed out invested some profit into 2x 12 gpu mining rigs (12 1070, 12 1080 ti) and I am currently making around $100 per day and I am cashing out once a week or when there is a spike in whatever i am mining.

If bitcoin goes under $1000 I am buying 25 with the profit and I will still have enough to buy 100 more and still have cash left over

It is worth the risk if you have the money to spare.

>> No.7177531
File: 88 KB, 1024x683, 4chan-04-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell me what alts to put my 0.05 btc into? I'm on binance and cryptopia. In exchange I leave you this, my most favorite pepe.

>> No.7177532

Might want to recheck your math commie. You've only lost a little over half your life savings.

>> No.7177533
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>no refunds
Enjoy the ride crypto cucks!

>buying burned out hardware
Don't, unless they are sold for virtually nothing and basically given away for free.
Let the eternal crypto sit on his used hardware.

>> No.7177534

>Anyway, what is the rationale that the price shouldn't go back up? I just don't get it...


>> No.7177535

>Not using CannabisCoin

>> No.7177536

I've been thinking about getting a mining rig, do they pay for the electricity? And have they paid for themselves

>> No.7177537
File: 74 KB, 1273x1043, btc trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don't care about shitcoin anymore. Once you've run out of greater fools to buy this trash, it collapses. Who'd have thought?

>> No.7177538

I told these dumbasses a few months ago when the CBS Evening News did a 2.5 minute piece on BTC that it was over.

>> No.7177539

>implying we are not at the bear trap stage
Keep selling retards, I'm stocking up.

>> No.7177540


>> No.7177541
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dmt on route

>> No.7177542

They are useless for mining BTC.

>> No.7177543

you're talking about Titan: Volta and it's already out senpai.

this guy is correct

>> No.7177544
File: 31 KB, 680x674, 1491594946606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Can't wait for these niggers to stop fucking with the market.

>> No.7177545

the kernel is REALLY fucking secure, but second layer (solidarity) will have holes. We are building libraries of code that will be worked on like nuke computers for security. After that layer the third won't have much ability to get to the second layer or kernel.

>> No.7177546

This is my hero!

>> No.7177547

the legend is back senpai.


>> No.7177548

This.I'll start worrying when it goes bellow 280 burgerbucks

>> No.7177549
File: 133 KB, 971x755, puggydevito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is halirous if your a nocoiner, but this guy is rubbing salt in the wound.

>> No.7177550

i'm surprised he isn't dead

>> No.7177551

How is this such a huge issue to so many people.

Guys, like anything, you put in what you can afford to lose. If you do well, great. If you don't, oh well, you are still fine.

Why do people lose their minds on whether it goes up or down so much?

There are 2 futures:

>"Hey remember Bitcoin?"
>"Yeah I made some decent money in it buying and selling."


>"Hey remember Bitcoin?"
>"Yeah I bought some, too bad it bottomed out. Lost some money. Oh well."

>> No.7177552

People literally bet their lives on it, because they think it's a sure thing that it will go up.

>> No.7177553

its still over 9k asshat. that's a market correction not a crash. wtf is wrong with you people?

>> No.7177554
File: 162 KB, 816x652, DTnioj6XUAYFqqW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I made so much fucking money before the drop, I still can't believe it. Literally feels like waking up in a new timeline. I can't get myself to believe this is even real. I just paid off most of my debts, and I have no idea what to spend my money on.

I spent $2000 dollars buying bitcoins back in 2013, and mined some Litecoins for a year. That's all. Now I'm almost ready to retire.

Seriously, bitcoins cost literally nothing a few years back, why didn't everyone buy some just in case?

>> No.7177555

no dumbass, mining has been making card prices go UP. Therefore when it will all die down and morons will stop buying 1080s then the prices will go down.

>> No.7177556


What retards.

>> No.7177557

You were the dumb money. If that's any comfort you made someone smarter than you richer.

>> No.7177558


i cant when governments start taxing crypto everything. Yea op, hope it fucking crashes and peoples investments evaporate, serves them right for putting their drug money into such a scam. Prices of videocards will go back to what they were and you faggot losers out of my hobby. Get a real job like everyone else, go learn a trade or something.

>> No.7177559


it is a good but risky investment. Generally my 1080ti on average has made $7 per day per card after electricity but that depends on where you live and what you pay for electricity.

I pay $.12 perKwh but anything upto $.20 would be ok.

The only issue is getting gpu's at a price that makes it worthwhile. If you can get a card at msrp it is still very profitable but at current prices you will not see ROI in a while. Probably over 6 months which isn't good.

When I got my 1080ti's they had a ROI of 5 months but I got lucky and got ROI in 3 months.

My advice for now would be to wait card prices are too high and alt coin prices are low. If you go get graphics cards at msrp it is still very profitable even with low alt coin prices.

>> No.7177560

just hodl mah goy xD

>> No.7177561

Lots and lots of people are stupid, lazy and impatient, so the chance to make a lot of money without having to work for it is enough to go all in with their life savings on an obvious ponzi scheme like bitcoin.

>> No.7177562

Going all-in on scams is just the nature of the game. Who only moderately participates in a MLM "get rich quick" scheme?

>> No.7177563

>why didn't everyone buy some just in case?
that's what happened and that's why the price went up so much
>hurr but why they didn't do it quicker
the result would have been the same, just over a shorter timescale

>> No.7177564



>> No.7177565


>> No.7177566

If the price of NIB ones from retailers nosedive, go for it, but don't buy the used ones from miners, Anons. First off, those cards don't have much life in them at all after being run at 100% 24/7 for months. It's not worth the risk. Maybe some might be OK, but most of them will become very expensive paperweights very quickly. Second, you'd be helping smug crypto neckbeards mitigate their losses. Let them suffer after making poor life choices, causing so much havoc in the digital world, and jacking up prices for Joe Shmoe who just wanted to play video games. These retards who cleared out all local brick and mortar stores to make a farm of 20 1070s thinking they'd get rich quick need to be taught a lesson. The window for them is closed when the new cards come out within the next few months, and the glamor is gone for getting top-of-the-line cards at rock-bottom prices. Maybe then you can pick one up for $100 and it might be worth the gamble.

>> No.7177567

this, you've got $0 until you sell. If you add up all the money that hodlers think they have then all put together they have 10 times more money than there actually is in this market. The price is fiction until you sell, if you all tried to sell only the first to sell could do so above $9k, the rest would have to settle for less, the last ones for a few cents

>> No.7177568


Then there's this retard.

>> No.7177569
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>hurr but why they didn't do it quicker
I didn't say that, you just pulled it completely randomly out of your ass to justify your jealousy. Too bad you were such a lazy poorfag and couldn't even scrape together the few Zloty to buy a bitcoin or two when they were cheap. What a fag, but you deserve your tears.

>> No.7177570

I preempted your objection

>> No.7177571
File: 239 KB, 556x521, poland 1939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I preempted your objection
you mentioned something completely unrelated I would never have spoken about, because you're butthurt you were a noicoins, enjoy your cancer poorfag.

>> No.7177572

kek, why are you so mad? Maybe you didn't understand what I said correctly

>> No.7177573

A-are you m-me?

>> No.7177574

I'm pretty sure the GPU manufacturers are behind it

>> No.7177575
File: 295 KB, 700x704, hohoho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL why are you so mad, poorfriend? You should have shown some agency and long term thinking.

>> No.7177576

buttcoins, when thieves fooled normies into putting all their money next to their murder, child molestation money and got burned for it.

I hope it reaches 0. This stupid tech isn't going to last you dumb fucks, did you really think the government would allow it to continue on? It will soon be taxed into oblivion.

>> No.7177577

I see bitcoin going back down to 1200, how fucked will people be then? LOL Fucking idiots. Oh well, we will have cheap videocards on feebay soon.

>> No.7177578



>> No.7177579

State of /biz/

>Neet: "ahah check my profits, TO THE MOON BABY! Lambos everywhere..."
>China: fuck you
>Neet: JUST

>> No.7177580

We should gas people on a personal basis.

>> No.7177581


im not too ashamed to beg.

>> No.7177582


Is this your first time investing mommy's money? This shit happens every few years, get over it. Almost everyone saw it coming in advance as it does over and over again. There's a bubble, then a burst

Cry about it because you weren't smart enough to understand how cyrpto investments playout


>> No.7177583

So my bank was actually smart by stopping me from purchasing crypto
Thanks BMO

>> No.7177584

All i want is to build an affordable pc, so fuck crypto.

>> No.7177585

Oh no, I can only sell my ETH for.. what's that? $1000? Coiners btfo!

Stay salty nocoiners

>> No.7177586

Bitcoin was always garbage only normies held it.

Crypto is the future. Not my fault normies are buying it trying to make a quick buck. It shouldn't have been this high this soon.

>> No.7177587

Its blatantly obvious that crypto is being used by big investors and banks. They probably made billions in the past 6 months, they will let it crash and burn now.

>> No.7177588

this is the fundamental problem. or one of them with BTC. you just cant actually cash out when it crashes, all the exchanges mysteriously shut or wont process anything while its crashing. happens basically every time. ive met a bunch of crypto devs irl and theres something off about it, theres a lack of common sense or ethics or something. they unabashedly shill their own coins right to your face and see everyone else as a dupe. also met some really good ones too but whatever. crypto is great in general but it seriously lacks in the professionalism needed to have any kind of security for a big holding. if i had a fuckload invested i wouldnt sleep at all knowing what kind of fruitloops and scumbags are running the whole show. if only you knew how bad things really are. this whole thing brings out the worst in people

>> No.7177589
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the voice of reason

>> No.7177590

I would like a brand new one that isnt 800£

>> No.7177591

Bitcoin could go all the way down to 4K and I would still profit. Sorry for everyone who just heard about Bitcoin this year.

>> No.7177592

Literally pajeetcoin

>> No.7177593

4cham Is a colony of /biz/

>> No.7177594

You're not wrong but ETH is going to dip again before that happens. Not buying in yet.

>> No.7177595

this is the bitcoin cycle. whenever bitcoin is in the news its time to fucking dump all of it and wait for the shitstorm to be over a few months down the line, and then you get in again. This has happened IIRC atleast twice before this

>> No.7177596


>> No.7177597

>this whole thing brings out the worst in people

Because they are that type of people and I have met them. The ones who think they can live off of it, the ones who think they can continue making money out of thin air while they do nothing else. I mean its one thing to do it for fun on the side, its another when you go hog up all these video cards and cause prices to skyrocket for everyone. There is no better person to fall victim to this crap then the ones pushing it. They truly deserve what is coming. Fuck them. Like you said, its a fucking trap and really no way out in case something happens.

>> No.7177598


>> No.7177599

>Crypto investors on suicide watch.

You're fucking retarded and you've pasted a picture that contradicts the basic premise of your, let's been generous here... your theory. People had 1000% gains back in December, now they're going to reload and ride another pump.

This is all happening while you post BTC hate threads with a fucking memeflag on a mongolian basket weaving board. Have you ever considered killing yourself?

>> No.7177600

EXcept this time trust in crypto has plummeted along with its ever shrinking value

You fucks thought you could get rich doing nothing hahahahahah

>> No.7177601


I pray that your little island of 500,000 is flooded with enrichment. Hopefully in your life time you can witness your people dwindle into a minority, in jesus name amen.

>> No.7177602
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From what I've read, a lot of them are actually fine running 24/7. Most miners don't overclock and constant operation prevents the stress of repeated heat/cool expansion and contraction.

The fans will be on their last leg.. but they're the easiest thing to replace. I'll probably pick up a few decent cards and stick new fans on em. Assuming the price is right.

>> No.7177603
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Bro anyone with a job pulls that in weekly. A single K isn't anything to brag about.

How much did you pay for electricity? How much for the cards in the first place?

Enjoy your $200 profit, assuming you get out in time to make that even.

>> No.7177604

>the value of any money is a psychological

>> No.7177605

Eth is garbage, even a simple d app like crypto kitties bottlenecked their transactions networks for daaayyyss

>> No.7177606
File: 143 KB, 624x420, steve O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here sometimes think these ecoins were meant to make big profits for china and morally damage the west? China is making shit tons of real currency selling off the metals to keep up with the demand for mining cards, and if anything the west flooding itself with money that can be easily used to buy drugs online seems like a big side effect to this.

>> No.7177607

Enjoy your whipsaws.

>> No.7177608


>> No.7177609

To be fair to crypto, if you would be out of your league speculating on distressed property (E.G. Detroit Michigan,) you really should not be playing in the crypto space. The values can swing hard downward (the DO NOT only swing up hard) and stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Like years or decades. Also, you at least get a piece of property or dozen for your trouble. With crypto you'd better have a rigid exit strategy. That means a point that you will sell your crypto and not chase the currency higher. Take some of your crypto profits and buy US dollars, then property.

>> No.7177610
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mfw even Nigerians think Bitcoin is a scam

>> No.7177611

>i can sell muh trashcoin that nobody wants
Try to check out your currency and get real world money, cuck.

>> No.7177612


>> No.7177713

why doesnt this thread have IDs?

did mods move it from /g/ or /v/?

>> No.7177785
File: 28 KB, 480x480, mask1_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just stold 100k

>> No.7177839

Matthew best book

>> No.7178137

This is good for buttcorn

>> No.7178153

>Jews squirm

Kek. They were the ones pumping the market and made bank from this unregulated speculation game. They put in a couple dollars and goyim put in their life savings.

Jews do not lose.

>> No.7178324

Anyone up for some Russian performance art?

>> No.7178456

Kikes fakenewsing the shit out of it to flush out the retards. Seems to be working.
Just stop looking at charts for a month so you don't panic sell the bottom too.

>> No.7178706

You don't know that, nobody does.

>> No.7178713
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>The market will go up as soon as the majority of it's volume is flushed out

>> No.7178844

24/7 mining is actually a very easy life for a graphics card. Moderate to low constant temps, generally little core usage, undervolted. This assumes the miner is responsible. Casual gaming kills a card much faster, due to thermal expansion from the constant fan and temp shifting. Only issue with mining cards is you'll probably have to replace the fans. The card itself will be totally fine.

>> No.7179053

Honestly I just want it to find a bottom, literally any bottom, and stop dropping. If we're going to $20 let's get there already.

>> No.7179484

weed stocks got FUCKED today too, whatchu talking about?

>> No.7179540

I just want to thank all the idiots who bought above 12k for making me rich, I will honor your money by spending some of it on waifu body pillows.

>> No.7179556

Go on normies, cash out. You will be buying back in when it hits 20k again.

>> No.7179636


>> No.7179848
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>invest in real stock instead
>portfolio is looking great this year
>plan on investing more
feels good man

>> No.7180456


>> No.7180464

Matthew is the worst fucking gospel

>> No.7180551


>> No.7180599
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>comparing mechanics to electronics

>> No.7180605
File: 28 KB, 620x413, 4e5f9bec-b222-11e4-_853617c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the coin that needs $30m new money per day to support the price

>> No.7180701

not being able to accept uncertainties and nuances is a trait of autism. That's why you see outlandish statements on here and /pol/ and why autists are so triggered by religion.

>> No.7180714
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>what is electron migration
I know >>7177372, wasn't talking about 2nd hand cards but you clearly know nothing of the topic.

>> No.7180776

buy the dip

>> No.7180778

>That's like buying cars with 200k miles on them
Fucking normies with their bullshit. A 200k car is absolutely fine unless it's some mid 2000s Kia piece of shit

>> No.7180783


>> No.7180829
File: 15 KB, 194x259, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-we all gonna make it

>> No.7181201
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, 1514864157894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wear on a graphics card that's not being burned out is like fucking 0 compared to a car that has thousands of moving parts.

I understand electron migration can degrade cards substantially but at normal to low voltage it just doesn't matter.
You sound like a fucking neckbeard who has to talk themselves into buying new gear for their rig every year.

>> No.7181387

>card that's not being burned out
We are talking about mining cards not some retards 1080Ti that only runs ASSFAGGOTS @ 1080p / 60 fps.

I replaced my 670 with a 1070 last year but still have my 6yo 3930k because single core performance still hasn't doubled since I built it.

>> No.7181613


Bought in. May money skelly bless me

>> No.7181617
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Screen capped to laugh at you in March anon, please remmeber my face before you hang

>> No.7181774
File: 37 KB, 374x421, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

within two weeks we'll look back fondly at the opportunity to buy BTC sub 9000

>> No.7181831
File: 93 KB, 300x445, Hugh_Neutron2-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mining isn't THAT strenuous and is usually done at lower voltage to keep utility costs down. Chances are playing modern games periodically is more wearing on a card than constant mining because you are not speeding up and shutting down the card repeatedly.

>> No.7181917

I used to work for GSK, large if factual.

>> No.7181978
File: 16 KB, 620x581, xNBQyu1_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think mining rigs are more strenuous than normal gaming? Mining rigs are lower voltage and more continuation.

>> No.7182000
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Why are imageboards (or the net in general) full of people talking shit about something they don't understand?
Electron migration is what kills PC parts, duty cycle is all that matters for this. I mined 3 GPUs to death in 2014 after spending days setting up underclocks and thermal throttling, they are still running ~80% power 100% of the time instead of 50-100% power 20% of the time.

>> No.7182024
File: 8 KB, 224x250, gsBfZAL_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accidentally double replied, now I am the brainlett

>> No.7182206

Cool still up 400%

>> No.7182602

the facts are most mining rigs are currently being used for ETH at significant underclocks and efficient cooling.
The only thing that is going to kill VRAM is heat, not constant activity. Some cards that are built better than others, particularly asus or older AMD even hold up fine over constant 75c temps. Your personal experiences don't outweigh how GPU's actually work.

>> No.7182712
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these faggots were told repeatedly but chose to sperg out with facebook HODL memes instead of listening

>> No.7182719

What about the 4 years I spent learning about electricity to become an electrician?
The primary killers are thermal cycles on cheap shit without much copper and electron migration on quality boards.

>> No.7183230


>> No.7183576


>> No.7183704
File: 10 KB, 244x206, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The primary killers are thermal cycles on cheap shit

wow literally what I said
>electromigration again

THE ONLY factor that seriously increases this is temperate and overclocking. Electromigration is the electronic equivalent to mechanical engine deterioration but it always results in TOTAL system failure not a marginal decrease in performance.

A 5 year old used GPU that has never been pushed over 70c will almost certainly preform the same as the same model out of the box provided it is clean. It likely preforms better than it did 5 years ago if the drivers have improved. It likely feels relatively weaker due to bloating in other software.