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7151865 No.7151865 [Reply] [Original]

I'm retarded..
I can't swimm tie my shoes
I have dyspraxia so my upper body is really good from doing curls ohp and chinups and no lower body due to not being able to figure out how to squat even tho i have a squat rack.
I'm 26 no college degree about one year..I have about 1700 saved up..

Jobless and nearly homeless..

How do I get myself out of this mess and make decent money.. Was working on CompTIA a+ but I'm dumb.. I'm fit so I was thinking about prostitution but my penis is small..

whats the best method of suicide?
When will my life moon?

>> No.7152186

im sory..

>> No.7152391

This again?

>> No.7152635


>> No.7153163


>> No.7153838


>> No.7153858


what size is your penis?

>> No.7153908

Squatting is the easiest thing you fucking retard and stop posting stupid shit

>> No.7154594

If you've lost money on Crypto, please join this discord server soo I can laugh at you as you slowly descend into madness and eventually kill yourself.

Thank you :3

Discord - QTGjYC

>> No.7154695

Sell your gf pictures for crypto