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7133193 No.7133193 [Reply] [Original]

I think Crypto is ruining my health biz

Haven’t shit for 3 days last time my turd was bigger than a baseball tore my asshole apart, I am scared

>> No.7133215

thanks just bought 100k turds

>> No.7133218

They have care takers on designated shit streets, you should be fine

>> No.7133250

It's ok OP. If the shit is too big, you can always stick your finger inside you butthole and break apart the turd.
t. use to be regularly constipated until I stopped eating fast food

>> No.7133270

I always take my phone and macbook with me to the toilet when I need to take a shit. So I can keep checking and trading my coins there.

>> No.7133326

Drink tons of water, no coffee, no tea, eat some fruit.

>> No.7133380

I’m bearish on OP taking a shit this week

>> No.7133407

that's a side effect from the heroin OP

>> No.7133432

This and stop eating rubbish fucking food ie Bread.. More leafy greens.. pears are brilliant for your problem

>> No.7133446

Damn anon, I'm the opposite of you, my shit are so watery it's pretty much pee from the anus. Only took me like 2 seconds to release all my shit like a waterfall. I want my shit to be a little harder. What is your tips?

My tips to get a waterfall shit is I drink a massive amount of of honey green tea.

>> No.7133481

More fiber will soften the shit.

stoö eating junk food.

>> No.7133482

Its not even worth worrying about.

Put your money if a few good coins and just leave it. It should be in the background of your life, not your whole life. Thats how you get a brain tumor

>> No.7133506

bread is soooooo joy though

>> No.7133627


We’re all gonna make it OP

>> No.7133661

eat a steak a follow it with as much milk as you can handle and you'll shit smooth as butter.

>> No.7133940

Dump those bags

>> No.7133966

Sounds like your food is just running through your system super fast. Happens when you eat super fast as well.

>> No.7133990
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buy 100k psyllium husks

>> No.7134012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7134028
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OP, get a fiber supplement. Take that shit with a tall glass of water. Eat oatmeal for breakfast. More water. After about an hour, chug a nice cup of coffee. Wait 10 minutes. Chug a tall glass of hot water.

Your asshole is going to explode like Mount St. Helens. Pic related, its me after I did the same procedure.

>> No.7134043
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@ OP:


>> No.7134059

I feel ya op, lately I've started bleeding from my ears, nose and mouth, as well as when I take a dump. I think I'm subconsciously scratching and tearing too hard on my face without noticing it, and my poor diet causes weak tissue in the rectal wall that a hard turd rips open.

>> No.7134061

You mean we're all gonna make shit.

>> No.7134072
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>> No.7134081

Exercise, your body isn't intended to sit around all day. The act of walking around and doing shit helps move your shit through you. But now you're probably constipated and need to take some restoralax for a month to get shit moving again.

>> No.7134107

Couldn't we make an actual coin based on actual shit? Call it STOOL and sell it on TradeOgre. Thank me later.

>> No.7134117

Fiber, water exercise. Senna based laxatives will make your poop come out like ice cream. If you don't deal with constipation you may develop haemmorhoids. You don't want them, they're hell.

>> No.7134119

>get a fiber supplement.
That stuff doesn't do anything, you're better off eating fruit and veggies.

>> No.7134135

This, stimulants (tea, coffee and the good stuff) and laxatives (xylitol, pharmacy stuff) can also help with the acute effects

>> No.7134170

Just hold it

>> No.7134171

Yeah they do. For sure.

>> No.7134181

I mean, you're literally saying FIBER doesn't help you poop better. Fiber supplements contain fiber. How much of a fucking brainlet are you?

>> No.7134217

It's not impossible, some supplements don't get absorbed well in their pure form

>> No.7134234

try eating an entire a box of fiber one bars in one sitting and report back

>> No.7134282

I was thinking about something like fiber pills. Those might not work. Personally I just eat rye bread daily so I don't have to think about this kinda stuff ever.

>> No.7134496

Fiber doesn't get absorbed bruh. It turns into gel and shit and (soluble) nourishes and lubricates your poop tunnels, makes your poop soft, the other scrapes and clears shit out of the tunnels (insoluble) and adds firmness bulk to your shits.

You need both to have the perfect shit. Fiber supplements 100% work.

>> No.7134694


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