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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 485x443, cody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7112016 No.7112016 [Reply] [Original]

I'm retarded..
I can't swim tie my shoes
I'm 26 no college degree about one year..I have about 1700 saved up..

Jobless and nearly homeless..

How do I get myself out of this mess and make decent money.. Was working on CompTIA a+ but I'm dumb.. I'm fit so I was thinking about prostitution but my penis is small..

whats the best method of suicide?

>> No.7112073

Sell gf pics for crypto

>> No.7112192

stop posting this its weird and creepy no one cares

>> No.7112344

You do seem dumb and this seems like a cry for help. Try seeing a therapist or committing yourself to a psychiatric hospital, you most likely have many mental issues that need resolving.

>> No.7112354

Stop feeling sorry about yourself stop being a weak minded faggot

>> No.7112378

you posted this yesterday larpnigger
go do something else

>> No.7112603

Comfiest death is probably freezing to death. You basically fall asleep, although there is a risk of someone finding you or warming up after half of your brain has frozen dead and waking up as a retard.

As for business - we're all fucked in (((their))) system. Just try to find a job that isnt humiliating and lets you make enough cash to survive while you figure out what you really want to do.

>> No.7112649

Not how it works

>> No.7112732

you can start by learning how to tie your shoes

>> No.7112738

You are so wrong faggot freezing to death is one of the most painful ways to go , sleeping pills will do the job and you'll feel nothing

>> No.7112841
File: 38 KB, 726x558, 1517178149117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stale pasta
Cut this shit out and fucking kill yourself

>> No.7112982

Ok you're gonna need a stick of dynamite or a hand grenade for this one, go to the zoo and jump into the tiger enclosure pull the pin on the grenade and stuff it up the tigers ass (it's super important to not get killed during this step) next hug the tiger, the force of the explosion will kill you both but more importantly it will intertwine you and the tiger's soul so in the after life you'll be half retard half tiger! Good luck fag.

>> No.7113170

im sry..

>> No.7113342
File: 58 KB, 719x960, njnj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here...

how do i get a bitcoin wallet or something so people can donate for my webcomic?

>> No.7113702


>> No.7113859

Mine Garlicoins and sell

>> No.7113984

>Do you have a good pain threshold?
>Do you like homosex?

If the answer to both is yes, take it up the ass for cash. Believe me there are a lot of weird fuckers out there who will pay to fuck you up the ass.

>> No.7114318

i am going to do gay stripping tbqh..

>> No.7114338


>cant swim

Are you a nigger?

>> No.7114663

Good choice

>> No.7114740

Some chicks probably have small penis fetishes. Cater to your niche market. Give them what they want.

>> No.7114859

no. don't get into the it meme. there are billions of indians already doing it, and for pennies.
get into something that require physical presence, like hvac, welding, roof installer. get into something that can't get automated easily.

>> No.7115468

when i move im going to call all the gay bars and see if i can get something..

>> No.7116355

its money tho..

>> No.7116738 [DELETED] 

>I can't swim

And i don't even know where you can learn that if you're an adult.

>> No.7117481


>> No.7117918

You really think this guy can get a girlfriend? Eat my chode nigger.

>> No.7117978

No begging Mr.Autismo

>> No.7117984

He said yesterday he had a gf
Why not sell her pictures for $ on satoshibox or something

>> No.7118316

can i do that?
shes legit hot tbqh..