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7101046 No.7101046 [Reply] [Original]

Just stumbled onto this: https://hackernoon.com/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6

Piqued my interest, so I read the whitepaper.

DESU I honestly don't see how this coin isn't exploding right now. The RIAA and MPAA are dying a slowly bleeding death, quality of television / music is at an all-time high, and more people are getting access to the internet than ever.

Think about it, if you were a pirate, risking jailtime by recording, ripping, and uploading movies / music, wouldn't you want to get paid for your efforts? Its basic human instinct, people are willing to do risky things for cash, or in this case - UFR.

Once this hits mainnet, why would any trackers continue hosting for free, when they can host and make $$? Servers aren't free, domain names aren't free, advertising only covers so much.

Imagine a future where if you wanted to see the new Fast and the Furious 20 movie you just had to go to a website, pay 0.000001 UFR, and get instant access to what you want.

The reason that the torrent ecosystem hasn't been innovated on in forever is because there is no MONEY in it. Money breeds innovation, and UFR is one of the most innovative coins out there right now.

Do what you will, but I'm all-in on this coin. Gonna sit comfy till 2019 and then buy my lambo.

>> No.7101218

Also I've been thinking of other possibilities for UFR. If the platform gets any traction, it could maybe serve as a publishing platform for literally who software developers. As they can only upload their product on the platform and other people will do the seeding. They will still get their share of UFR from every seed.

>> No.7101345

im actually really hyped about this coin.

>> No.7101372


>> No.7101378
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>and the plane went down with no survivors

>> No.7101436

Also peer to peer encryption. How does the sniffing work with that? People can't tell what you are downloading/seeding.

>> No.7101941

I'm sold. Where can I buy UFR?

>> No.7101960
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proof of shilling: https://imgur.com/a/QORqg

>> No.7102116

If this coin reaches its full potential I will have an early retirement. The devs are great and responsive and the alpha is coming out within weeks. No downside to buying UFR.

>> No.7102222
File: 50 KB, 406x351, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best coin to be holding once Q1 is approaching it's end. buy it now while its cheap on cryptopia, once it hits more exchanges its going to have huge spikes. not to mention its one of the only coins that doesnt have a lot of competition in the market rn so very easy for it to start a nice trajectory up.

>> No.7102407

+15 shillpoints,well done pajeet

>> No.7102525

Make sure that you understand how UFR is better than IPFS and FileCoin.

IPFS exists and is actively used today. Can you say the same about UFR?

The incentives are different. IPFS/Filecoin is designed to encourage long term persistence, while UFR's incentives seem to favor short term popularity, and would likely be a terrible platform to find rare/niche stuff. But it might be great to download the latest summer blockbuster superhero movie. Finally, a way to do that!

So.. you can get paid for seeding illegal content, assuming pirates would prefer to pay you rather than using existing free protocols. Fantastic. This will make the MAFIAA's job of convincing angry judges to make examples out of you that much easier.

Wait no, surely, it must be hiding your IP addresses being 7 proxies. Right? Right? Oh, it doesn't, and the same old techniques used by bittorrent anti-pirates scum will work just as well? Awesome.


>> No.7102661
File: 209 KB, 600x400, upfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10 FUD-points have been added to your account.

Seriously tho, UFR has great potential being at only 7M marketcap. If it were to hit 70M it would still not be a top 200 coin. Just look at all the shit projects on top 200 and tell me that UFR couldnt be one of them.

>> No.7102855

Did I forget to mention that you can trivially bypass the payment part of their file sharing protocol?

Why would an escrow/commitment step as a prerequisite to a download not be a part of their fundamental design? It's as if they have no idea how any of this stuff works, and they're making shit up as they go.


> Look at how shitty other altcoins are. We belong here!