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File: 1.06 MB, 697x715, 1517307794883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7095135 No.7095135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wish someone beats this guy's teeth out.

>> No.7095227

hes got some interesting opinions on whites considering hes half white, married a white girl and has a white baby

>> No.7095244

That baby isnt white. Sorry to say.

>> No.7095245

An ugly guy marries an ugly girl and creates an uglier baby. Stop the presses.

>> No.7095248


>white baby

are you shitting me?

The eyes tell everything

>> No.7095259

That kid is 75% white.
What's your problem?

>> No.7095261
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>white baby

>> No.7095279

The baby looks Greek tier so that's pretty white.

>> No.7095290

That is a white baby. That is why he picked a white girl because he wants to keep the white race alive. He has said this in many vids.

>> No.7095304

The baby looks as stupid as him

>> No.7095312

more like the nose

>> No.7095313

I mean as far as amerimutt standards go

what are you on about it looks western european with niglet thrown in, Greeks aren't just 3/4 scandinavian 1/4 sub saharan

>> No.7095326
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Oh God that disgusting mulatto 56%

>> No.7095330
File: 29 KB, 616x347, only-fools-horses-cast-136420702834002601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his wife looks like Rodney from "only fools and horses"

>> No.7095343

That girl is more slavic than western european.

>> No.7095360

you need to google slavic women

>> No.7095363

she looks British

>> No.7095379
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Can you find the baby in the chart?

>> No.7095432

their fucking noses

>> No.7095433
File: 616 KB, 920x609, Screen shot 2018-01-30 at 10.31.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slav girls have cuter, rounder faces due to Mongol DNA. This girl has very sharp facial features most Western girls have.

>> No.7095492
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I've noticed that the most extreme racial identitarians are half-breeds who cling to one side of their heritage with fierce devotion, and try way too hard to win the acceptance of the people they identify with (e.g this half-nog trying to be 110% nog). They also commonly are not attracted to the women of the race they identify with (this nog probably finds black women disgusting), which causes extreme internal distress, mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance. They cannot reconcile their simultaneous attraction and unhealthy sense of envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Other notable examples:

>Louis Farrakhan (or his son, can't remember, married a white woman even though their religion teaches that white people are devils)
>John Legend
>Elliot Rodger (somewhat)

>> No.7095523


Baby looks like him, unfortunate.

>> No.7095549

>1/4 sub saharan
Trevyon james is like 60% white or more and his wife is 100% white so their kid is >80% white.
That's whiter than you Muhammad

>> No.7095550

how do i stop hating blacks. i cant be bothered but they just pop up everywhere with their gay ass opinions. i wish i could just block black people completely from my life

>> No.7095555

That's a good point. I've noticed this too with half whites who get offended/defensive really easily and just have absolutely wack racial opinions. You're right about them feeling a need to prove themselves because they have no identity. To me that's the definition of a subhuman, someone with no identity or roots who just clings to any fashionable or materialistic thing they can.

>> No.7095573

t. mutt

>> No.7095582

I'm married to one.

Polish, to be more specific.

>> No.7095585

There's no such thing as 80%< white, you either are or you're not, I was just saying by his own reasoning his kid was white like the people he hates.

>> No.7095594

That's sad. Just accept that they exist. And they're funny. Basically comedians in this world.

>> No.7095600


>> No.7095622

There's nothing wrong with blacks, blame the liberals who enable them to get away with anything. Without people constantly trying to mix us all together we'd drift apart by ourselves.

>> No.7095625

If your girl looks anything like OP pic related then you literally settled for the bottom barrel. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.7095623

>t. mutt
Sorry I'm more or less "pure" if there's such a thing.

We could discuss what white even means. Does black hair mean you're white? Are Italiens White? Are Spaniards white? Are Portuguese white?

>> No.7095648

back to pol

>> No.7095652

hahaha nah, she looks better than the one in the picture. The nose is very different, I wonder were that came from.

>> No.7095668

Italians could be white or not but they are definitely European, an 80% mutt isn't European its a science experiment.

>> No.7095671

you are fucking retarded, that goes for Russians only, there is 10 other slavic nations in the west and south that dont have any connections with mongols and central asia. Saying that all slavs look like Russians is exaggeration

But slav women are top tier, especially non swarthy Serbians.

t. Croat

>> No.7095684
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>> No.7095692

>Yeah bro i am the whitest itt
What a shithole

>> No.7095700

You only know it's a mutt because trevyon is standing there being it's daddy. Most people won't know. Most people aren't neckband racial purity scientists

>> No.7095704


im the whitest faggot get rekt

>> No.7095712

It's not just the nose. Everything about the girl in OP screams inbred working-class anglo.

>> No.7095731

>found true love

>> No.7095732

You can definitely tell if you come from diverse neighbourhood. Not now cause its a baby but when its an adult for sure.

>> No.7095740

Are you blind? Look at that degenerate facial structure and tell me with a straight face that baby is white.

>> No.7095755

lotta mutthurt in this thread

>> No.7095767

Lol you're a fucking moron. Please don't embarrass yourself any longer

>> No.7095776

fuck off to pol with your shit, biz is too smart for your bullshit

>> No.7095779

Yeah I can see it somewhat but people won't care because the skin and other shit is white or almost white.

>> No.7095790


lol so wait, you cant tell a white person from a mixed person?

you're either larping or just purely embarrassed to say there is a difference for fear of being called a racist

>> No.7095811

I can but it's more of a suspicion than a confirmation

>> No.7095826
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sage, report and ignore pol threads

>> No.7095827
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>> No.7095846

they get under my skin. i feel bad because some of them are alright but most of them are annoying as fuck. i find myself disagreeing with almost every opinion black people have

if i could block all black people from my life i probably would, they do my head in

>> No.7095853

No, people won't care because this isn't 19th century. But everyone with half a brain will be able to tell he's a mutt.

>> No.7095871

Dont know exactly which Eastern European nations were a part of the Mongol Empire but it was not just Russia. At least Romania, Moldova, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine were also included.

Eastern European girls are definitely better then Western European girls.

>> No.7095907

HOly shit that baby looks like a straight up orc. I really don’t get why people insist of having half breed kids. They’re so fucking ugly and it’s like throwing away hundreds of thousands of years of ancestry.

>> No.7095912

>wanting an ethnostate is extreme
The education system has failed us

>> No.7095916

>Eastern European girls are definitely better then Western European girls.
Both are trash in their own right. Central European is objectively best of the both worlds.

>> No.7095925


you can easily confirm if the person has had interracial mixing. A white family for 200 years doesn't suddenly become mixed, same goes for a black family. Someone has to become the roastie and that's happening a lot now due to a lot of (((factors))).

I dont get why people are afraid of the truth. Oh thats right, the truth is ignorant

>> No.7095950

Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.

>> No.7096012

Yes but mongol influence lasted mainly in Russia/Ukraine. In the rest they lost control quite soon.

As for polish girls I'd say they come in two models; one is more like lithuanians, with blonde hair and broad apple shaped faces and the other one is usually brunette with darker skin, dark eyes and a slim figure and face shape.

>> No.7096029
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el goblino...

>> No.7096045
File: 57 KB, 232x241, amerimutt real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kid but this has always been a /pol/ board.