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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7093851 No.7093851 [Reply] [Original]

I told so many of you stupid fucks and all you could do is spam "muh meme-coin". How does it feel to miss out on yet another ICO?
bazingacoin is gonna skyrocket when it hits exchanges.

>> No.7094034

no, seriously... bazinga?? That's the best idea you could come up with to make yet another shitty scam coin? That's fucking weak, faggot. Besides, everyone hates this shitfest of a show anyways. Get with the time, you deranged, old, retarded full mong.
Any tech babble crap would be better than fucking bazinga, you fucking piece of a dipshit. Holy fuck. A bunch of random letters would be better.
>news flash
Normies don't give too much of a shit, never read whitepapers anyways, and easily fall for a scam, but holy shit, don't call your idiotic scam coin fucking bazinga.. xD
HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU? JUST. Even that fucking Tron gook can easily pull of a scam. How many millions did he make? I don't know... How many did you make with your crackbrained bazinga shit?
>0 gorillions for you
MEEEEP. I fucking wonder why that is. Hell, my mom, or my little sister could pull of a better fucking scam than this bloody mess.
At this point, all I wonder is WHAT THE FUCKING HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?! Let's be honest here for a second; you clearly did not already come like this to earth? What happened? A fucking accident?

>> No.7094981

When pajeets shit on an exchange, bazingas come out of their asses and into your wallet.

>> No.7095152

hope h. pylori gets kills you rather sooner than later, streetshitter

>> No.7095303
File: 77 KB, 850x478, Zoltan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7095314

poo in it

>> No.7095395

I checked the coin's contract, he's got 7 ETH so far.
The contract is at address