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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7030837 No.7030837 [Reply] [Original]

Any FUNBROS here, how much are you hodling ?

>> No.7030910

Not enough. When's the moon mission my friend?

>> No.7030922

Praying for a February bullrun

>> No.7030930

Glad I'm only holding 2k. I will probably buy more soon once we near closer to the ICE deadline.

>> No.7031017

32k funbro reporting in

>> No.7031040

Really wish I had never touch this.

The tokens have a JavaScript injection code that acts like a keylogger when you buy it on an exchange. There was a breakdown on the discord when one based anon showed it to everyone from the source code. The devs are lying fucking scammers. I seriously hope none of you guys went anywhere near this

>> No.7031052

5k, thinking of doubling my stack soon

>> No.7031122

hope it reaches 50 cent 6-8 feb. gonna sell then because i will have made my first 10k$
gonna put my finger on the trigger at 30 cent though

>> No.7031148


>> No.7031192
File: 311 KB, 796x807, 1516972457016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16K funlet reporting here

>> No.7031213

Just 1.5k but will buy more soon.

>> No.7031241

Show us or fuck off

>> No.7031374

If the code is closed source, how can you see it Pajeet?

>> No.7031459

newfag detected

it WAS open source until based autist found the virus, now all of a sudden the devs back tracked and say its closed source now. learn your history

>> No.7031510

nice FUDfair guys
$1 sometime 2018

>> No.7031543

please don't shill this coin too much, it's one of the good ones

>> No.7031585

Post some screenshots then

>> No.7031601
File: 3.91 MB, 508x374, 1517119093760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sitting back and waiting anons. We're all going to make it.

>> No.7031625
File: 56 KB, 1484x632, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to buy?

>> No.7031646


Ignore it, it's copypasta FUD: >>7031219

>> No.7031652
File: 135 KB, 645x729, lolme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyy LMAO
Anon i work in infosec and what you just said can be roughly translated as "my daddy touched me when i was little because a bird and the flowers with blue the lying jews did it chemtrails area 51"
The tokens are are represented as a simple uint256 value in the smart contract written in solidity:
totalSupply 1099987362139802550 uint256
what you said doesn't make any kind of sense, you are obviously retarded and would probably qualify to obtain a dedicated tard wrangler.
pic related it's you

>> No.7031658

I have 50k FUN. Wish I was have sold at 1200 sats but at this point it's not worth worrying about, can't sell at these prices. Just moving it to my Ledger and forgetting about it and hoping I have a pleasant surprise in a few months. (doubtful)

>> No.7031676

bought in at 0,04

>> No.7031683
File: 2.39 MB, 1164x1160, JustWantToHaveFUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, the same FUD as the Turtle? You'll have to do better Rajeesh.
I'm more disappointed in you even asking.
Decent attempt, but FUNChads aren't dumb enough to fall for that shit just yet. Try again in a couple weeks when newfags FOMO in after it x3s overnight.

>> No.7031684

Its not a bad time, I think it'll decrease a bit more, but definitely want to be in it before Feb. 6

>> No.7031714

Jesus christ the FUN shills have begun copying me to try and descredit these truths. They are trying way to hard to stop the truth from getting out, but the cat is already out of the bag and this coin is going into the trash.

>> No.7031753

Pajeet, post the screenshots now.

>> No.7031760

good luck getting keylogged

>> No.7031792

there's literally no fun to be had
sell while u still can
this coin is headed steaight to the rubbish heap

>> No.7031815


>> No.7031818
File: 51 KB, 569x597, 1517129763684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

218K FUN. I may go for an even 250K before the conference. Stocked up between .02 and .04. We're going to make it lads, however FUNlets with under 10K need to beef it up a bit.

>> No.7031825
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>> No.7031847
File: 29 KB, 418x540, 10012456987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUN bro' reporting in. Bought 6,000 and will be buying another 2,500 very shortly when when my other sell orders are hit. In FUN we trust, Ramen.

>> No.7031870

I'm starting to have my doubts about anyone adopting their tech. I wish they had a backup plan. They should consider operating their own casino.

>> No.7031916
File: 443 KB, 800x670, 1513785962424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello FUNlets

>> No.7031933
File: 632 KB, 1024x768, 1517146606502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that even make one bit of sense when it's a non-mineable coin you absolute mongoloid?

>Muh keylogger on a token only available on an exchange with no individual wallet

There are plenty of better targets to trigger newfags with FUD, though your attempts are making my dick hard, as retarded FUD always comes before a Moon.

>> No.7032208

how much is the FUN internet defense force paying you shill?

>> No.7032241


100k /comfy/, wish I could afford more

>> No.7032489

400k FUN here, holding firm

>> No.7032548
File: 320 KB, 432x714, 1514955704053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, but the JIDF is actually a real thing, and comparing someone who holds an active interest in seeing other /biz/ NEETS succeed to a group of Zionists concerned with upholding society's Noble Lie of the holocaust and Jewish oppression in order to doom the goyim to further unquestioned debt slavery has crossed the realm of autistic, and into full blown retardation.

>> No.7032600
File: 112 KB, 1439x659, Screenshot_20180128-134514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kinda wanna dump my req n xlm for more fun

Meh these should be comfy

>> No.7032764

go fuck yourself with your shitty FUD.

>> No.7032786

spoken like a true FIDF agent

>> No.7032916

You have been CashPajeet. No one is buying your bags

>> No.7032954
File: 121 KB, 768x768, 1517067158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
