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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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701555 No.701555 [Reply] [Original]

How can we establish a strong middle class in Africa so that the niggers will stop acting like niggers,and aspire to improve their living conditions for themselves and their children?

Oh and make money while at it?

>> No.701560

KONY 2015. Use money to build suburbs.

>> No.701563
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what about
> digital currencies crowdfunding for africa?

ppl love crowdfunding, btc and every1 knows that africa needs some help..

>> No.701574



It's going to require forced labor. Europe did not enter the enlightenment by foraging and farming small scale for sustenance.

Lords constantly pushed the productivity of humans and forced them to pay into the systems which later allowed them to live better lives. It would take FORCED LABOR. Plain and simple.

If some sort of military were to put outposts across Africa and force them to cultivate more food than they needed and work more than minimum, things might improve.

As of now, they live by the skin of their teeth. Foreign aid in clothing and clean water/food really extinguishes the need to evolve and adapt.

This situation is comparable to a NEET child that will grow up to be a failure if the parents don't force him to do something. They are sick and tired of having to feed him and make nothing of his life. They kick him out of the house or force him to get a job.

As soon as the hardship comes, adaptation will follow.

>> No.701593
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Could we give them food in exchange for completing infrastructure projects?

There's no point in giving them food because of feelings,and feelings alone.

For instance we could force them to build rammed earth structures to keep the poor out of the elements.

>> No.701599

Mercenary army. Start by conquering all those shitholes where starved kids pick up rare earths with shovels. Automate production and extraction, make money with it. Reinvest profits in schools, hospitals, army and so on. Keep up a proxy government led by a black man meanwhile. Soon enough you will have a functioning society. Rinse and repeat with the rest of Africa, all while keeping the cash flowing. Attract foreign investors, bribe and blackmail key personalities in the G8 countries to make sure they don't get the idea of "exporting democracy" in your country. All while seizing control of key resources (coltan, rare earths) so the rest of the world is entirely dependent on you for electronic devices. Make your new supercountry tourist friendly and "democratic", so you get international sympathy too, and encourage western people to come to your country and establish there

>> No.701617

>so that the niggers will stop acting like niggers

You let the Chinese take over the entire continent

>> No.701676

> me
> caring about Africa in any way

nah mate.

>> No.701758


>It's going to require forced labor. Europe did not enter the enlightenment by foraging and farming small scale for sustenance.

Hahaha holy shit you know literally nothing about economic history.

>feudalism will surely lead to economic advancement!
>colonialism will surely lead to economic advancement!
>slave labor will surely lead to economic advancement!

Keep you shitty fascist ideas in /pol/ please, free trade, industrialization, and liberalism is the only known sustainable creator of wealth and a middle class.

>> No.701761


This is the economic arm of /pol/. Most posters don't even realize how ridiculously and grossly biased this place is.

>> No.702521

Capitalism was introduced to the Asian tigers through colonialism. Look at them now.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a completely different case cuz its people can't do shit.
I'm not the same anon, but I honestly believe the only way to introduce Sub-Saharan Africa to freetrade, industrialization, and liberalism is to recolonise, set up the main structure for a working society and leave the leadership to an able minded person. The West can then leave the Africans to their business.
Also the idea behind
>give man a fish and he can feed himself for a day, teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for a lifetime

>> No.702538

Almost all former colonies had a fucking terrible time when they were colonies and for a long time after. Colonialism has never caused any significant economic growth. It's like saying Britain had the industrial revolution because of the plague so maybe if we give all the blacks the plague they'll be rich.

>> No.702543


Listen to your Alexandr Dugin, /biz/man

>> No.702544
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How can we establish a strong middle class in the US?

>> No.702546


Are you lost? You know what website this is faggots?

>> No.702547

It's not stormfront anyway

>> No.702548

that's what we are doing tho, it makes sense in theory less people more resources to distribute amongst the people. Divide a loaf of bread 100 times and everyone goes hungry. Divide it into 4 slices and everyone gets a meal.

>> No.702549

/pol/ pls go

>> No.702550

You want Africa to get better? Stop exploiting them for their resources. You have foreign company bleeding people dry, and corrupt politicians/governments pocketing a fraction of the profit. Any time the country might go through some good change there's a convenient coup or assassination.

The only hope for Africa are benevolent dictatorships by a incorruptible figures.

>> No.702552

>implying fixed amount of bread in the world

>> No.702553

>implying infinite amount of bread in the world

>> No.702556


I don't browse stormfront I'm not a nazi douche, but to act like 4chan, ESPECIALLY a board as small as /biz/ needs to meet some standard is retarded.

>> No.702562

>implying infinite is opposite of fixed, not variable

>> No.702595

Nice ballista.

>> No.702857

what needs to happen is for us to build up those third world nations so they leave then we can all live in our own countries,

>> No.702878

/pol/ pls go

>> No.702899

While the colonization of Africa definitely contributed to why it's fucked up now, the politicians in Europe in the mid to late 20th century really, really fucked up Africa. The public wanted the right thing, thinking that white europeans influencing Africa was wrong etc... so the politicians get guilt tripped into getting out of there, however these politicians who everyone claims did the right thing, are good people, etc... fucked over Africa more then anyone else because Instead of pulling out of Africa slowly, and training Africans to learn their jobs, trades, how infrastructure works, etc... they just literally packed up and left over night so they got left with a bunch of stuff they couldn't support.

>> No.703128

>not realizing what kind of a market that would exist if Africa got itself on the right track to prosperity,and Law & Order.

>> No.703558
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Just gonna leave this here

>> No.703562


This is about the Africa not the U.S., and booooy is it an oversimplification.

>> No.703565
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True, but you can't claim Africans haven't tried to better themselves already. Honestly I just wished we'd cut off all outside biz and use our resources for ourselves to build an army, then an etopia.

>> No.703567



>> No.703570


Some have but I would like to see what you mean by better themselves. Of course there are people out there making generators that run on piss, but look at the atrocities still committed there. If we weren't involved it would probably worse who knows. There are only a few sub-Saharan countries that are getting better, but most are still run by warlords/hyper-corrupt politicians. The social landscape hasn't changed in 1000's of years.

>> No.703573

That's what capitalism is for

>> No.703576
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I just wrote a whole four paragraphs of a response, then realized what shit storm I was about to start.

I agree with whatever you say my friend.

>> No.703577


I don't care. I don't have any power to change things these are just my opinions mostly uninformed on an anonymous cp website. That being said nice cop out.

>> No.704458

Create a strong middle class job market. Africa has alot of corruption, shitty infrastructure, security issues, and poor education. Some interesting choices might be Kenya and Ghana.

>> No.704469



The former European colonial powers have little intentions of letting their former colonies slip from their sphere of influence. Virtually every African leader who isn't a tin-pot dictator that advocated self-reliance and independence from the West has been toppled by Western backed coups. So long as Europe remains strong African will never have a chance to industrialize.

>> No.704480
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Was waiting for someone to reply to that, reason being why I deleted my response

Seems everything has been said here

>> No.704489

You can't help them until the governments in the region get their shit together. The blatant corruption and lack of economic freedom cripples them.

>> No.704535

The problem they face is the government is legitimately weaker than the violent factions.

They might as well not be the government, just the gang with the most PR.

>> No.704545

Except for the fact that blacks have been free to advance for decades or more but still wallow in their own filth.

Jewish refugees after the Holocaust recovered and were on the same level economically with whites within a few years.

The Japanese people who were stripped of all of their possessions and forced into internment camps in America recovered and were on the same level economically with whites in less than a decade.

The Chinese were basically slaves here building the railroads, they are fine now.

The Irish were slaves at the same time as black people and they were also treated like dirt when more of them immigrated here, they are fine now.

Black people still fucking complain and blame whitey. Stop pushing this bullshit, we are all tired of it. Niggers need to work, father their children, and stop spending all of their extra money on rims and Jordans. Fuck off.

>> No.704546

Not really, the corruption just fucks them over. Politicians stealing money while the common man is fucked over. i.e., Nigerian soldiers trying to fight Boko Haram with inferior weaponry, no ammo, and equipment they are required to buy themselves. They run away not because they are cowards, but they literally have no ammunition or weapons to fight off an enemy who possesses superior weaponry.

>> No.704553
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>> No.704556
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>They might as well not be the government, just the gang with the most PR.

*Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding*

The U.S. is the same, but at least they understand how to cover shit up and at least give the lower class a chance in getting out of their shit.

Can't say the same for Nigeria...

Not going to respond to the other guy, I can smell the bait from here.

>> No.704587
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I don't respect that.

Countless atrocities are committed in closed societies by native dictators against their own people, it definitely does not solve the problem of exploitation. If you are so morally righteous you refuse to ignore the atrocities of colonialism 50 years ago, why are you ignoring atrocities happening right now?

It is true that an open society also has its disadvantages and these should be taken into account. It is true that if a corporation builds roads and factories it does not justify any exploitation that takes place, it is our duty to criticize our corporations and make sure they aren't up to no good.

However that is not what you are arguing, you would rather sit back and watch warlords exploit Africans to mine diamonds.


There are positive and negative consequences to every action, and this includes doing nothing. Sitting and barking at everyone else for taking action does not absolve you of the negative consequences of taking no action. You are a text book sentimentalist moral coward.

>> No.704602

All this is true except for the fact that you are a fucking moron.
Were the Jews profiled to the extent of Blacks? Were Japanese profiled to the extent of Blacks?
Were Irish slaves treated like Blacks after they became free?
Integration didn't happen until years after slaves were freed. Equal rights didn't occur until Jim Crowe laws were repealed. As we speak, Blacks are still undermined by gerrymandering. In many states, the popular vote went Democrats, yet very little was won. How have Asians faced that type of discrimination?And lets take Ferguson. I'm not talking about Michael Brown so don't jump on that train. Ferguson was ruled almost entirely by white Bureaucrats. Ferguson is party of a gerrymandered zone that their votes aren't heard. It's not uncommon for predominantly black areas to be divided up so their vote doesn't count. Irish have been in fact been reintegrated, and so have Jews, but Blacks still lack that. And yet here they are literally blaming it on them for what is being forced upon them. Whites have the system built around themselves, and in fact it is mostly the work of rich white men. As a rich white person, your son/daughter has a benefit. You want them to get a job, so you call your college friend who owns his own accounting firm and ask if you have a job for your child. Boom your kid has a job. Your poor black child needs a job? You tell them to get a job, you might even get them a job where you work but that would mean owing your boss bigtime, and you might have to own up to whatever your kid does wrong, which can get you fired. Think about that for a minute. My parents were quite wealthy. My first job was at a hospital as a receptionist making $18/hr. My college roommate's first job was at Von's and he got lucky he got that job because the guy they wanted didn't show up and he heard the managers talk about how the other guy had gotten a better job offer.

>> No.704608
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>Inb4 1/2 assed Wikipedia backed shitstorm from (lZaSyf+A)

>> No.704619

An e-topia?

>> No.704621

>You are a text book sentimentalist moral coward.
And, according to Dante, there is a special place reserved in Hell for his ilk.

>> No.704627
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lol, think Nigerians have had enough online pleasure for a while, dimwits are fun to play with but get boring from time to time. Remember, "419 is just a game".


>> No.704658 [DELETED] 


And you've said absolutely nothing. You're quite literally arguing with yourself.

>> No.704661


You're literally arguing with yourself and your words amount to little more than intellectual and moral posturing.

>> No.704670
